Nightmare Attack

Chapter 656 Ring

"Listen to the story I'm telling you next. The man in sportswear spoke, his voice was high-pitched and uncomfortable.

"The name of this story" the man paused, raised his head and said, "just call it the ring."

"There is a man named Aqiang who is a black truck driver. He usually plays cards with a few friends during the day and only comes out to do work at night."

"Business was not very good that day, and it was raining, so he wanted to go back early and maybe even play a card game."

"But when he drove to a relatively remote road, he found a man standing on the side of the road, waving his hand to take a ride."

"There were very few cars willing to come here, and it was raining. Aqiang felt that his big business was coming. After asking about this person's destination, Aqiang opened his mouth and asked for a price that was twice as high as usual. "

"To his surprise, the man had no intention of bargaining and agreed directly, but asked Aqiang to wait for him for a while. After that, the man walked back into the rain."

"About a minute later, the man came back, but with an extra suitcase in his hand."

"The suitcase looked very heavy, and it was very difficult for the man to carry it with both hands. Aqiang thought that if he asked for so much money, he should get out of the car to help, but unexpectedly, he was rejected directly."

"This man asked Aqiang to open the trunk and then put the suitcase in himself."

“Then I walked to the car, opened the back door, and got in.

"This man was wearing black clothes and a baseball cap on his head. The brim of the hat was very low and dripping water."

"Aqiang glanced through the rearview mirror and found that he couldn't see his face at all."

"The road was quite far, towards a village in the city. On the way, Aqiang stopped to use the restroom, but when he came back, he found that the people in the car were missing."

“I didn’t even look around when I got out of the car, until out of the corner of my eye I saw the fare left by this person on the back seat.”

"Looks like I left in an emergency." Aqiang put the money away, checked it, and found that it was a lot, so he happily put it away and drove towards home.

"A friend happened to call him on the way and there was a bar. He went there and drank until about 2 a.m. before wandering home."

"He took out his cell phone and keys from the car and was about to go upstairs. Just then, he heard a strange sound in a trance."

"As if something was guiding him in the dark, his eyes wandered and finally fell on the trunk."

"The man should have taken the suitcase away at that time. Although Aqiang thought so, he still walked over and opened the trunk. A suitcase was lying quietly inside."

"Aqiang lifted the suitcase with his hands and narrowed his eyes slightly. Just as he thought, it was really heavy. There might be something good in it.

"I've been having a bad time playing cards recently and I've lost a lot. If there's something valuable in it,"

"He just did what he said. He took out a few tools from the trunk, which he used to repair the car. Now they come in handy."

"But just as he pried open the suitcase, a stench hit his nostrils, and at the same time, a bent female corpse appeared in front of him."

"Aqiang was almost frightened to death when he suddenly saw this scene in the middle of the night."

"But then, he paused and saw a bright light on the pale finger of the female corpse. It was a ring with a huge ruby ​​inlaid on it. It looked very valuable."

"After the box was opened, a red leather bag fell out. Aqiang hesitated for a moment, then bravely took the bag. After opening it, there were some documents and a few keys inside, and the rest was money."

"Seeing the money, Aqiang had other thoughts. At this time, there was no one nearby, so no one knew about the suitcase he picked up. As for whether the passenger would call the police, Aqiang didn't think he would. , because he is the murderer of the woman!"

"So as long as he takes care of this female body and doesn't get discovered by anyone, all this will pass without anyone noticing, and he can still make a fortune."

"Thinking of this, Aqiang relied on the strength of his drink and immediately closed the trunk, then followed the path and drove the car to a wild lake."

"Just when he was about to throw the suitcase into the lake, he remembered the ring on the female corpse's finger again. Without stopping, he opened the suitcase again and tried to pull the ring off the female corpse's finger with trembling hands. , but the ring was so tight that he even tore the skin on the female corpse’s finger, but he still couldn’t take it off.”

"At this time, he stared at a stone on the ground. The corner of the stone was sharp. He finally broke the female corpse's finger and finally took off the ring."

"Then he stuffed a few large rocks into the suitcase to ensure that the suitcase would not float, and then threw the suitcase containing the female body into the lake."

"Until he sobered up, he was really worried for several days, paying attention to any news on the news every day."

"But fortunately, everything is normal, as if everything before was just a dream."

"But he stared at the ring in his hand and knew it was definitely not a dream."

"The strange things started a few days later." The man in sportswear emphasized: "To be precise, it was the seventh day."

"Because Aqiang was rich during this period, he stopped driving. Instead, he got together with friends every day, drank and played cards."

"That night he drank too much again. After playing cards for a while, he felt very sleepy. At about 2 o'clock in the morning, he was ready to go home and sleep."

"While walking on the road, Aqiang didn't feel anything at first, but after walking for a while, he felt something was wrong."

"His home is not far from his friend's house. It usually only takes more than 10 minutes to walk there. But today, it seemed that he had walked for a long time, but there was still a road ahead, and there was no sign of home at all."

"Thinking of this, a cold wind suddenly came, and he couldn't help but shudder."

"Then, as if he was sensing something, Aqiang slowly turned around. Because there were no street lights, he could only vaguely see the outline."

"About 30 meters behind him, something seemed to be moving."



"With a frightening rolling sound, Aqiang finally saw clearly what was following him."

"It's a suitcase!"

"And that's the suitcase he threw into the lake!"

"In an instant, there was a buzz in Aqiang's head, and he sobered up in an instant, then turned around and ran towards home."

"Running and screaming for help."

"The suitcase was always following him, gliding slowly and slowly, but not at all slow, at least faster than Aqiang."

"Just when Aqiang felt that he was about to be overtaken, suddenly his left foot seemed to be grabbed by a hand, and then he lost his balance and fell to the ground."

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