Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 662: Robbery 1

Elensis carefully wiped his knife with a handkerchief.

The short knife is like a delicate work of art, and the silver handles are engraved with fine and delicate patterns.

Like a cat, it looks like a lion's pattern, extending along the handle to the blade.

The edge of the blade has slender blood-stained lines. It was a cutting ceremony he performed with his own blood.

Every time he wants to kill a heavy guy, he will use his own blood to cut it first.

As the first place in the five-round flower organization, Sunflower, Alensis has absolute confidence and can complete this task before the green emeralds arrive.

Packing things up, he changed into an ordinary student's dress, and his face looked ten years younger, and he seemed to be back in his college days.

Standing in front of the large library of Ming'an University, Alansis pulled the hem of his school uniform and looked like a regular boy in the school who went in for self-study and strode into the library.

"The target was found, and the specific location has been sent." The voice of his subordinate came from the micro-headphone.

Ellens turned a corner of his mouth, with a smile, and looked at the glasses to show that he had reached the map.

There is a small, delicate red dot on the map, and a picture of Zhao Hongjing is marked with a cartoon pattern on the red dot.

"I always like to make such gadgets all day." Ellensis smiled helplessly.

Along the corridor on the first floor of the library, he kept going forward towards the third study room.

Target positioning is in the third study room.



Chen Shi, the silent lion, hasn't felt this kind of trouble for a long time.

He saw the opponent's strategy at the first time, divided his troops into two places, and dragged him and Zhu Xingchu. On the other side, someone was sent to the school alone to arrest Zhao Hongjing.

But even though he saw the other's intentions, after all, he had no way to break the game.

Because of the people who came to entangle him, there were two killers alone. There are more than a dozen supporters, each of which is not bad.

It is not the existence of the top ten rankings. In fact, the gap with other ranking killers is not as large as expected.

In the face of this level of opponents, even the silent lion is a little helpless.


A steel needle flew past his ear. Bring out a small, sharp cracking sound.

Chen Shi flashed sideways, rushed into the alleyway on the other side, and continued to gallop towards Ming'an University.

His subordinates can only hold ordinary attackers, while the real master can only be dealt with by himself.

The second and third place in the five round flowers are not so easy to meet.

If on a weekday, Chen Shi meets with two people, he usually retreats.

But at this time, there are certain things he has to do and has to do.

The leader once gave his life-saving grace, and it was time to pay it back.


He was calm and shook back a small piece of black gum like a hand.


The small thing suddenly exploded, bursting out a thick black smoke, and immediately completely covered the whole roadway behind.

Chen Shi speeded up and rushed towards Ming'an University.

It's coming ...... It's coming soon!

Rushing out of the alley, a red sports car on the right swayed sideways, stopping just in front of him.

Chen Shi didn't even look at the driver. He turned over and got into the car. In the roar of the engine, the car started quickly and hurried away towards the distance.

"It's okay?" It was Zhu Xingchu who drove before.

"It's okay. Others, I have let them retreat separately and go directly to the school to meet. There are too many people this time, too cruel." Chen Shi shook his head.

"After this time, take Hong Jing away from here. If we are still in the bright place, we can't protect the safety of others." Zhu Xingchu said lowly.

"It can only be so." Chen Shi nodded.

Hesitate. The sports car flicked its tail, turned a corner, and continued to drive towards the university frantically.



Ahhhh ~~~~

Zhao Hongjing yawned and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Hmm ... yawning can cause tears? Strange ..."

He didn't know why, so he picked up the book and blocked it in front of himself, and continued to prepare to sleep on the table.

Hum ... hum ...

Suddenly there was a shuddering sound in his pants pocket.

The phone rang.

Zhao Hongjing didn't move.

After shaking the phone for a while. He slowly took out the mobile phone slowly and carefully, using an attitude of holding a baby, and tapped the touch screen with absolute care and opened the answer button.

"Someone wants to catch you! Be careful, Zhao Hongjing!" A hurried female voice came over the phone.

Zhao Hongjing blinked and looked down at the caller ID of the phone.

It's an unknown number.

"Sick." He snapped the number down.

Although this number looks familiar to the book, it seems to be the number that the woman named Zhu Xingchu left to him before.

It's just that he didn't store it well.

Zhao Hongjing looked at the time. It was still early and he slept for two hours.

He decided to continue to sleep on his stomach, and the hard work these days made him exhausted. Unspeakable exhaustion.

Just when he was planning to continue his sleep.

"Zhao Hongjing?" A whispered girl voice floated from the right.

A little familiar.

Zhao Hongjing reluctantly re-supported his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

The squad leader Zhang Chengwei hugged a few books, and looked at him dozing a little bit puzzled.

The turquoise green suspenders on her body reflected bright, bright colors under bright light.

Legs are also wearing only jeans shorts, showing long white fair legs. The skin was a little white like the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Zhao Hongjing liked to eat.

"Have you come to the library?" Zhang Chengwei was surprised.

In her impression, Zhao Hongjing has always been awake and exhausted.

Now suddenly met in the library study room, which made her feel blinded by her old dog.

"Squad leader ... I'll make up for it, you don't care about me." Zhao Hongjing said sleepily, then continued to lie down.

"....... make up ..."

Zhang Chengwei looked at the full seated surroundings, from left to right, a whole row of serious faces with their heads down to learn to do the problem, and a dog head lying on the table slept on the table and drooled a line at the corner of his mouth.

She twitched the corner of her mouth, trying to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Because there is no place, Zhang Chengwei can only stand on the side and wait.

Fortunately, after a while, the people on the side of Zhao Hongjing seemed to see her and Zhao Hongjing knew each other, and stood up with a smile and moved her a place.

After Zhang Chengwei thanked him, she sat down beside Zhao Hongjing.

What she didn't expect was that Zhao Hongjing didn't sleep much, just got up in ten minutes.

He rubbed his eyes, and actually started to read books and take notes seriously.

"Have you really come to study?" Zhang Chengwei couldn't help but say.

"Of course." What else did Zhao Hongjing want to say, suddenly the phone vibrated again.

He took it out and looked at it, a strange phone call.

Pick it up, press the ON button, and place it in your ear. There was a sudden sound in the microphone over there.

"You are very dangerous now! Zhao Hongjing, someone is already on your side and may do something to you at any time! You must ..."

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