Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1222 The Corroded Tooth

Among the superhumans of the dragon city civilization and the super beasts of the monster civilization, there are also many tyrannical beings with abilities similar to "eroding vitality".

But like this tiger warrior, he was able to suck a burly orc with a helmet and armor into a mummy in a split second, such a terrifying and ferocious ability, but Meng Chao had never seen it in his life.

Closing his eyes and substituting himself into the role of the Angry Lion Warrior, Meng Chao found to his surprise that even when he faced the Tiger Warrior and the treacherous and corrosive purple mist around him, he didn't have much trouble except for constantly dodging. good way.

This guy must be a "battle group level" powerhouse, equivalent to a "divine powerhouse" in the Dragon City cultivation system.

No wonder he dared to lead a group of troops to go deep into the activity area of ​​the wolf army to hunt down the lion king's younger brother.

Sure enough, upon seeing this weird purple mist, Ice Storm's pupils also suddenly shrank into two needlepoints, exuding a dignified look never seen before.

She also condensed the sound waves into silk threads, and guided them precisely into Meng Chao's ear canal: "This guy should be 'Corrosion Fang' Delevingne.

"Like 'Platinum Embrace' Ren, among the countless rebellious wolves, tigers and leopards in the entire Golden Clan, his fighting power can rank among the top ten masters.

"As early as three or five hundred years ago, in the northern part of the Golden Clan and west of the Tiger Clan's settlement, there was a swampy jungle shrouded in mist all year round and haunted by ferocious beasts. , the temple that was almost destroyed by the Holy Light Army.

"Although the inheritance in the temple has been cut off long ago, the remaining power of the totem still breeds an extremely powerful totem beast.

"For hundreds of years, countless tiger clan warriors have formed expedition teams to go deep into the swamp and jungle, trying to capture the totem beast and extract the power of the totem from the ferocious beast.

"But the vast majority of people are wandering around the periphery of the swampy jungle, and they never dare to venture into the depths of the jungle, into the corrosive fog, looking for the ruins of the temple.

"Those daring guys who dared to go deep into the mist were all swallowed by the mist and turned into a pair of faint skeletons. They could only reveal their miserable figures in the depths of the swamp and jungle when the sun was at its strongest at noon. A warning to latecomers.

"'Corrosion Fang' Delevingne is the only explorer who can spend ten days and ten nights in the depths of the swampy jungle, in the fog surrounded by bones, and still be able to retreat unscathed, and even return with a full reward.

"It is said that he hunted a huge high-level totem beast that looks like a combination of a giant python, a giant crocodile and a giant turtle from the swamp fog.

"This totem beast has been entrenched in the swamp jungle for hundreds of years, and it has devoured the lives of countless explorers. After digesting all the flesh and blood of the explorers, its stomach is full of all kinds of totem armor fragments.

"Draven cut open the belly of the totem beast, which was as hard as iron, and took out the fragments of the totem armor piled up like a mountain, soaked by the venom in the totem beast for hundreds of years, and tempered and blessed by the nine priests of the tiger clan. It took several years and a lot of resources to produce this set of totem armor that is now installed on him and has the ability to erode.

"'Corrosion Fang' is not only the name of this set of totem armor, but also Draven's well-known new name—when his killing intent ignited, the flames bursting all over his body seemed to be full of poison Like corrosive fangs, it can corrode and devour everything around it!"

Meng Chao's heart shuddered when he heard that.

"Embrace of Platinum" and "Tooth of Corrosion", two masters whose combat power is enough to rank among the top ten of the Golden Clan, actually staged a good show that never ends in this deserted wilderness.

This is enough to show that, as he expected, the two clans of lions and tigers have completely broken up.

You must know that among the Golden Clan, apart from the Lion and Tiger Clan, there are also Leopards and seven or eight powerful predator tribes.

In other words, regardless of "Platinum Embrace" or "Corrosion Fang", in terms of combat effectiveness, they definitely rank among the top five or even the top three in their respective tribes.

Although it is common sense that "there are five or even seventy or eighty four masters".

But the loss of even one of these "battle group level" powerhouses would be an unbearable burden for the ligers and tigers.

"It seems that, just like in the previous life, Kanus the Jackal's plan is slowly but firmly becoming a reality.

"On the night when the Bighorn Legion was almost wiped out, an earth-shattering event also happened in Chijin City.

"Maybe, the Chijin City, which used to be resplendent and resplendent in the past, is now only left with burning ruins, and it has even been burnt to a piece of white ground.

"That's why, like 'Platinum Embrace' and 'Corrupted Fang', the big shots of their respective tribes will leave their lairs, flee and chase all the way here!"

This thought just passed through Meng Chao's mind.

The two battle group-level powerhouses below have collided fiercely.

The first shock wave set off by "Platinum Embrace" and "Corrosion Fang" blows away all the surrounding ligers and tiger warriors.

Even if it looks like an iron tower, looks like a madman, is armed to the teeth, and looks like a group of heavy metal statues of liger warriors, under the sweeping of arcs, fireballs, wind blades and sonic booms blasted by two battle group-level powerhouses, is it not staggering? Backing away is like scurrying away, or it's like being hit hard on the door and falling straight on your back.

Soon, a large death arena that looked like a crater was cleared for two battle group-level powerhouses.

Seeing that their subordinates all retreated to a safe area.

The two battle group-level powerhouses were fully fired.

The purple mist around "Corrosion Fang" became more intense and vivid, and gradually turned red, like a cloud of blood floating on the ground, baring its teeth and claws.

Around the head of "Platinum Embrace", the eight blades of light intertwined with extremely tough hair rotated at high speed like the propellers of an armored airship, making a roar more violent than the propellers, and gradually diverging into a hazy mist of light.

The blood cloud and light mist, like two hungry but experienced beasts, devoured the distance between each other bit by bit, tempting each other carefully.

The sound of "crackling" exploded constantly on their contact surface.

The light blade kept tearing through the blood cloud, and almost touched the surface of the "Fang of Corrosion" armor several times.

The corrosive power contained in the blood cloud also eroded the light blade continuously, causing a large cloud of extremely rancid smoke to emerge between the two.

But the life magnetic fields of the two and the liquid metal-like substances that make up the totem armor seem to be inexhaustible, inexhaustible, and constantly regenerated to make up for the damage caused by the other party.

Meng Chao was amazed by the wonderful peak duel.

He has a deeper understanding of the power of the totem armor and the orc warriors.

According to his judgment, if both of them are in the best condition with sufficient spiritual power and the totem armor is intact.

It is difficult to tell the winner in half a quarter of a battle.

No matter which side has the final word, the ability to kill the opponent.

Even if one side is at a disadvantage, there are plenty of opportunities to walk away.

The problem is, "Platinum Embrace" is seriously injured.

Also thrust into his chest was a gleaming spear covered in runes and threads.

Accompanied by fierce battles of muscle fibers vibrating at least hundreds of times per second, the freshly scabbed wound near the heart burst again.

Even with the blockage of the totem armor, hot blood still flowed out along the circles of threads on the spear.

And the angry lion warrior beside him is constantly falling down.

The opponent is using a life-and-death strategy to quickly expand its own advantage.

If ten angry lion warriors were to fight against thirty fierce tiger warriors, it would have to be one against three.

As long as there are five Tiger Warriors, they are willing to die together with the Angry Lion Warriors.

It became five angry lion warriors to deal with twenty-five fierce tiger warriors.

On average, around every lion man, there are five tiger men who are staring at each other.

This is a very simple arithmetic problem.

But it is also a difficult problem that even "Platinum Embrace" cannot solve.

Rao is a battle group-level powerhouse, and in this case, his aura was unknowingly suppressed by his opponent.

The blood cloud seemed to absorb the blood from the heart of "Platinum Embrace", and continued to expand amid the screams of "hissing", turning into a monster with teeth and claws.

The haze surrounding the "Platinum Embrace" kept shrinking and dimming, and even showed an ugly yellow-brown color under the corrosion of the blood cloud.

This situation caused ice flames to burst out from Ice Storm's eyes.

The tightly clenched fists made the sound of cracking bones.

Meng Chao blinked and asked curiously, "Didn't you say that you don't know 'Platinum Embrace' Ren? Why do you feel distressed when you see him at a disadvantage?"

"Where do I feel sorry for 'Platinum Embrace', obviously I feel sorry for his totem armor, okay?"

Ice Storm told Meng Chao, "You should know that the most powerful feature attached to my totem armor 'Platinum Ripper' is 'tearing'.

"As for the totem armor of 'Platinum Embrace', the most powerful feature is also 'tearing'.

"It can be said that his totem armor represents the evolution direction of the 'Platinum Ripper'.

"If I can get a few fragments of his totem armor, it will definitely evolve the 'Platinum Ripper' to a more powerful, near-perfect level, and there will be less chance of fusion failure or backlash.

"You said, seeing such a totem armor, because the owner was seriously injured, and was destroyed by the 'corroded teeth', how could I not feel distressed?"

"I see."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes, with greedy and distressed eyes like Ice Storm, and muttered, "That's right, the totem armor of the battle group-level powerhouse is indeed mouth-watering, and I want to wear it!"

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