Shang Yinhe blinked, and replied with a little hesitation: "... Is it suitable?"

At the same time, he secretly screamed in his heart: suitable! very suitable! Pick us up now!

——The Tang poetry group is the price that Shang Yinhe and Lu Tinglin discussed and planned to pay.

——The Tang poetry group is also an organization planned by Shang Yinhe and wants to be affiliated with the country's relevant analysis team.


Chapter 87

Slowly, after experiencing so much, Shang Yinhe has gradually experienced it.

When you have died and been reborn countless times, facing the seemingly endless challenges of life and death, you will gradually become tough and learn to never give up;

When you have seen the whole world crying, howling, or excited, cheering in the palm of your hand, when you control the fate of the world, you will gradually become more generous, and learn to be in front of the mountain without blinking;

When you are free to fly at a height of more than 100 meters, feel the stimulation of the speed of life and death and the worship of everyone in the world, you will gradually become confident and learn to enjoy your own freedom.

At the beginning, Shang Yinhe was just an ordinary college student, but now, he has the courage and confidence to tentatively extend his tentacles into the country's sphere of influence and wrestle with the country .

For Shang Yinhe, the Tang Poetry Group was originally positioned as a small campus organization to assist him in understanding news and analyzing intelligence, which is quite useful but also quite limited.

After all, with the country's current restrictions on public opinion, the Tang poetry group can't expand indiscriminately and pull a group of people to talk about the extraordinary-then it will definitely be properly 404.

However, a small number of people will limit the development of the Tang Poetry Group in understanding news and analyzing intelligence; although the members are all elites, but manpower is sometimes poor, and the sources of news are hearsay + delayed reprinting, analysts are so limited A few, not to mention that a wise man is bound to make a mistake if he thinks about it, it is difficult to do a connected analysis and be thoughtful and detailed.

Ever since, Shang Yinhe changed his mind and aimed at the country's analysis and intelligence agency.

His vision is very broad: When it comes to elites, how can there be as many countries as there are? In terms of investment, who can compare to the country's grandeur? In terms of concentrating power to do great things, looking at the world, no one can compete with Hua Guo.

If the Tang Poetry Team can be named in the relevant national intelligence analysis agencies, then what kind of inside information is hard to get now, what kind of intelligence analysis is classified as state secrets, and what real-time news about extraordinary power and the nine songs of the brave You don't have to worry about it anymore.

"Of course, it's very suitable!" Uncle Rong Guoan on the opposite side couldn't imagine that Shang Yinhe had so many little Jiujiu in his heart, and he was still trying to persuade Shang Yinhe to agree to the Tang Poetry Group to join Guoan, "Don't worry, we are not a dragon pool here, don't put us It's too scary to watch, I really think you are very suitable to make a name in Guoan."

"However," Shang Yinhe still looked a little hesitant, "most of our team members are still students, and they may not necessarily want to engage in this field in the future. Joining Guoan like this is too restrictive, isn't it?"

"Don't worry, don't worry," Uncle Rong continued to persuade, "It's just a name. There is no requirement for you to join Guoan after graduation. We have many such peripheral personnel who have their own jobs on the surface, but they just secretly hang their names in Guoan. That's all."

"Well," Shang Yinhe frowned and thought for a while, "...There is still a problem, I can't represent other people in our group, what if they don't want to join?"

"It's simple." Corresponding to this situation, Guoan has already had a corresponding internal solution. Uncle Rong immediately responded, "We don't need everyone to be named in Guoan. In fact, this situation is not safe. As long as It’s enough for your leadership and the entire Tang poetry group to be named in Guoan. You can have multiple part-time jobs.”

"What if I'm not a leader anymore?"

"Then you have to tell the next leader about this and ask him to name it too," Uncle Rong replied naturally, telling him the usual solution to this situation, "or if you forget, we will I went to the door."

This solution is more appropriate than Shang Yinhe's original imagination, but he suppressed his emotions and continued to bargain: "Well, then, after being named, are there any benefits?"

"The welfare is very good," said this, Uncle Rong became happy, and began to talk about science, "If you officially join Guoan, you can receive a basic salary. If you just name it, you will also have a corresponding subsidy, just a little less. ; rewards for providing useful information; some small privileges in life..."

After he talked a lot, he mentioned the point that Shang Yinhe was most interested in: "... A small organization like yours attached to the Analysis Intelligence Bureau can also check some internal reference documents; there may be some restrictions in the early stage, wait until After the authority is high, you can view a lot of internal information..."

"When the authority is high, you can check a lot of internal information?" Shang Yinhe repeated, looking very interested.

"Hey, you students, you are so curious," Uncle Rong laughed, "Are you so excited when you hear the inside news? - OK, I'll just say it, it's true. The internal authority has been increased, and I can really know many secrets that will never be disclosed to the outside world.”

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