Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1191 Gu Raising War

Fortunately, it is unknown why "Jackal" Kanus hastily launched an attack and was not yet fully prepared.

Or, through the doomsday flames, Meng Chao greatly destroyed this cunning wolf king's carefully constructed nightmare.

There are still a large number of elite bones, in a state of sobriety and organization.

The Ancient Dream Saintess didn't seem to have died, and she was still able to issue orders one after another in an orderly manner—at least, it seemed, for the time being.

Meng Chao saw a large number of still sober elite bones shrinking into the depths of the stone forest.

Barracks, ordnance, and sacks filled with sand and gravel, used to fill trenches and build low walls, were randomly piled between stone pillars, forming a precarious line of defense.

Of course, such a line of defense cannot stop the warriors of origin.

But it can block their line of sight.

Let only each other exist within their field of vision.

Ice Storm once told Meng Chao something about the attack characteristics of the original warrior.

Although the original warrior seemed to lose his mind, he was like a madman, killing anyone he saw.

However, their attack sequence has certain rules to follow.

In the case of sufficient spiritual energy, when there are multiple enemies within the attack range of the origin warriors, they will often choose the strongest enemy to attack.

If the original warrior has been fighting for a long time, the flesh and blood under the liquid metal armor is about to be exhausted, and there are many enemies within the attack range.

Then, they will start with the weakest target.

Moreover, after killing the opponent, it will also start devouring, using the opponent's flesh and blood to make up for the original warrior's body, which has already been eroded by the liquid metal armor and is riddled with holes.

And the most important one.

When there is another origin warrior within the line of sight of the origin warrior, and each of them has discovered each other.

They tend to regard each other as the number one enemy, and they will kill each other endlessly.

Therefore, in the past, when the high-level orcs wanted to use this taboo big killer on the battlefield, they would often release an origin warrior several miles apart, and after the deployment, they would evacuate the area urgently, allowing the origin warrior to unleash the most brutal attack. indiscriminate attack.

Otherwise, the situation that Meng Chao and Bing Fengfeng saw now would appear.

Dozens of warriors of origin who were soaked in blood and whose totem armor fragments were still squirming and surging on their hot bodies, soon found each other after tearing apart hundreds of wargs and rat people warriors.

Killing and devouring lights that were ten times brighter shot out from their eyes, and screams like sword clashes shot out from the depths of their throats, and they rushed towards each other fiercely.

The sharp blades formed by the condensed liquid metal extend long from the tips of the limbs, together with the deformed carapace covering the vital points of the whole body, making them look like huge humanoid praying mantises and poisonous scorpions.

And even if the heart is poked by another origin warrior, there is no trace of pain and fear on their faces, and the facial features are so calm and creepy, there is no trace of normal people at all, no, it is living carbon-based wisdom The living body, the emotions it should have.

It seemed that their organs, their cells, and their genes had lost their organic life and become part of the entire killing system as early as the moment they were swallowed by the out-of-control totem armor.

Such a killing system is surprisingly efficient.

The horrific cannibalism didn't last long, and the number of original warriors dropped from double digits to single digits.

Dozens of origin warriors were turned into a pool of fragmented rotten flesh, not even a lot of blood flowed out—their blood had long been sucked up by the mysterious liquid substance that made up the armor.

But this didn't reassure Meng Chao and Ice Storm, who were hiding in the dark, their breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature were restrained to the limit, trying to bypass the warriors of origin, not even daring to take a breath.

Because, every time a warrior of origin falls down and dies, even the mutilated corpse, due to the limit release of cell function, causes the mitochondria to go out of control and trigger spontaneous combustion, burning every shriveled cell completely.

The totem armor fragments that were originally attached to his body surface or embedded in his body.

In the burning of the raging flames, the city will be re-melted into shining liquid metal, as if it has life or spirituality, it will rush towards the winner.

They often wrap a limb of the winner with a very gentle gesture.

Afterwards, seven or eight, ten or twenty liquid metal tentacles were molded from the body, piercing the victor's body with incomparable ferocity.

In the end, following these tentacles, all the liquid metal poured into the victor's flesh and bones.

Or, simply turn into the flesh and bones of the victor.

During the whole process, the victor's face—if he still had a face and was not swallowed by the liquid metal, there would not be any pain or discomfort.

On the contrary, it is indescribable enjoyment and joy.

It's like a seriously injured warrior who has just been injected with ultra-high concentrations of adrenaline and cardiotonic drugs.

And after being supplemented with a large amount of liquid metal-like substances.

The totem armor on them will often become more gorgeous and hideous.

You must know that the warriors of the rat people are not like the warriors of the clan, which have thousands of years of inheritance.

Their totem armor often comes from temple stealing and battlefield looting.

Even if you successfully grab a few fragments of the totem armor, it will be difficult for a warrior who has fought a hundred battles to assemble an airtight full body armor covering from the top of the head to the toes.

Therefore, before this bloody battle of cannibalism, even the totem armor worn by the elite of the Bone Battalion was relatively simple and even crude.

But now, when dozens of origin warriors fell one after another, only single-digit winners remained.

Not only did they all have a full body armor that covered the whole body and was impenetrable to needles.

Many people also wear two or even three layers of heavy armor, and like a mandala tree, a large number of gleaming forks extend from their limbs. From a distance, they look like a tree full of knives, guns, swords, halberds, A black iron battle fort with axes and hooks.

The killing intent lingering around their bodies continued to increase with each killing, and it was almost condensed into a cloud visible to the naked eye. Above their heads, it transformed into the image of a hungry beast with teeth and claws.

This scene, like the desperate fight in the blood skull arena, the game of the brave in Blackcorner City, the upcoming battle of the five clans, and his own personal experience, made Meng Chao think of a word again.

Raise Gu.

As Meng Chao's understanding of the Turan civilization deepened, he felt more and more that this land, which was rich in mandala fruits and seemed to be full of vitality and strong soldiers, was a huge worm valley.

All high-level orcs are Gu worms imprisoned in the worm valley.

Relying on the mandala fruit that can be continuously grown without too much technical content and natural conditions, the number of Gu insects exploded to the limit again and again, to the extent that the natural environment could not bear it.

In order to survive, Gu worms can only kill each other again and again, devouring each other, natural selection, and the strong prey on the weak. In the past tens of millions of years, they have been deeply trapped in the cruel cycle of death, unable to extricate themselves.

Of course, the Rat People are the losers and eliminated in this survival game or the "War of Raising Gu".

Those jackals, tigers, leopards, wild boars and bulls are not the real winners, they are just Gu worms who were lucky enough to break out of the encirclement and are temporarily stronger.

But, no use.

As long as the mandala tree is still deeply rooted in the land of Turanze, it will continue to bear fruit.

Fruits rich in nutrition and spiritual energy can continuously breed new Gu worms and new challengers, allowing this survival game to continue endlessly with an increasingly cruel attitude.

The only winner is the Totem Armor.

In the past tens of millions of years, countless orc warriors have spilled blood on the battlefield in the most heroic, brave, generous, and cruel ways, and their corpses have been turned into mud and swallowed by insects.

Their totem armor has not been destroyed, nor can it be destroyed.

Instead, it turned into a mysterious liquid metal-like substance, attached to a more powerful victor, and fought more intensely.

In the process of the master dying continuously.

The totem battle armor with artificial intelligence faithfully records the master's battle scenes meticulously, stores astronomical battle information, analyzes, refines and continuously improves the fighting skills, becoming stronger and stronger.

In a word.

Using high-level orcs, it seems to be an internal competition like raising Gu.

The totem armor has been continuously upgraded in the past ten thousand years.

Or, to use a more precise term - in the past ten thousand years, the totem armor has been constantly evolving using the flesh and blood of the high-level orcs!

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