Among the successive bloody battles, the most tragic battlefield is near this area.

In the mountain depressions, in the dense forests, and in the swamps, the corpses of wolves and rat people lay everywhere. After being burned by flames and soaked in rain, they became a feast for snakes, insects, rats and ants from all walks of life.

Although the Red Bear, Mountain Dog and others left, the depths of the dense forest gradually returned to calm in the past few days.

The piles of rotting corpses and the three-headed lizard whose belly swelled into a translucent state could not be eaten no matter how much they ate.

As a result, the vigilance of the three-headed lizard was greatly reduced by the feasting in the past few days.

And its bloated body, filled with the flesh and blood of the high-level orcs, also lost its former flexibility.

When it heard a series of intensive roaring of iron hooves, from far to near, it seemed like sharp arrows were coming.

It was too late to dodge.

"Tap Tat Tat"!

The roar sounded like three hammers, hitting the top of its three heads hard.

The three lizards panicked, and hurriedly burrowed into the empty eye sockets of a skull wearing a helmet of a rat warrior in front of him.

Trying to use the hardness of the helmet and skull to resist the trampling of iron hooves.

It's a pity that it still greatly underestimated the strength of the coming person.

Hearing a "click", the opponent didn't use any force at all. The iron hoof inlaid with metal claws easily penetrated the helmet, crushed the skull, and trampled the three-headed lizard hiding in the skull into a pulp.

The three-headed lizard didn't even have time to utter three screams before dying.

With six tarnished eyes, I could only see a team of top-helmed armor, strong bows hanging from their strings, and sharp blades unsheathed, but the armor, blades, and arrows were all smeared with mud to cover up all the sharpness, and there were still wounds on them. Holding vines and branches, the cavalry, who at first glance looked the same as the bushes in the dense forest, galloped all the way, and disappeared into the depths of the dense forest in a blink of an eye.

Just after this team of cavalry galloped away, about half a minute later.

Not far from the muddy corpse of the three lizards.

Two heads popped out from the bushes, and slowly exhaled the first foul breath.

Using both hands and feet, Meng Chao crawled on the ground, like a reptile magnified dozens of times, sneaking up on the pile of rotting corpses.

Using a temporarily modified long-handled tweezers, he carefully lifted the remains of the three-headed lizard and placed them on the inside of a piece of breastplate that he had polished like new, as if they were placed in a sterilized instrument tray for surgery.

Sneaking back into the depths of the bush, Meng Chao popped out a few blades as thin as cicada's wings and of various shapes from his fingers, and studied the corpse of the three-headed lizard intently with the help of the dappled sunlight projected from the gaps in the branches. .

"The destination of this team of wolf cavalry is nearby, and they must be performing a vital mission."

After a while, Meng Chao came to a conclusion.

"How did you see it?"

Ice Storm asked.

"We have followed this team of wolf cavalry for a day and a night, and we know that they are all the soldiers of Kanus the Jackal, the best of the best."

Meng Chao explained, "Like this kind of wolf knight who grew up on the back of a wolf, and the mount I raised with my own hands, has already reached the level of blood connection, a human-wolf body, and has its own set of precise control of every bundle of nerves in the wolf's body." The tips of the cords and muscle fibers.

"Normally, even if the wind is fast, it is not easy to leave traces. At most, it will leave a string of footprints that are not much deeper than fallen leaves.

"The traces we first observed are like this. Through exquisite manipulation, the impact force of the wolf pedaling on the ground can be offset, which can save the physical strength of the knight and the wolf to the greatest extent. At the same time, the claws of the wolf can be maintained. , do not need to rest.

"But since they received the order from the loud arrow on the way, they have obviously sped up, no longer stingy with the physical strength of the wargs, and seem to have to rush to a certain place before the appointed time.

"And just now, these soldiers of the wolf king accelerated again. This time, they did not hesitate to pour their own spiritual energy into the body of the wolf under their crotch, soaring to the limit time and time again.

"Look, this three-headed lizard that was trampled into a meatloaf looks ordinary at first glance, but after careful dissection, it can be found that the viscera on the left half of its corpse have been trampled to pieces like mud, and there are still some faint remains. There were traces of burning flames, while the organs in the right half of the corpse were only shattered into pieces by the shock wave, and there was no sign of liquefaction or burning.

"This shows that the wolf knight who trampled it to death has been unable to perfectly control the spiritual magnetic force field of himself and the wolf, and has shown signs of spiritual disorder and imbalance.

"This point can also be proved from the footprints they left behind in different shades.

"You know, the footprints we observed earlier are all tiny, like a superficial touch on water.

"Here comes the problem. According to the information we obtained from the lone wolf cavalry, the last remnants of the Great Horn Legion loyal to the Saintess of Ancient Dream also broke through the encirclement last night and went all the way south, while the 'Jackal' Canus did not issue an order to continue the pursuit.

"It stands to reason that Kanus the 'Jackal' has already recruited most of the troops of the Great Horn Legion, subdued this piece of lost ground, and guaranteed the safety of the White Blade City. There is no possibility of continuing to use large-scale troops in this area.

"However, there are all indications that this cunning wolf king is still constantly mobilizing troops, gathering troops, mobilizing troops, and showing no signs of triumph. Instead, it seems that a new, more intense, real battle is about to be ushered in. bloody battle.

"Even the wolf king's soldiers, who theoretically should be inseparable from him, are so impatient, they don't hesitate to overdraw the vitality of themselves and their mounts, and they don't hesitate to cause spiritual disorder.

"Where are they going and what are they going to do?"

Ice Storm narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and said, "That's why you guessed that they are going to deal with the ligers and tigers?"

"Not a guess, but an affirmation."

Meng Chao said, "From the moment Kanus the 'Jackal' annexed most of the remnants of the Big Horn Legion without bloodshed, he was destined to tear himself apart from the ligers and tigers.

"The reason is very simple. The wolf clan is already the largest clan among the golden clan, and it is the clan that poses the greatest threat to the lion and tiger clan.

"The ligers and tigers forced the wolves to encircle and suppress the Bighorn Army, with the idea of ​​letting them consume each other and hurt both sides.

"Now, instead of being able to consume each other, the Wolf Clan and the Big Horn Legion have merged into one army, forming a force firmly in the hands of Kanus the 'Jackal', enough to aspire to the throne of the chief of the Golden Clan, and even the entire map. The power of Lanze's High Throne.

"This is something that the ligers and tigers will never tolerate.

"It is also something that a wolf king who is willing to be a puppet and loyal to the lion and tiger clan will never do.

"If 'Jackal' Kanus is really a puppet of the liger and tiger clan, even if the Bighorn Legion is willing to surrender, he is absolutely not qualified, has no guts, and does not have the capital to agree.

"We can only report to Chijin City, and let the strongest members of the lion and tiger clan decide.

"Even if the Big Horn Legion is really allowed to surrender, the recipient should be the special envoy of the ligers and tigers. All the surrendered soldiers of the rat people should be divided up by the ligers and tigers to enrich their strength.

"So, since that night of chaos, annexing half of the Great Horn Legion, the wolf king's ambitions have been clearly revealed.

"Regardless of how his wolf cavalry patrols around and seals it tightly, news of the formation of the Great Horn Legion's surrender and the return of calm near the White Blade City cannot be blocked for too long.

"Sooner or later, Chijin City will know this unexpected news. The strongest members of the lion and tiger clan will be able to detect the ambition of 'Jackal' Kanus immediately, and make a bold move, trying to kill his ambition in infancy. among.

"A careerist like 'Jackal' Kanus would never allow his own legend to fall into a stalemate of being passively beaten at the beginning.

"Since he has lifted all the camouflage and completely torn skins with the lions and tigers, he must have arranged a series of interlocking traps, at least 70% sure.

"So, I believe that while the Great Horn Legion was in chaos, there must have been a shocking change in Chijin City that was beyond everyone's expectations.

"The rumors about the fighting between the lions and tigers may not be groundless, and the alliance that has been sincerely cooperating for three thousand years may not be as unbreakable as it seems on the surface.

"Speaking of which, because of our intervention, the 'Jackal' Kanus probably hasn't completed the final arrangement, the seemingly perfect plan may still have some big or small loopholes.

"Wolf Clan, Lion Clan, Tiger Clan, Rat People.

"There are also the Bloodhoof Clan, Darkmoon Clan, Thunderbolt Clan, and Shenmu Clan that are eyeing each other.

"'Jackal' Kanus wants to turn so many chess players into pawns, playing with the applause, no matter how good his poker skills are, there will always be times when he is in a hurry and unable to catch up.

"That's why we can't follow the remnants of the Great Horn Legion commanded by Red Bear and Coyote all the way south, waiting for the dust to settle in the battle for the supreme power in Turanze.

"And you have to go upstream and appear in front of Kanus the 'Jackal' when he is the most nervous, weakest, and most fatal!"

Ice Storm nodded thoughtfully.

"In general, I agree with your judgment."

She said, "There is only one thing, I still haven't figured it out. From your point of view, 'Jackal' Kanus seems to be the smartest, most powerful, and most likely to become the 'War Chief' in the entire Turanze. The legend of Lan Dajun?"

Meng Chao nodded: "He is indeed."

"Then why did you seem to have a strong hostility towards him from the beginning?"

Ice Storm frowned and said, "Hungry wolves want to eat people, and lions and tigers also want to eat people. You are not the Holy Light Human Race, and you are not the enemy of high-level orcs. Who can become the war chief of Turanze? It is very difficult for you." Is it important?"

"It doesn't matter who is the chief of the war, but Kanus the 'Jackal' cannot become the chief of the war. This is very important to me."

Meng Chao paused, and continued, "This guy is indeed extremely smart, to some extent, he can even be called a 'great talent', but it is often people like this that cause catastrophes that will destroy the world. Even if a fool wants to destroy the world, he doesn't have that ability!"

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