Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1163 Jackal Style

Not to mention that the arrival of these mobs dealt an irreversible blow to the morale of the Big Horn Legion.

Meng Chao, who personally forged his identity and infiltrated the Big Horn Legion, knew very well that the Big Horn Legion was incapable of identifying the true identity of every member of the Rat People's Rebel Army.

The rat people originally came from different clans, different towns, and different settlements, with different occupations, characteristics, and experiences.

Some people are daring privateers.

Some people are miners and foundry workers who are doing their job. Although they couldn't bear it and rose up to resist, their relatives stayed in their hometown.

There are also some people who have feuded with their masters and are wanted by several families.

There are even some rat people's rebels who are not as righteous and honorable as they say they are. They are sneaky and criminals, trying to use the rat people's rebellion to wash away their past crimes in the frenzy of the times.

Therefore, many Ratmen used false identities when they joined the Big Horn Legion.

After long journeys and repeated fierce battles, most of their companions died or fell behind, and the comrades around them had changed batch after batch, and no one could confirm or deny their identities.

Under such circumstances, it is very easy for the commander of the wolf tribe to add a few "sands" to these rat rebels who are destined to surrender and rebel.

You know, although the Rat People's Rebellion swept across the entire Turanze.

But the deep-rooted military aristocrats always keep some loyal "house mice".

The relationship between these "house mice" and their masters may go back thousands of years.

They enjoy far more treatment than ordinary rat people, and their wives and children are very likely to still fall into the hands of their masters. It is impossible for them to have the idea of ​​betrayal, so they are the best spies.

——Let these spies infiltrate the Rat People's Rebel Army and find the main force of the Great Horn Legion. On the one hand, they spy on the truth and collect information, and on the other hand, they spread the word "Master Wolf has a kind heart and is willing to accept all surrenders who have lost their way and return", and Rumors like "The Great Horned Rat God doesn't exist at all, otherwise, how could we, who are absolutely loyal to his followers, starve to death?"

Flirty rumors are like viruses that erode people's hearts, and they are simply more terrifying than heavily armed battle groups armed to the teeth.

"The rat rebels who came one after another have already been implanted with a 'virus' by the enemy in ignorance and ignorance, turning them into powerful bombs one after another.

"Maybe, the Big Horn Legion in the previous life was blown to pieces from the inside by these mobs!

"There are not many Turan commanders who can come up with such a strategy. In my impression..."

Turanian warriors who are used to solving problems with swords, minions, and muscles usually disdain to ponder such convoluted plots.

The wolves, tigers and leopards of the Golden Clan prefer to gallop across the frontal battlefield, enjoying the pleasure of wiping the sharp blades across the throats of the Rat People.

In the eyes of the arrogant wolves, tigers and leopards, it is a shame to launch such a conspiracy in the face of mere rat people.

In Meng Chao's previous life memory, there was only one Turanian civilization's most powerful person, who didn't mind launching the most elaborate and terrifying conspiracy against even the weakest opponent.

That is--

In the coming tomorrow, Kanus the "Jackal" who ascended the throne of the highest power of the Turan civilization and launched the War of Foreign Worlds.

"That's right, such a conspiracy is indeed in the style of 'Jackal' Kanus.

"Has this ambitious man behind the scenes finally couldn't help but jump out from a dark corner and take action himself?

"That's right, with his secret support, the Bighorn Legion has grown wildly to the point where it is today, and it has reached the verge of ripening, and it is time to reap the fruits of victory.

"Maybe, those wolf rangers who are active around the area controlled by the Bighorn Legion, adopting the 'wolf pack tactics' to hunt the supply team, and frantically attacking the logistics supply line, are the 'jackal' Kanus himself commanding.

"Think about it, when those experienced and rebellious wolf bosses returned home on the frontal battlefield one after another, and all the heavy troops under their command were killed by the Big Horn Legion.

"The 'Jackal' Kanus personally commanded the second-line army of the wolf clan and won a series of victories.

"Even if the result of each attack is just to burn a few trucks of luggage, it is insignificant in normal times.

"But for the disgraced wolf tribe on the frontal battlefield, whose morale has plummeted, victory is victory, and it is what they need most at this moment.

"Comparing the two, the prestige of 'Jackal' Kanus in the entire wolf clan has naturally increased day by day, to the point where it cannot be increased.

"Even if he takes the opportunity to weaken the military power of those wolf bosses, reorganize their defeated troops, and squeeze the military power into his own hands bit by bit, I am afraid that he will not encounter too much resistance within the wolf clan.

"Next, all it takes is an undisputed victory, a decisive victory to completely suppress the Great Horn Rebellion, and Kanus the 'Jackal' can become the hero who turns the tide, defends the glory of the wolf clan, and wins over all the wolf warriors With awe and loyalty, from a mere puppet to a real wolf king!"

Meng Chao felt that he had seen through the plot of "Jackal" Kanus.

But he couldn't tell the ancient dream saint this.

It is very strange that the Saintess of Ancient Dream has obtained a lot of information, knowing that the Big Horn Legion is facing the fatal problem of lack of rations, rumors, and unstable morale.

But she hid this information deep in her brain, as if turning a blind eye and ignoring it on purpose.

If Meng Chao hadn't been thinking about how the Great Horn Legion would be wiped out, he was very sensitive to the food issue and the existence of "Jackal" Kanus.

It is also difficult to scan and retrieve this information at once from the thousands of shining memory cells.

"In the depths of the ancient dream saint's brain, what is stuffed in such a mess?"

Meng Chao muttered to himself, and his consciousness continued to search the depths of the memory of the ancient dream saint.

He wanted to find the memory of the ancient dream saint from an ordinary rat girl to "the spokesperson of the horned rat god in Turanze".

So as to find out the clues of the black hands behind the scenes.

However, it is very difficult to search and extract specific memory fragments from a completely unfamiliar brain domain.

Even though Meng Chao has very rich experience in "reading memory fragments".

It is also difficult to sort out the clues at once.

He seemed to have stepped into a time tunnel.

The lights and shadows in front of me are intertwined, and they are constantly looking back at the things and things that are most memorable in the short life of the ancient dream saint.

In this shining sea of ​​memories, the first thing that rushed to Meng Chao's eyes were mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the fragmented corpses of countless rat people, and the scene of the seriously wounded wailing in the wounded barracks.

"These are... victims of the Bighorn Legion.

"I didn't expect that the ancient dream saint could use ruthless tactics to treat thousands of rat people as pawns and send them to death without hesitation.

"But deep in her brain, she remembered the appearance and even the name of each victim.

"So much blood, bones, viscera, brains, and wailing, moaning, screaming, and the sound of flames burning corpses, the sound of warhammers smashing bones, and the sound of brains being squeezed out of the empty eye sockets that lost their eyeballs, all the time, Not hovering in her mind, she can still remain sober and rational, and she has not gone mad and turned into a monster, it is... incredible!"

Meng Chao didn't want to stay in the memory of the killing for too long.

He followed the timeline and continued to trace back to the source, looking for the truth about the creation of the Great Horn Legion by the Saintess of Ancient Dream.

However, when it comes to the junction of the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan, the underground base hidden in the depths of the valley, and how the Ancient Dream Saintess recruited warriors and formed the legion at first, and how the food, grass and ordnance needed by the legion came from Where did it come from... This series of memories are all shrouded in patches of milky white mist, and it is impossible to see the details clearly.

It was as if the Ancient Dream Saintess herself, or someone else, had sealed part of her memory.

And Meng Chao didn't dare to stir his brain, strengthen his mental power, and forcibly break the seal.

——No matter what happens, if he is reckless, he may be discovered by the ancient dream saint or even the mastermind in the next second.

At that time, it will be hard to imagine what will happen to this half of the subconscious that is still deeply trapped in the brain of the ancient dream saint.

Meng Chao could only suppress his curiosity and swim towards the memory data before the Saintess of Ancient Dream created the Big Horn Legion.

He stopped in front of a shining "balloon jellyfish".

Inside the crystal ball-like memory cells, an overwhelming snowstorm is falling.

In the blizzard, there were hundreds of wargs, howling terribly.

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