Official Immortal

Chapter 46: Handy

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   was shocked by the shocking news, Chen Taizhong was stunned for a long time, and it took a long time to squeeze out the two words from his mouth, "But..."

"It wasn't written in the party application, did you?" Secretary Zhang had been waiting for him here long ago, his face immediately showing disapproval, "It's not that I said you, Xiao Chen, at this point, you did ……very bad!"

"Theory must be combined with practice, and vice versa." Secretary Zhang patted the table heavily. "Yes, you speak with practical actions. You have also made a lot of achievements in places like Donglinshui. , But!...Why do you want to give up and wait for the organization to discover you?"

   "You guy, you're a bit arrogant. This is undesirable," the secretary put on a distressed expression, faintly, "you know? If it weren't for me, you were almost buried."

   So, you brought me back? Chen Taizhong immediately brightened, and for a while, he did not consider whether a secretary of the street office had the power to promote an ordinary civil servant to deputy director. "Secretary, don't tell me, I know I was wrong."

"Hehe, if you know your mistakes can be corrected, then you are a good comrade," the secretary looked at the watch in his hand and sighed. "Today is too late, alas, forget it, this mistake, I also have the responsibility of lax supervision, so let's …I’ll find them to help you copy an application for joining the party, forget it…"

"As for you, young man, you should have your own time. You don't need to write it yourself." He smiled at Chen Taizhong, shook his head and sighed helplessly, "I don't want to beg you. Who has never been young? What?"

   Chen Taizhong stayed there again, speechless for a long time, I want to... join the party, and there is no need to write the party application!

"By the way, our street office, but there is still a lack of a secretary of the political and legal committee," Secretary Zhang approached with a slightly fat body, and his voice was lowered, "I personally are very suitable, um, I am very optimistic about you. ."

   Before Chen Taizhong had time to respond to these words, the secretary saw the unfinished Xu Mijie on Chen Taizhong's desk, "Hey, this thing is interesting, is it jade?"

"It's Cuixin, it's more valuable than ordinary jade," Chen Taizhong corrected it, and immediately reacted, "I also said that I will bring it to the secretary another day. Today, ha, I didn't expect the secretary to come, just saving it. I sent it specifically, um, that would not have a good effect."

   This ring has already been made, but it will not be refined in the future, and the value is only reflected in Cuixin itself. This little thing, Chen Taizhong will never feel distressed.

   Even if he can no longer be a man, he knows that this thing has already been in the eyes of the secretary, and even Secretary Zhang mentioned it. If he can't even borrow flowers to offer Buddha, then he is "uncarved wood".

   "Oh," the secretary nodded, with a hint of hesitation on his face, "how much? If it's expensive, I can't ask you."

   "Expensive is not expensive, the best quality of the heart is estimated to be worth thirty or forty thousand," Chen Taizhong told the truth, but Secretary Zhang suddenly took a breath of air from hearing the truth, "Is this not expensive?"

"I gambled on jade," Chen Taizhong smiled, picked up the ring, and forced it into Secretary Zhang's hand. "A big piece of Cuixin, I only spent 20,000 yuan, hehe, I earned this thing. Most people can’t buy it if they want."

   "Gambling on jade?" Secretary Zhang's eyes widened, and he took the ring in his hand without a trace, "Xiao Chen, is that gambling?"

   "No, it's also a way to buy jade, but it's a test of people's eyesight. I have liked jade since I was a child..." Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, saying that he couldn't tell the secretary about the origin of betting on jade.

I heard that Chen Taizhong had made more than one ring, and that there was still a jade left. The Secretary's eyes were filled with envy, and even a generous smile could not stop him, "Then why don't you sell Cuixin? It should be very valuable, right?"

   "The whole piece is worth seven to eight hundred thousand yuan," Chen Taizhong nodded, "However, I like to play jade, and I don't make money from it. It's a good thing. Everyone divides the picture into a fun, isn't it good?"

   The secretary nodded blankly, but in his heart he had already made some comments on Chen Taizhong: The young man has a very expensive personal hobby, but it is not a plaything, he is more atmospheric and should be easy to get along with.

In short, Wanyu is considered a small defect of Chen Taizhong, but it is because of this defect that he appears more real. Gao Daquan and Wei Guangzheng can only appear in books, so Secretary Zhang at the moment is really real. I like him a little bit, so I have to remind him a few words.

   "By the way, since you can make some money with this, then you have to pay attention. Now you are the deputy director after all. Pay attention to the influence, no matter how much you earn, don't show it all, so that no one can think about it."

  Uh, Chen Taizhong was taken aback. To be honest, he still wants to buy another car to buy a house. He has more than 500,000 yuan in his hand, so he can't keep it in the bank, right? "Then... I can't buy a car?"

"Buy a car... okay," Secretary Zhang was dizzy, and then looked around Chen Taizhong's home layout, stupefied that he was in a dream state, "But, don't you think you should buy something for your parents first? "

   "I really want to buy But they don't want to throw away the things in the house," Chen Taizhong was very distressed, "Is it possible to put aside a house of this size?"

"Oh, that's true," Secretary Zhang felt the dissatisfaction in his heart. With this reasonable explanation, it disappeared. It was quite normal that this happened to the elderly. Speaking of the house, he remembered another thing. "By the way, I'll tell you something, too loyal. Next year, a dormitory will be built in the district. Go and fight for it."

   "Dormitory building?" Chen Taizhong was dumbfounded again, "That...Is my qualification enough?"

"Is it enough? Isn't it someone talking?" Secretary Zhang looked at him with a smile, "Your qualifications are a bit shallow, but if you are deputy director and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, you can't fight for it. , Anyway, you have to think of a way..."

   The secretary knows that Chen Taizhong has a background behind him. He doesn't know the size of this background. However, if it can be said that Old Qiu will let himself be the introducer of the party, the background will not be too small.

   Chen Taizhong nodded, but it was another matter in his mind, cut, staying in the dormitory? Even if I can barely live in, based on my qualifications, it is estimated that it is a bigger house, so I might as well buy it myself.

   Money is not a problem for him, he has a bit of it, and he can get more at any time as long as he wants.

   Who is Secretary Zhang? I immediately noticed his absent-mindedness, and immediately corrected his erroneous understanding, "I tell you, if you can't get a spot, others might underestimate you, that's not a good thing for your development. "

   Uh...this house, is it okay to dare to love it? Chen Taizhong was dumbfounded for the third time, isn't this strong buying and selling?

   It seems that you really have to find a way to get this house?


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