Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 191 Attraction 2

"Your teacher." Ma Yi's expression changed when he heard the key words. Try to dig out some secrets of the Tekken Association.

Although the Iron Fist Association only made a fuss in a small port on Celine's side, it attracted a lot of attention.

It has been a long time since such a powerful and confident organization has emerged from various countries.

Although many organizations are also very strong, after all, everyone has watched them grow stronger. There are traces to follow every step.

However, the Iron Fist Association suddenly popped up like it popped out of a crack in a rock.

So some neighboring countries close to Celine are somewhat interested in this.

"What's wrong with my teacher?" Lin Sheng pretended not to understand. "Anyway, don't ask me anything. I don't know anything."

"It's nothing, I just want to ask." Mayi smiled a little embarrassedly. "You Tekken Association, have you ever thought about opening a branch here?"

"Huh??!" Lin Sheng paused, as if he didn't expect Ma Yi to say such a thing.

"Didn't you hear clearly? Let me ask again." Ma Yi's face became serious. "The higher-ups asked me to ask you, can the Iron Fist Federation hold a branch meeting on our side."

"Which side?" Lin Sheng was caught off guard. He was kicked out from Celine just now, and now there are still people who actively ask him to open a branch meeting.

"To be honest, our West Wheel is mainly divided into the east and the west, and we belong to the east.

Usually in the east, the elected state legislature decides all affairs here, even including the army. "

Mai explained.

"The one who invited you this time is the Demoncy State Assembly where we are located, and it is the unanimous appeal of the entire assembly."

Lin Sheng was puzzled.

"I can try to apply again, but we will always have a grudge with Redeon's Paradise Tower, don't you be afraid."

"It doesn't matter. Redeon Paradise Tower is strong, but we are not vegetarian." Mayi smiled. "Also. Do you know why we have the most advanced arts in Xilun?"


"Because we are inclusive and tolerant of everything. As long as the Tekken Association is not an anti-human and anti-social organization, we in Xilun welcome it with both hands." Ma Yi laughed.

"Well... I'll go back and apply. To be honest, I also want to re-open the branch, but it depends on whether the upper management supports it." Lin Sheng said with a hesitant expression.

"Don't worry, if the branch can be located in our Demond West State, the preferential welfare policies we can offer are definitely beyond your imagination!" Ma Yi's small eyes narrowed into a line with a smile.

He took out a folded piece of black paper from his pocket, put it on the table, and gently pushed it to Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng took it, opened it and looked at it.

Rows of clauses are actually all discounts and benefits for the establishment of the Tekken branch.

What are tax exemptions for five years, key support for advertising, high-amount interest-free loans, and free rolling broadcasts during prime time in the state.

"Your attitude was not like this before." Lin Sheng put away the paper and refolded it.

"I used to serve the general government, but now, I am a native of Demond West. We serve the state assembly." The fat man said with a smile.

"We are extremely curious about your guild's practice method, which can actually allow some people who have no evil qualifications to break through the boundaries for no reason and become extraordinary."

"Conditional." Lin Sheng interrupted him. "Before I taught the practice method, I checked the other party's physique. Those who are not qualified will not have the opportunity to be taught."

"Okay. I wonder if I can tell you what the conditions are?" Finally, the man sitting next to Mayi spoke.

Last time, this guy had an extremely irritable expression, but this time it is much more normal. Although there is still a little impatience in his eyes, he has been able to restrain his temper.

"It's hard to say exactly, but the probability is to pick one out of hundreds of people." Lin Sheng simply mentioned.

"." There was a hint of disappointment in the eyes of Mai and Yi.

Wouldn't this be the same as choosing people with evil energy?

Lin Sheng saw what the two of them meant, so he didn't say anything.

The waiter just brought the coffee and fruit plate. He pierced a piece of watermelon with a toothpick and stuffed it into his mouth.

He has already told the other party the truth, how to decide is the other party's business. If you can still insist on giving so many benefits like this, then the branch here is not a big deal.

Billion Islands.


An orange flame exploded on Kadulla's body.

Flesh and blood flew across, and large groups of red debris exploded violently, splashing everywhere on the surrounding ground as if they didn't want money.

"It hurts so much." Kadulla's body squirmed, healed rapidly, and returned to its original appearance in less than two seconds. Even the clothes are back to normal.

Tens of meters in front of him, more than a dozen Redeon soldiers who were kneeling on one knee and shooting were caught, climbed, and submerged by the arms springing from the ground in an instant. He didn't even have time to let out a scream.

This is a redon barracks on the island.

Buildings in the camp have been set on fire, and the fire is burning, turning several buildings into huge torches that are tens of meters high.

There were corpses, guns, and cannon barrels all over the ground.

In the flames, a large number of pale arms were like swarms of insects, wriggling, crawling, converging into white rivers, flowing through the ground.

From a distance, it looks like huge white snakes flowing back and forth between the flames.

Kadulla stood in the center, his eyes were dark, like a black hole without light.

He scanned left and right, and found no living creatures that could resist, so he continued to move his body forward.

When he just raided this camp, his body was attacked and fired countless times, bombs, artillery shells, sniper rifles, and various traps and explosives.

But every time his body was blown up, he was able to quickly return to normal.

This kind of hopelessly terrifying immortality quickly made Redon's army despair.

"Boring." Kadulla moved forward several hundred meters, almost penetrating the entire barracks.

But even so, no one attacked him.

Everyone in the barracks was dead or fled.

"Since we have given up everything. Then... let's end it completely." Kadulla raised his right arm and pressed it lightly.

In an instant, there was an invisible shock, centered on him, and spread to all arms in the entire barracks in an instant.

Countless white arms exploded suddenly, sinking into the ground one after another.

And the corpses of a large number of soldiers who fell on the ground also poured essence into their arms, and then sank into the ground.

For a while, there was not even a trace of blood in the barracks, only a few scattered guns and weapons remained.

"A garrison camp with more than 400 people fell in less than three minutes. Kadulla, do you Iron Fist want to completely fight against the Tower of Heaven?"

A green light shone in the distance, and a metal ring appeared on the ground. Suddenly, two blurred figures appeared in the circle.

Like a long-distance holographic projection, the two figures flickered from time to time, and the signal seemed to be unstable.

But the sound was clearly conveyed.

"War? Why?" Kadulla's eyes widened in surprise.

"You Redeons have so many people, I just ate a little bit. It's less than one hundred thousandth of your population. How dare you go to war for such a small number of people?"

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