Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1194 Distorted liquid metal

The chain reaction caused by the collapse of the stone pillar was even more explosive than Meng Chao had imagined.

Not only the stone pillar itself collided with the ground, but the ground shook and the mountains shook, making deafening noises.

A large amount of dust and trace spar elements contained in the stone pillars, under ultra-high-speed friction, also set off a violent reaction no less than a dust explosion, causing clusters of colorful flames to detonate in the void.

The flame disappeared in a flash, but turned into a large amount of irritating smoke, like a shock wave visible to the naked eye, raging in all directions.

The entire stone forest was immediately shrouded in smoke and dust.

Because the trace crystal stone composition releases all the spiritual energy in an instant.

The psychic ripples rippling in the air escalated into raging waves.

Regardless of the elite of the Bone Camp, the high-ranking priests, the origin warriors, Meng Chao and Ice Storm, everyone's perception and totem power were greatly disturbed, and they turned into headless flies falling into the hot porridge.

The good thing was that almost all the stone pillars that served as "antennas" were bombed by Meng Chao.

The statue of the horned mouse god erected on it, and the high-ranking priest who sat cross-legged and burned his brain to amplify the brain wave signal all fell down and fell into billowing smoke and dust, life and death unknown.

Naturally, whether it was "Jackal" Kanus or other mysterious existences, they tried to transmit the nightmare images and killing commands to the depths of the stone forest from a long distance.

All his plans were blocked by dredging from the bottom of the pot.

Nine origin warriors who are receiving killing orders.

Only about halfway through, he completed the transmission of the command and became the assassin of "Jackal" Kanus.

The remaining half are still big killers for indiscriminate attacks.

They are crazy and like demons, killing anyone they see, and they don't specifically target the ancient dream saint.

The price is that the entire stone forest has been messed up.

The elite of the White Bone Battalion, who were already panicked, became even more chaotic.

The smoke and dust covering the stone forest like layers of quilts will never disperse easily within three or five moments.

This made the regrouping of the elite of the White Bone Camp completely an impossible task.

It also gave the original warriors who turned into "Assassins" an opportunity.

Another problem is that Meng Chao has completely exposed himself.

"Shua Shua Shua Shua"!

Before the stone pillar completely collapsed, those primitive warriors who hadn't completed the implantation of the killing command cast their gazes on him as hot as fire, as cold as frost, as sharp as a blade, and as swift as lightning.

——In the case of sufficient spiritual energy, the origin warrior will automatically regard the most powerful opponent within the scanning range as the number one target.

Especially when the target is also equipped with a set of excellent and powerful totem armor.

No matter the flesh and blood of the target.

Or the target's totem armor.

It is the most delicious "food" for the original warrior who has lost his mind and only has appetite and killing intent!

The nine origin warriors immediately divided into two groups.

The four of them didn't even look at Meng Chao, like four puppets controlled by the same string, they took uniform steps, leaped backwards with incomparable lightness, and jumped into the still burning spar In powder, it disappears.

Meng Chao's heart shrank.

"Normal" warriors of origin shouldn't be so well-trained and orderly.

They are all "assassins", and they must be preparing to sneak into the depths of the stone forest to assassinate the ancient dream saint!

Meng Chao wanted to chase and intercept.

But the other five "normal" warriors of origin made a sound that sounded like the roar of steam machinery and the roar of ancient beasts. They divided into five groups and rushed towards him.

Perhaps it was deeply attracted by the astonishing flames he released just now.

Or he was salivating because of the liquid metal-like substance on his body, which was embedded with a spiritual magnetic force field.

Astonishing mutations happened to the five original warriors while they were still in mid-air.

The original warrior who rushed to the front continued to extend his arms, far exceeding the limit of bone growth. Soon, the flesh and blood on the wrist joints and palms burst, and what spewed out from the hollow bones was stained with blood. And the liquid metal-like substance of gray bone marrow.

The silver-colored liquid metal-like substance shoots out three to five meters like a fountain, but is restrained by an invisible force field, condensing into a giant sickle blade with a blade over five meters long and with gorgeous patterns growing all over its body.

At first glance, the original warrior wielding two giant sickle blades looked like a humanoid praying mantis covered in a metal shell. Even the parts that should have been eye sockets were deeply sunken, and then, a burst of blood gushed out. Clusters of silver filaments, like insect tentacles, seemed to replace the function of the eyeballs, "hissing" and trembling, scanning and locking on to Meng Chao in a way beyond vision.

The second warrior of origin, after a burst of convulsions, grew two pairs of huge wings from behind—neither the common wings of thunder warriors with the blood of falcons, nor the fleshy membranes similar to bats and flying squirrels , but insect wings similar to dragonflies.

Of course, the basic material that makes up the wings is also not flesh or chitin, but a metal with gorgeous textures, but as thin as a cicada's wing, or a liquid metal-like substance.

When the thickness of the metal wings shrinks infinitely, its length and width can increase infinitely. Soon, the two wildly growing wings cover the ground with a radius of tens of meters, including the top of Meng Chao's head, and he dodges and even breathes. Space.

The remaining three original warriors also couldn't wait to show different changes.

It has become more like a combination of ferocious beasts made of metal and sophisticated weapons that are temporarily incomprehensible at the level of technology of the earthlings.

On them, the characteristics of high-level orcs or carbon-based intelligent life are becoming thinner and thinner.

It was as if all the flesh and blood, cells and genes were used as fuel and burned up.

It was only in exchange for the opportunity for the totem armor to explode at full strength and increase the combat power to the limit.

"how so?"

Rao subconsciously exclaimed in the face of the sudden attack and mutation of the five origin warriors with the psychological quality of ice storm.

Meng Chao vaguely knew the answer.

These five out-of-control totem armors all want to seize their bodies at all costs.

Taking my own pair of six-star spiritual armors is more suitable than most orc powerhouses for growing totem armors and helping them "evolve" to a higher level of body.

Of course he wouldn't let them succeed.

The two chain blades have clearly extended a distance of nearly 100 meters.

But under the subtle manipulation of Meng Chao's ten fingers, he returned to his master faster than the five original warriors.

The blade covered with a small amount of spar powder ignited a flame ten times brighter than before.

It is not a chemical reaction in essence, but a flame generated by pure spiritual energy, which seriously interferes with the perception and scanning systems of the five origin warriors.

Even if they don't rely on eyeballs or compound eyes to "see", there is still a feeling that the "eyes" are blank and the target escapes the locking range.

Of course, with the liquid metal-like substance changing like boiling, they quickly get rid of the interference.

But at this time, Meng Chao's two chain blades had already drawn two trench-like ravines between each other.

And melt the soil and gravel in the gully into real magma, and then use spiritual energy to compress the air to form a shock wave, squeezing them out of the ground and turning them into a literal wall of fire.

Out of confidence in the totem armor.

The five warriors of origin chose to crash directly through the wall of fire.

A large amount of magma is attached to the liquid metal-like substance.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees can't destroy the structure and function of the totem armor.

It just made their offensive a little slower.

Facing these almost immortal warriors of origin, Meng Chao seemed to have returned to the situation where he encountered the "skull-crusher" 249 in the depths of the Blood Skull Temple a few months ago.

Of course, the bodies of these original warriors are only the elite warriors of the Bone Camp, and they are not the same as the ace gladiator "249" who ruled the Bloodhead Arena hundreds of years ago.

However, they couldn't stand the fact that they were so numerous and powerful that they were encircled by five forces, and their combat effectiveness was more than simply increased by 500%!

Not to mention that Meng Chao had no intention of fighting, and was in a hurry to save the ancient dream saint.

He could only stir up the flame power contained in the "Skull Crusher", melt more soil and rocks into magma, and pour it on the five origin warriors, disrupting their perception and delaying their actions.

On the one hand, in the collapsed, toppled, and fragmented stone forest, he frantically jumped up and down, moved around, and wished to find a crack in the ground to get in.

It's a pity that no matter where he fled, the five origin warriors followed behind him lingeringly.

Even if the magma flowing around them was getting thicker and denser, it couldn't stop them from opening their teeth and claws, getting closer and closer to Meng Chao's vital points between eyebrows, eyes, temples, Adam's apple, heart and lower abdomen.


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