Nightmare Attack

Chapter 706 Investigation

"When they went out, they found many people standing in the corridor. ReadМ"

"There were also several police officers in police uniforms, and the leaders of their departments were also there, explaining something to the police with ugly expressions."

"A few girls felt it was strange, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions. The teacher arranged for them to go to the office upstairs. A male policeman with a serious expression was sitting inside. He should be the leader here, and there was another person responsible for recording next to him. Policewoman."

"The policewoman mentioned Meng Yumian as soon as she opened her mouth. Oh, she was the lead dancer who was locked in the equipment room last night."

"A few girls instinctively felt strange and a little scared, so they told the policewoman exactly what happened last night."

"Then he specifically said that Meng Yumian seemed to be feeling unwell after coming back from the rain last night. He had been sleeping in the dormitory, so he didn't come to class."

"It was relatively normal at first, but when the policewoman recorded this, she suddenly stopped, raised her head, looked at them with a strange expression, and asked in surprise: What did you say?"

"After Meng Yumian came back from the rain last night, she seemed to have caught a cold, so she kept sleeping in the dormitory. We asked her in the morning but she couldn't get up, so we..."

"You said Meng Yumian went back to the dormitory last night, and he is still sleeping in the dormitory now?!" Yuan Xiaoyi imitated the policewoman's voice, and her tone suddenly rose several degrees.

"I'm warning you, we will record every word you say!" The policewoman put down her pen with a snap, her face so gloomy that water dripped from her face.

"A few freshmen girls who had just entered college had never seen such a scene before. When they saw the policewoman's face change, they were so frightened that their expressions changed. They hurriedly explained that everything they said was true and they didn't dare to If you don’t believe it, just go to the dormitory and find out.”

"One of the girls also whispered that Meng Yumian is in the dormitory. If it is related to her, just go to her directly. She is lying on bed No. 4 in the dormitory."

"The female police officer's face became even weirder after hearing this. Before she could continue to ask questions, the male police officer who had never spoken spoke. His voice was very calm and sounded very reliable."

"But what he said next made the four girls dumbfounded."

"We received a call this morning and found a body in the woods east of the school playground. After on-site investigation, it was found to be freshman Meng Yumian."

"A few seconds later, one of the four girls staggered and passed out. She was the girl who drank too much last night and was the first to suggest that Meng Yumian be locked up.

"The others were so frightened that they turned pale. They kept saying it was impossible. She came back last night. When they got up in the morning, they saw her under the quilt, but her back was turned to them and they couldn't see her face clearly. , but she’s right!”

"When the two police officers saw this scene, they stopped provoking the girls and asked them to stay and cooperate with the investigation."

"Soon after, the girl who fainted woke up with the help of the school doctor, but she seemed to be frightened and kept crying."

"Not long after, the door was opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a white coat with a police uniform shirt walked in and whispered a few words to the male police officer."

"But immediately, the girls noticed a strange flash in the eyes of the male policeman who was always on the lookout for danger. Then, leaving the policewoman and four female students behind, they hurriedly followed the middle-aged man and left."

"When I came back, it was already noon, and the sun was just right, but the male policeman who came back seemed to be a different person. After sending the female policeman away who looked confused, he patiently asked the four girls what happened last night."

"There was a girl who observed more carefully. She noticed that this time the male policeman turned off the voice recorder on the table as soon as he sat down."

"With the comfort of the male police officer, the four girls slowly recounted what happened last night in full, including why Meng Yumian was locked up and how she came back."

"The male police officers asked very detailed questions, including Meng Yumian's movements, expressions, and status when he came back at night. The girls answered them while recalling them."

"Under the guidance of the male police, several girls gradually realized that something was wrong."

"First of all, how did Meng Yumian get out of the equipment room alone?"

"When they got angry, they locked the outside door with a padlock, the old-fashioned kind. Even if Meng Yu had the key, she couldn't stick her hand out from the crack in the door to unlock it."

"Also, Meng Yuting's condition when she came back was also very suspicious. Her face was extremely pale, even pale, as if her blood had been drained."

"And after she came back, she didn't say a word from beginning to end."

"Having wet hair stuck to your face without wiping it, crawling into the quilt to sleep while your whole body is soaked, is almost unimaginable for a girl, especially a girl like Meng Yumian who is usually very image-conscious. "

"At this time, the girl on the other side of the bed with her trembled and added that she woke up several times during her sleep last night and was woken up by the cold. At first, she thought it was because the window was not closed, but now that she thinks about it, the chill came from It came from Meng Yumian’s bed.”

"And since she got under the quilt, no one has seen her move again. She is motionless. Her head is covered with the quilt, her face is facing the wall, and only the hair on the back of her head is exposed."

"The hair is stuck together due to moisture, and it seems to be covered with yellowish-brown mud."

"The male policeman gasped. These are consistent with the results of their investigation. The trace inspection team went to the dormitory. Of course they did not find Meng Yumian's body, but they found large water stains on bed No. 4, which were stuck together. Hair, and wet mud.”

"The trace inspection results came out soon. The composition of the wet mud sample extracted from bed No. 4 is completely consistent with the mud sample where Meng Yumian's body was located."

"That means it was Meng Yumian's body that came back that night." Jiang Cheng looked at Yuan Xiaoyi and said softly.

Yuan Xiaoyi nodded, her tone fluctuating slightly, "Later, everyone found out that Meng Yumian was killed by a passing drunkard."

"It is said that a drunkard got evil intentions when he saw Meng Yumian alone on the playground with no one around." Yuan Xiaoyi paused, her face suddenly became solemn, and she whispered: "This is not the case. The most hateful thing is that after killing someone, the murderer also gouged out Meng Yumian's eyes. "

"Gouging out her eyes" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised.

"Yes." Yuan Xiaoyi pursed her lips and said, "I heard that the scene was particularly tragic. The first person to report the discovery of the body was an old professor who was doing morning exercises. He was quite old, because Meng Yumian was wearing red dance clothes at the time. It was more conspicuous, so the old professor noticed it.”

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