Ninth in The World

Vol 17 Chapter 874: Wangshan Avenue

Chuman’s hand pointed to the messy image of the hair. “It’s this person, when he hurriedly fled into the mountains.”

"Where is that?" Di Jiu asked casually. He was the first to come to Wangshan, not to mention the Wangshan Avenue. The guy pointed by Chu Manyhe is exactly what he wants to kill.

Chumanhe pointed to the distance and said, "Before the start of the second war of creation, Wangshan appeared. The avenue is a sacred road under the mountain, where the rhyme is vertical and the atmosphere is pervasive, as long as the monks enter. They have gained a very good chance. Even if they can't get the chance, they will be washed by the pure rhyme inside and the flesh. After the war, the road will disappear, but the place is still in the same place."

"Do you know the avenue?" Di Jiu knows that although his own path is seen in this distance more than the average monk does not know how many times, but he is the first time to come to this place. If there is no Chumanhe lead, he is afraid to spend a lot of time. For him, the sooner you find lightning, the better.

"I am willing to bring my friends together." Chumanhe said without hesitation.

Di nodded nine, very appreciative of Chumanhe's simply, "My name is Di Jiu, let's say, what do you need me to help you?"

Chumanho suddenly stood up to answer his question, apparently there was a need. If within the limits of his ability, Di Jiu does not mind helping Chu Manhe.

Chu Manhe’s voice was a little excited. “Di Daoyou, I need Luo Xianxian...”

Di Jiu looked helplessly at Chu Manhe, and he naturally knew why Chu Manhe needed Luo Xian Xianlian. He also needs this thing, but you can get it.

"Chu Daoyou, I am not helping you, nor saying that the value of Luo Lan Xianlian is too high. It is really powerless. This thing is extinct now. I also want a pair of Luo Yi Xianlian to save my friends, but for so many years. Come, I have never heard of anyone who still has Luo Xian Xianlian, and I have never heard of Luo Xixian wherever it appears. Moreover, even if I can find a Luosong Xianlian, I will save my friend first."

Chu Manhe seems to be trying to slow down her excitement, but she still can't completely restrain herself, but she has tried to slow down her tone. "Di Daoyou, I know there is a place in Luoyang Xianlian, where there are not only Luo Yan Xianlian, and there is more than one..."

Di Jiu Daxi, not waiting for Chu Manhe to finish, is equally excited to look at Chu Manhe, "Chu Daoyou, do you really know where there is Luo Xixian? You say, as long as there are two Luosong Xianlian, I will definitely get Come, then give you a flower."

Chumanhe took a breath, "Di Daoyou, that place is the avenue. I am sure that the person you are looking for, except for the guy with the messy hair, the rest of the people have also gone to the avenue. The avenue is actually the forbidden mountain A living place where there are many monks living..."

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Di Ji whispers to himself, "Is this not a lost world?"

Chumanhe did not know what was the missing road, and continued, "In fact, there are very few people in the avenue who can leave, but they do not leave, or they dare not leave. They know that only Wangshan is forbidden. It is the best place to cultivate, and the avenue is the best place to upgrade the strength of Wangshan. Many places in the avenue are occupied, and once someone leaves, his position will soon be occupied. Of course, this also I just heard that they are really able to leave, I am not sure."

Di nodded nodly. If this is the case, then the avenue and the missing road are somewhat different. At least some of the people here are not helpless, but to enhance their strength.

Chumanhe followed and said, "The monk with Luo Xian Xian Lian called the game, and the rumor is a very powerful master. If it is not because of the Taoist rhyme, he was already killed by Ye Daojun. The formation of the forbidden land after the formation of the forbidden land The rhyme saved him. After his soul had a sense of autonomy, he immediately took out countless cosmic treasures and restored his body."

Di Jiu heard a slight change in his face, and he remembered where Xiuqi was hiding. That is the world of the monks themselves. Xiuqi was able to open his own world in the first step. That is because Xiuqi cultivated the rule avenue, and Xiuqi burned her soul. Of course, Di Jiu guessed Xiu Qi should also have his own chance.

But the fallen monks here, I am afraid most of them are the third step of the strongest. Since it is the third step, it is natural to open up a world of its own. Imagine how many years a monk has experienced in a third step. If there is no treasure, no one will believe it. These monks fall here, and as long as they have regained some wisdom, they can open their own world and restore their strength.

Their world can only be opened by themselves, others can kill them, but they can't take their things away.

If the avenues are all such strong, a district of his district is full, go to death?

It seems that I saw the idea of ​​Di Jiu, Chumanhe said, "The avenue has a hidden rule. Everyone in the strong there has its own secret. So everyone agrees to follow a rule, that is, you can't just do it. Killing other monks to **** things. Once this rule is broken, the avenue is no longer a paradise for those who practice. If Didaoyou has enough treasures to go to the avenue, he can exchange Luo Yi Xianlian with the game."

Chu Manhe only has the state of the soul and the half god. It is impossible to see that the actual cultivation of Di Jiu is only the realm of the mixed yuan. In her opinion, since Di Jiu is looking for the first few people, the repair is definitely not too weak, at least it is a third step. The guy with the messy hair can still be impatient in the forbidden land of Wangshan. It is definitely not easy to repair. If she knows that Di Jiu has only mixed elements, I am afraid she will never persuade Di Jiu to go to Wangshan forbidden.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Di Jiu heard the rules and the rules, almost no hesitation, said directly, "Well, then we will go to the avenue now."


Wrapped by Di Jiu's martial arts rhyme, Chu Manhe shocked Di Jiu's speed. She is sure that since she debuted, she has never seen someone faster than Di Jiu.

The fastest step she has ever seen is the third step of the wing She is sure that even the third step of the wing family is compared with Di Jiu, the speed is not necessarily better than Di Jiu Faster. Di Jiu's can't call speed, but the teleportation of whatever he wants.

In just a few days, Di Jiu stopped, and in front of them was an infinite abyss that could not be touched by the mind and the Tao. Standing on the edge of the abyss, Di Jiu can only feel the infinite white haze. In this place, Di Jiu actually felt that the rules were complete, without any broken and chaotic. Not only that, but in the depths of this white mist, there is also a hint of heaven and earth that transcends the realm of the gods.

No wonder those strong people are not willing to leave here, this place is indeed the best place to practice. Di Jiu is sure that lightning is here, he has already felt the breath of lightning.

"I want to go in and see, you are waiting for me here. When I get something, I will definitely find you." Di Jiu turned and said to Chu Manhe.

Chumanhe said without hesitation, "No, I will go in with you."

Di Jiu looked at Chu Manhe. "I am going in. If something happens, I can take it away at any time. And you, if something happens, you may only fall into it."

Chumanhe shook his head. "If this is the case, it is my life. When I was in the war of creation, I should have fallen. I can be restored to some souls by the atmosphere of creation. It is earned. Even if it is dead, then What else?"

"Yes, think about it. If that's the case, let's go. Let's go in together." Di Jiu appreciated this Chumanho. After Chumanhe said that he was not afraid of death, he no longer hesitated and rolled up Chuman directly. The lotus has entered the avenue of white mist.

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