Nightmare Attack

Chapter 623 Lin Yuan

"Are you okay?" A voice sounded beside Jiang Cheng, carrying a faint fragrance. Lin Wan'er looked at him and asked.

Strangely enough, after hearing Lin Wan'er's voice, the messy things in Jiang Cheng's mind seemed to be contained in an instant, and even the tingling sensation in his head subsided a lot.

He rubbed his nose and said in a soothing voice: "Much better."

"Don't think too much, things will eventually be solved." Lin Wan'er's tone was convincing, "Go to rest early, there are still things to be busy with after dawn."

Because of Zhao Xingguo's death, they were safe for a short time.

They opened another room opposite this room. Although it was not large, it had a good view. They also had to guard against being targeted by people hired by the Feng family who paid a lot of money.

Lin Waner took Fatty Jiangcheng to the new room.

Huaiyi originally wanted to go with him, but firstly, Lin Wan'er had no intention of taking him with her, and secondly, she had just had a quarrel with Fu Fu and now he was in a hurry to leave, which seemed like he was afraid of her.

Thinking of this, Huaiyi, who had already stood up, sat back down.

Although Fu Fu looked weird, there were more than just the two of them here.

Pi Ruan is also there, and he has a helper if he really wants to take action.

Thinking of this, Huai Yi became more confident, "Brother Pi Ruan." Huai Yi generously patted the seat next to him, took the opportunity to cast a sidelong glance at Fu Fu, and deliberately said loudly: "Come, let's sit together by ourselves!"

"Okay, okay." Pi Ruan grabbed his clothes, then walked to Huai Yi and sat down. The two of them stared at Fu Fu with the same hatred.

But after some time passed, Huaiyi rubbed his arms and suddenly felt a little cold. "Why do I feel more insecure?" He swallowed, and such a strange thought suddenly popped into his mind.

It seemed as if it was not Fu Fu who was isolated, but him.

The atmosphere in the other room was much better. This room was quite clean, with two simple wooden beds covered with two fairly clean quilts.

"We can't let down our guard today." Jiang Cheng said in a deep voice: "There is something strange in the Feng Mansion, and I suspect there is something wrong with the portrait."

"The most important thing is that the straw man who killed Zhao Xingguo is missing."

After listening to Jiang Cheng's words, the fat man swallowed nervously and kept looking around with his small eyes, "Doctor, you don't mean to say that the straw man has come back with you, do you?"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Cheng shook his head, "I don't know, my head is very messy right now, and there are still many clues that I can't figure out."

"But one thing is certain, Liu Laizi is related to ghosts." Jiang Cheng recalled: "When we were leaving, we heard a strange sound of footsteps near the mourning hall, and it was Liu Laizi."

"But the situation at that time was very strange. We could only hear his footsteps, but we couldn't determine his location. We didn't dare to pursue him too deeply, so we withdrew first.

No one was surprised by this result. There were too many doubts about Liu Laizi. After all the intelligence gathered, they all pointed to this weird guy.

Among the three, Lin Wan'er is always the one who behaves most relaxedly. This has nothing to do with the situation. People who know her will know that this woman has always looked lazy.

The fat men in Jiangcheng are all used to it.

Lin Wan'er stroked her chin and said, "Luo He said some of his opinions before he was taken away. The ghost's killing method is to confuse and drag people into dreams. He speculated that fainting caused by external force may prevent being dragged into the dream by ghosts. Dreamland.”

Like a conditioned reflex, the words "through external force" made the fat man's neck feel cold. He immediately looked at Lin Wan'er with a fearful expression.

What's even more strange is that his neck tilted to one side unconsciously and he couldn't break it back.

Jiang Cheng was much calmer. He thought for a moment and finally nodded, "You can give it a try. Besides, the ghost just killed someone, so it's relatively safe now."

"But we have to leave one person to watch the night." At the same time, he emphasized that after all, the danger now does not all come from ghosts.

Lin Wan'er nodded, "I'll keep watch."

The next second, before Fatty could react, Jiang Cheng swayed and fell down, just lying on the bed.

Lin Wan'er retracted her hand and looked at the trembling fat man beside her.

"Boss Lin Lin, please wait a moment." The fat man said with rejection written all over his face, "I have something to say."

Lin Wan'er smoothed the hair from her temples, then took off the hairpin. Her long black hair was spread out like ink. She bit the hairpin and quickly rolled up her long hair behind her head with both hands, tying it up neatly. .

After doing all this, when she raised her head again, her whole aura instantly changed from charming to fierce, and her long autumn eyes were cold and devoid of any emotion.

The fat man stared at the woman in front of him, feeling strange for a moment.

Even dangerous.

Then, before he could speak, a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and the fat man fell to the ground with a "pop" and lost consciousness.

After dragging the unconscious fat man to the bed and leaving him behind, Lin Wan'er turned around and walked to Jiang Cheng's bedside, looking at him condescendingly.

The candlelight was like a bean, constantly beating in the dim room, making Lin Wan'er's profile appear and disappear.

If it weren't for the fat man, a man and a woman, the scene would even be a bit charming.

Stretching out her hand, Lin Wan'er slowly unbuttoned her windbreaker and took out a small object from close to her chest. It was shaped like an earphone and had a metallic sheen on it.

Lin Wan'er casually hung the device on her ear, and after touching it with her hand, a small red light lit up, and after a moment, it turned blue again.

That lazy state disappeared, and Lin Wan'er now looked like a cold-blooded killer. Her cold temperament spread and actually lowered the candlelight a bit.

There was a hissing sound from the earphones. Lin Wan'er stared at Jiang Cheng's face with his eyes closed tightly and said, "Start recording."

"Operation codename: Abyss."

"Goal: Enter memories and find the lost door to the abyss."

"Number of executions: 77th."

"Executor: Lin Yuan, the person in charge of the Night Watch Abyss Project."

"Special note: There have been signs of recovery in the target's memory recently. After exploration, seal the memory in time and strengthen the memory lock."

"And adjust the interval between each exploration from a full month to three weeks."

"Special Note 2: It has been confirmed that Crimson No. 3 Luo He, No. 4 Wei Jinting, and No. 8 Fu Fu infiltrated this mission at the same time."

"In addition, there will be other Crimson members near Greystone Town to assist."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Wan'er reached out her left hand and covered Jiang Cheng's forehead. A strange halo of light surged out, like an icy blue river, flowing into Jiang Cheng's head.

"That's it for now." Lin Wan'er closed her eyes, "Recording completed."

The next second, Lin Wan'er's figure appeared in the long river, her windbreaker fluttering, and the exposed plain cheongsam echoed with the river water, as if she had stepped into history.

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