North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI

Chapter 245 Corpse investigation, remnants of the death scene

The kitchen of Jonny Dennison's house is very large, with enough space for three or four people to work at the same time. According to visual estimation, it is about forty square meters.

Refrigerator, oven, roaster

It can be said.

In this kitchen, you can make the food and drinks needed for daily parties.

The body of Jonny Dennison was lying face down and his back up next to the refrigerator. The back of his head had obvious blow wounds, and the blood was left all over the place, which also stained the deceased's collar in blood red.

Not far in front of the deceased, there was a square object covered by a black cloth.

On top of the black cloth was a pink and white carnation.

Dean narrowed his eyes slightly.

Carnation, also known as carnation, is the most commonly used flower species in the United States to mourn the dead.

black cloth, carnation

Are these things left by the murderer?

Dean was not in a hurry to check what it was. After observing the kitchen environment, he squatted in front of the dead body and looked it over carefully.

According to the profile of the deceased.

Dean was sure that this was Jonny Dennison himself, because Daisy's book had a photo of him.

Jonny Dennison is about 1.84 meters tall, wearing casual clothes at home, with a slightly fat body, a big belly, and an upturned side face with a look of shock, as if unexpectedly he will be attacked before his consciousness dies.

Dean squeezed the other's arm.

The touch feels stiff, but the joints can still move, but compared to normal people, it seems that the mechanical joints are rusted and stuck, and there is a lot of lag.

After death, the blood and body fluids stop flowing, so the joints and muscles will start to become stiff, and when the water in the body starts to lose, the blood and body fluids will penetrate each other, and the body will become soft again.

This change process is generally 70 hours:

Muscle and joint stiffness begins within half an hour to two hours after death.

After about 9 to 12 hours, the corpse will become stiff all over.

It wasn't until thirty hours after death that the corpse would end its stiffness and begin to soften gradually.

Of course, this refers to changes at room temperature.

If the ambient temperature is higher than 35 degrees, the 70-hour stiffening and softening process will be reduced to 24 hours.

At present, the noon temperature in Los Angeles is about 18-26 degrees.

There is no constant temperature and air conditioning in the room.

So Dean can basically be sure that the time of Jonny Dennison's death was before eleven o'clock this morning.

He touched Jonny Dennison's armpits again.

After a person dies, the body starts to stop producing heat, and the heat in the body will also start to be lost until it is equal to the outside temperature.

this process.

The temperature loss rate is faster from the body surface than from the internal organs.

Normal forensic tests usually measure liver temperature, which Holz has done before.

Dean didn't bring any equipment, so he could only measure the body temperature of the deceased.

The armpit is the part with the least error.

Jonny Dennison's armpits were messy and had a foul smell, which was a bit disturbing.

Fortunately, the feedback is good.

Dean could vaguely feel the residual temperature on the opponent's body through the thin gloves.

This shows that the time of Jonny Dennison's death should not exceed five or six hours, otherwise there will be no tactile feedback that is significantly higher than the surrounding temperature.

It's three past one in the afternoon.

In this case.

According to the previous rigor.

Dean can deduce that Jonny Dennison died between 8:00 and 11:00 in the morning.

But this time is still not precise enough.

Dean continued to carefully support the deceased's forearm, lifted it up slightly, and then looked at the skin of the deceased's forearm facing the ground.

This is looking at corpse spots!

Corpse spots, in fact, are dark red and dark purple scars that appear on the surface of the skin when the blood loses power and deposits in the lower parts of the vascular network after the death of the corpse, causing the capillaries and small veins in those lower parts to be filled with blood.

This process usually takes two hours after death to appear, and as time goes by, the scar becomes more obvious.

And it usually appears first in the area facing the ground.

On Jonny Dennison's forearm, some lumpy corpse spots can already be seen, the color is neither dark nor light.

Taking into account the fat body of the other party.

Dean didn't jump to inferences, put down the opponent's forearm, and turned to pull Jonny Dennison's eyelids away.

After a person dies, the transparency of the cornea decreases, until the pupil cannot be seen through at all, and it turns grayish white, and this process of change also has obvious rules:

Small white spots appeared on the cornea 5-6 hours after death.

10-12 hours in the form of cloud flakes.

After 15-24 hours, it becomes cloudy, and the pupils can still see through.

For more than 48 hours, the pupils cannot see through and completely become dead gray.

Under Jonny Dennison's eyelids, it can be seen that the transparency of the cornea is significantly reduced, and the pupils are dilated, but the whole has not yet become completely cloudy, only some small white spots appear inside the cornea.

It can be concluded from this.

Jonny Dennison had been dead for at least five or six hours.

It's early noon.

Combined with previous corpse symptoms.

Dean guessed that Jonny Dennison died between seven and eight in the morning.

this time.

A lot of people get up.

Nanny Teresa, under normal circumstances, will also start preparing the family's breakfast around this time.

But the other party's report time was probably close to twelve o'clock.

Where was the other party before?

And the wife and son of the deceased Jonny Dennison, even if they didn’t eat breakfast for such a long period of time, wouldn’t they be surprised that their husband and father disappeared?

Dean put these doubts in his heart for the time being, and began to check Jonny Dennison's injuries.


The obvious scar on Jonny Dennison's body surface is a sunken blow wound on the back of his head.

The blood in the wound was scabbed and solidified, but according to the outline, the experienced Dean could determine that the murder weapon was some kind of blunt weapon with a curved surface, similar to a baseball bat or something.

The wound was clean, and it was certain that it was a one-hit kill, and there was no follow-up additional hit.

The murderer should have carried out a sneak attack while Jonny Dennison had his back turned to him, and Joni Dennison had no defense against the murderer.

The wound is convex and concave.

According to force analysis.

This shows that even if the murderer holds the murder weapon and hits Jonny Dennison's wound with force, the center of gravity of Jonny Dennison's wound is lower than that of Jonny Dennison's wound.

This shows that the murderer is definitely not tall, and the murder weapon is not very long.

In Dean's mind, the barbie-like face of nanny Teresa reappeared.

Although I didn't see Teresa's standing height.

But who is he?

Just cast a glance.

Dean basically knows Teresa's measurements, waist ratio, and approximate height.

Teresa looked at her long legs and slender waist, but she was only about 1.6 meters tall. If she took a short stick like a rolling pin and threw it with her hand, it would be in line with the force on the wound on the back of the deceased Jonny Dennison's head. analyze.

The key Teresa is the nanny of this family.

Even if she held the murder weapon and stood behind the deceased Jonny Dennison, the deceased would not doubt it, and would only show a look of surprise and astonishment on his face when he was about to die.

Dean becomes suspicious of babysitter Teresa, and one more important point!

The wound of the deceased was located on the back of the head.

The back of the human head is actually a very fragile part.

It is composed of bones, nerves, and skin tissue, and the pons and cerebellum are wrapped inside. Once a heavy blow is encountered, it may be comatose or neurological damage, and it may become a vegetative state or directly brain-dead.

Therefore, there are often elderly people who take a bath or go to the toilet, stand unsteadily, bump the back of their head against the wall, and become paralyzed and dead.

Although Jonny Dennison was a man who was over 1.8 meters tall and weighed at least 200 kilograms, if a woman hit the back of the head with a blunt instrument, he could easily cause the current injury.

This was also the only part where the opponent could kill Jonny Dennison so easily.

From the current point of view, the nanny Teresa is very suspicious.

"This case looks easy."

Dean whistled.

Whether Teresa is the murderer still needs to determine whether she has the time and motive to kill.

People are on the scene, and they can't escape.

These are not urgent.

The previous survey, which seemed cumbersome, actually took Dean less than two minutes.

He set his eyes on the black cloth-covered cube in front of the dead man.

This thing actually appeared quite abruptly.

At the murder scene, leaving certain items behind is the favorite thing for some arrogant serial killers to do.

They regard these things as a symbol of their identity to distinguish them from other homicide cases, and to show their uniqueness and unique homicide taste.

This kind of person is lonely in his heart.

Nanny Teresa, doesn't look like that.


What is under this black cloth?

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