Official Immortal

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First of all, I want to send a message to Xiongtai of the kitchen knife: I am not particularly afraid, but you have to cherish it. During the two sessions... you know, calm down and think about it. At least the sensitive period of the two sessions will be delayed.

That way, it's good for you and me, right?

Then talk about Feng Xiao's situation in the past two days:

As soon as I sat next to the computer, I subconsciously wanted to code two chapters of the official immortal, especially in the middle of the night.

Because there are no official immortals to code, the whole person's state is not right, for example, those who are following, and so on, don't even bother to watch updates.

In the past, in addition to the code word, I swiped their updates. When I was free, I could look at it twice, and I thought it was very good, and I could take a moment to relax.

I'm not busy now, but I can't even find the state of reading a book. When I sit on a chair, I feel the impulse to read the books on the shelf, but I am not interested in reading them.

Of course, the book is over, but the habit that I have developed in the past six years is not so changeable.

Moreover, Feng Xiao was deeply involved in this self-woven story, feeling that it was like a real society, 14 million words, really built a huge and complicated society, as well as simple or complex variety Interpersonal relationship.

I believe that the official immortal will continue to write down, and the book friends will automatically analyze what happens to Chen Taizhong, what means can be used, what kind of person can be entrusted, it seems that it is not worthwhile to use a certain favor, because that favor is related to a certain favor. A cause and effect.

It is illusory and real, but far away but close to the book friends, let alone Feng Xiao this author?

A few gossips about mood finished. Let's talk about the writing journey of the official immortal, some words are uncomfortable.

The definition of this book at the beginning is the cool text. This is not afraid to tell everyone that Chen Taizhong is given the status of an immortal, that is, to prevent him from being extremely dangerous and extremely vulnerable, and everyone can read it easily.

Feng Xiao didn't plan to write many words either, thinking that only two or three million words would be enough, maybe five million words.

Of course, it's not a straightforward text. Start a little whiter. But because of the label "Zhang Haogu", it always has the taste of being upgraded to three levels in a row, so in the first five chapters, there is "the test of the organization". There are friends who have been in the system with the strange phenomenon of interviews. Many can taste.

Whether it is funny or not. No matter what the ridicule, the first five chapters of this cool article are always a bit strange.

When it's forty-five chapters. Feng Xiao's character that likes to pinpoint current malpractices gradually manifests itself, in the chapter "The Consequences of Soy Sauce", I believe most book friends have a preliminary concept of this book.

However, it was probably written as a cool text. Feng Xiao's early writing was not cautious, and many of them were taken for granted. In other words, they knew that there was such a thing, but they only knew that it was not.

The most obvious thing is that the "Deputy Village Chief" and the "Local Records Office" are called. The former should be called the Village Chief's Assistant, and the latter is called the Local Records Office.

This is a subsection problem, but for an official book, it is a fatal flaw.

At that time, the book friends were all watching gods as officials, and no one pointed out otherwise Feng Xiao would change it in the first place.

Later, as the officials wrote longer and longer, friends in the system read more. A book friend pointed out that the “deputy secretary of the party and the masses” is the deputy secretary second only to the government leader, rather than the one who has no real power. Kind.

Feng Xiaofan is repentant and will do all kinds of adequate preparations in the future. Fortunately, it is not difficult for Feng Xiao to obtain detailed information. In addition to family and friends, I would like to thank the author who started under the pen name "Da Sikong". , The department-level cadre of the group Gongkou, he selflessly provided Feng Xiao with a lot of detailed help.

The author provides help, and the **** who is hated by everyone. Mayor Qiao Xiaoshu said something off topic. You said that you are the deputy office. Do you want to make the order? I have been subscribed to your **** chapter.

Far away, having said that, at the very beginning of the book Guanxian, it embodies the rhythm of the cool text, which is a bit weird, but Feng Xiao really does not want to write an official essay, but just wants to write a "worldly essay". On this point, Feng Xiao has long emphasized and is convinced that he can write well in the world.

So in the early stage of the officialdom, there are examples to help, but it is true that the section is not well done.

Later, as I studied the sections carefully, I found that there were too many things to write about, and the more I wrote, Feng Xiao became more and more pondering. Although he also paid attention to the sections, until this time, it was still in the world.

The world is full of attitudes, and you can watch it, but it is mainly attacking.

There used to be a questionnaire at the starting point, Feng Xiao forgot. There was a question about official immortals in the starting point novel. In the starting point novel, the "Director Chen" people often call is: a. Chen Taizhong; b. Edison Chen...

As a matter of fact, this is the main Fengxiao plan of Guanxian, who intends to let Chen Taizhong be the director until the end of the book.

Therefore, according to the design, the Civilization Office is Chen Taizhong's last stop. There are too many things to write here, and it can also write the taste of worldly love. If you accidentally write a little more.

Feng Xiao has repeatedly emphasized that it is also based on this...The deputy director of the Civilization Office, only Chen Taizhong is in charge.

By this time, the official immortal has been able to complete the official ending. What Feng Xiao wants to write is Shi Qingwen.

That's it. People have self-knowledge, and Qi Baishi doesn't have the skill to paint shrimps, but we can't become a master. You can also be a craftsman. It's just the product of a painter Zhang Zeduan.

Of course, comparing myself to Zhang Zeduan is also elevated...a lot.

Feng Xiao just wanted to use not so strong pen power to describe an era, a turbulent era, an era of supernatural powers, an era of rapid moral decline, an era of lack of faith and entertainment to death.

This is the best era and the worst era, but in any case, this is our era, borrowed from a great era of rules and chaos, opportunities and risks, construction and destruction.

Yes, we live in a big era. Feng Xiao and everyone live in a big era. This is what I have said repeatedly.

With Feng Xiao's pen power, he can only faithfully record the bits and pieces of this era, and it is inevitable that all of them are inevitable, and the proficiency is even zero by insinuating or referring to skills such as sanghuai.

In the later stage of the Civilization Office, I was actually a little stressed. I didn't explain it, but Feng Xiao did things, but there were three points. Always ask for a good start and end.

At the end of it. After the limelight was over, Feng Xiao's thoughts were known to many people again, and the editors stayed, and the book friends stayed enthusiastically. Said official immortals wrote officialdom. Chen Taizhong has never been in power. Chen Feng laughs that you are too irresponsible.

Feng Xiao knows his own family affairs from his family, and it is not too much to write about the bureau. The party in charge really can't write casually. But I really can’t stand the enthusiasm of book friends and editors, and I want to challenge myself when I am about to be eighteen. I am always prone to get hotheaded. After all, I am young, so I was fooled.

That's right, the map of Bei Chong was originally not in Feng Xiao's plan. An official book, from the beginning to the end, the protagonist is the director. How exciting and distinct is this?

Therefore, when opening the copy, Feng Xiao said, "Trying" to write about the party in charge, because this thing is destined to be plain and trivial, and it is difficult to express it cool.

More importantly, it’s really hard for the party in charge to write. Several similar friends I know are talking about this topic. They don’t want to say, there’s nothing to say, so I can only sigh. Even if you don't do anything, you can govern one side, just learn patience and office politics.

These are of course not what Feng Xiao wanted to write.

Fortunately, Feng Xiao’s attempt was not so bad, so I wrote it down. As for some people, when they came to Beichong, their buttocks were crooked, or they changed people or even the studio, Feng Xiao could only Say, buddy is a writer of worldly love novels, how would you behave in this position?

Opposite the wind with a serious smile, is Mayor Qiao Xiaoshu Qiao.

The wind laughs on the grassroots, and Ya is a typical bureaucratic thought, a bureaucratic thought with petty bourgeoisie feelings. Hou Weidong, who came out of Qinglin, left the grassroots to evaluate this way. It is definitely not because of resentment towards the eunuch.

It's time to finish writing up to now, Feng Xiao will finish. In fact, since May last year, Guanxian started to take up the line, but the stall was too large to take up the line.

A book that has been written for five years and takes seven or eight months to close the line. Isn't that too much?

The length of time to close the line is more than I imagined. Feng Xiao originally thought that the book could be finished last year, but the development of Bei Chong cannot be stopped because of the close of the book. The description needs to be described.

So the time to finish the book is pushed again and again. By the end of January this year, the description of the official immortal line is obviously speeding up. I think everyone can feel the plot of a bit of pretending to be slapped during the period, but this is an online article. .

Wawa fish, oil shale, urban construction, tourism, logistics centers, and even the airport are all natural. The contradictions that should erupt have also erupted ahead of schedule. Can't you write about the implementation process?

Now that I have written it, I will confess what I should confess, and there is nothing left to write, and I can finish the book through an emergency.

Many people think that Guan Xian is unfinished. At this moment, Feng Xiao I was possessed by Chen Taizhong. I burst into tears after finishing the book...

Obviously it was the way to end it a year ago.

At least after Feng Xiao thinks about it, this is a violent ending, from being too loyal to enter officialdom for training EQ, to the epiphany that "character determines fate", the front is the introduction, the back is the topic, the beginning and the end echo, this... oooooo, this Called unfinished?

Some people say that Chen Taizhong’s officialdom experience has completely failed. This, this, Feng Xiao continues to be possessed by the Secretary of the Five Poisons... The elementary proficiency of EQ has been completed, okay?

That's right, his ability to figure out the hearts of people has already been waiting for a while, and he also understands the meaning of rules and measures. It is much stronger than the previous life. Think about the beginning of the official fairy, what kind of emotional intelligence is he?

He has his own partners, formed his own forces, and has his own allies. Although there is no shortage of strong in them, he can communicate with ease, far better than the lonely ghosts of the previous life.

But if the primary emotional intelligence is complete, after all, you can't abandon the bottom line and the principle. That is the intermediate category of emotional intelligence.

Seeing this, someone might have asked, Feng Xiao, what is the high-level category of emotional intelligence?

Feng Xiao said it was not good, thinking about it, someone said that the highest realm of swordsmen is that there is no sword in the hand and no sword in the heart. This is what it means. It is higher than the realm of "the gentleman's revenge is not too late", and I am afraid it is still higher.

Since Chen Taizhong pretends to be stressful about people, he is destined to be unable to break through the barrier of "character determines fate." Without Ye Xiaohui, as well as Li Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaohui, it is that simple.

Then his departure is also inevitable.

As for some issues that have not been explained clearly, for example, for Mao not to overthrow Section Chief Qin, how can Meng Yiqing be worthy at that time... Brother, it's almost the same, can you save some face to the alternate bureau?

What is not written is called blank, and I leave it to everyone to think about.

What, someone asked Yang Qianqian? This, this, this... Okay, I was defeated by you, and let me remind you in a low voice that Wang Yuanyuan came from another name, and I don’t tell him most people.

Ahem, leave it blank, everyone can spread out the wings of imagination as much as you want, it’s good to leave blank...

It must be admitted that the ending of the official fairy is a bit rough, and the writing is fast. It does not describe the surprise and reaction of other friends. Feng Xiao, your ability to cheat words is too bad.

Friends who said that, you are wrong, you are really wrong, you are about to end, you just want to be hearty, Feng Xiao is a writer, not that you don’t know how to write. Although the skill of spreading blood, we are far behind Oscar and the like. people.

But you can't write in detail at this time, otherwise the speed of two chapters a day will go down, and the book friends will have to suppress internal injuries.

The expectation is big, it is not the end of this result. At this time, everyone is guessing and expecting the result, not already knowing the result and enjoying the process.

Raise it high and drop it gently, and I don't know how many people scold their mothers for writing online articles, that's it.

The ending part may be revised and polished in the future, but the result will not be changed.

Some people say that Feng Xiao is irresponsible, irresponsible to officials and immortals, betraying everyone's waiting, and disappointed in Shabalabala.

Chen Fengxiao, who was possessed by Chen Taizhong, burst into tears again, and only asked: Two thousand and ninety-one days are constantly changing, rain or shine, who can say that your feelings for official immortals are deeper than mine?

(I just coded 3800 words casually, it feels very relaxed, not as laborious as the code official.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder is a little relieved, and I can go to sleep.

In addition, for comments from officials, Chang Gu is happy to be short.

The testimonials are free. If you want to read the next testimonial, please click like this article. One like is two cents, and one hundred likes are enough. I know that everyone still likes Fengxiao to talk casually, otherwise, I To shut up.

I respect you, really. )

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