I'm back, I'll update later

Apologies in advance.

It has been like this for the past two months, mainly because the dog thief has some psychological problems.

It was already better before, and the medicine was stopped.

But after the book was put on the shelves before, the sun became more and more yang, and the body and spirit were not as good as before. In addition, the dog thief basically went out two or three times a month, and did not communicate with the outside world for a long time. The situation was a bit repeated.

Mostly after going out, I feel at a loss, when I talk to people, I stutter or even can’t speak, my mind can’t move, like a turtle.

(It has nothing to do with my classmate. The dog thief went to see it twice. Once he was hospitalized, and once he had an operation. He recovered quite well. I guess the operation book friends misunderstood.)

Taking medicine is actually dependent.

Learn from the pain.

The dog thief has only been out to work for more than 20 days.

The dog thief is a lowly panic in his bones, and he can't stand a little comfort. Now that he has done things for more than 20 days, he is finally a little normal, at least he can have a complete conversation with outsiders.

Let's not talk about these.

Already resigned.

Cook a noodle and start updating after eating.

At present, the status needs to be restored, but next month, the dog thief is going to the accountability editor to apply for a small recommendation and get a badge, so I will try my best to ensure that there are more than 5,000 updates every day (in order to get the badge, the daily updates will be combined into one chapter) .

ps7: 00: After writing on and off all night, I always feel that it is almost tasteless. I need to sleep first, wake up and post it again.

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