Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1231 The Power of Truth

"Platinum Embrace" knew he was going to die.

Whether it is a spear that penetrates the chest cavity or completely tears the heart.

Still overdrawn, depleted flesh and blood.

Or the nerves, blood vessels, and muscle fibers that are gradually rotting are infiltrated by the totem power of the "corrupted teeth".

It all means that his life can only be calculated in units of "moments".

Even if he was soaked in the strongest secret medicine and received joint treatment from the most powerful witch doctor and priest of the Golden Clan, it was impossible for him to see the sun rise tomorrow.

So struggling has become pointless.

The only thing he can do is to try his best to continue the task of continuing the life and death of the Lion Clan after his death.

Thinking of this, the gaze of "Platinum Embrace" shifted from Meng Chao and Bing Fengfeng to the depths of the cave.

In the depths of the cave lay a person.

He seemed to be suffering from a high fever, unconscious, and wrapped in seven or eight layers of blankets, still convulsing and moaning indistinctly.

"Platinum Embrace" couldn't quite see the face of this person.

However, she could feel that her brain was like a raging volcano, continuously releasing violent ripples outward.

The invisible ripples were like raging turbulent waves, impacting on the head of "Platinum Embrace". Even with the protection of a helmet and mask, it still gave him a splitting headache and visions abounded in front of his eyes.

It was so strange, from the perspective of "Platinum Embrace", it was obvious that he should not have seen this person with his back turned to him, facing the face deep in the cave.

But in a trance, he clearly saw this person wearing a golden battle armor, solemn and majestic, majestic, like a spar statue.

And in the next blink of an eye, the golden statue was cracked and disintegrated, and turned into a woman with a huge head, ugly, ragged clothes, and as humble as dust.

When he blinked for the third time, "Platinum Embrace" saw the eyes of "Jackal" Kanus on the woman's face—the wolf's eyes were as scarlet as red ink, with undisguised ambition flowing.

That's right, it's ambition, something that "Platinum Embrace" has never seen in the eyes of this "loyal lackey".

"how so?"

"Platinum Embrace" was taken aback.

Immediately realized that he was hallucinating.

As a super master of the Angry Lion Clan, "Platinum Embrace" has of course come into contact with a large number of mysterious and unpredictable priests.

These priests all have the ability to penetrate the soul and create illusions.

However, this woman curled up into a ball, obviously in a deep coma, can still disrupt his brain in an instant.

It seems that her power is stronger and purer than the priests of the lion and tiger clan.

Such a weird thing has never been encountered by "Platinum Embrace".

"Who are you?"

He couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't help asking, "Why save me?"

"We are members of the Bighorn Legion, the Rat People who rebelled against the rule of the Five Great Clans."

Meng Chao took a deep breath, retracted his totem armor, and opened his arms, exposing his chest and heart to the attack range of "Platinum Embrace".

The ice storm beside him couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Sweat for his reckless move.

Theoretically, until now, the Big Horn Legion and the five major clans are still sworn enemies.

If "Platinum Embrace" bumped into a member of the Great Horn Legion in normal times, he definitely wouldn't mind, and without adding any seasoning, he would eat the poor ratman alive.

But Meng Chao insisted on being honest with "Platinum Embrace".

And believe that the other party will not act impulsively.

Not only because everyone could see that "Platinum Embrace" was on the verge of running out of fuel, and it didn't make any sense to drag a few rat people to be buried with him. The last pride of the high-ranking orc nobles did not allow him to do so.

Moreover, Meng Chao knew that "Platinum Embrace" was full of confusion about the sudden betrayal.

And he was the only one who could solve the confusion before "Platinum Embrace" died.

Sure enough, the "Platinum Embrace" was like a statue covered with icicles. After more than half a minute of being stiff, a weak sigh finally came from the depths of the armor.

Following Meng Chao's example, he took off and took back the totem armor, revealing his body dyed crimson by dried blood.

"Do you know who I am?"

It's not a question, but an affirmation. The loose skin on the face of "Platinum Embrace" drooped, covering up the bursts of murderous aura originating from the blood of the angry lion, making him like a lost dog. He murmured, "Aren't you afraid of being killed by me, even the Great Horn Legion will be destroyed?"

"never mind."

Meng Chao said calmly, "Because, as early as five days ago, the Big Horn Legion was destroyed by Kanus the 'Jackal', more precisely, it was 'annexed'."


"Platinum Embrace" cried out in shock with a face full of shock.

It seems that "Jackal" Kanus really did not inform the lion and tiger clan in Chijin City of this important military situation that would change the order of Turanze's rule.

So much so that the descendants of the Bighorn Legion have accepted the reorganization and obeyed the order of the "Jackal" today, and the "Platinum Embrace" still knows nothing about it.

As the most trusted younger brother of the Great Chief of the Golden Clan, "Platinum Embrace" is obviously not a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, his mind turned, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes became clear and transparent.

"What the hell does this happen?"

The noose of death tightened on his throat, his face was so pale that there was no blood at all, and his breathing was extremely difficult.

But with the rapid passing of vitality, his expression calmed down instead, and he murmured, "Even if the Big Horn Legion is just a mob, it doesn't make sense for it to collapse in just a few days. What happened five days ago?"

"We don't know the specific details. We only know that on a night where we couldn't see our fingers, many warriors and priests of the Big Horn Legion went crazy, and the ancient dream saint was also assassinated."

Meng Chao briefly introduced to "Platinum Embrace" what had happened in the past few days.

Except for his true identity and the means he used to rescue the ancient dream saint, he basically did not tamper with or cover up anything.

After all, the truth is the most powerful. If you want to gain the trust of "Platinum Embrace" in the short few hours before his death, you have to be open and honest.

Therefore, Meng Chao didn't even hide it: "This is the Holy Maiden, who was rescued by us by chance, but because of the repeated bloody battles, the brain was severely damaged, the soul was consumed, and she fell into a deep coma, and she couldn't wake up no matter how you called.

"We can only hide her here, hoping to escape the enemy's search.

"Without the call of the Holy Lady, there is no longer any power that can prevent the collapse of the Big Horn Legion.

"Within three to five days, most of the Ratmen soldiers surrendered to Kanus the Jackal, and a few warriors who were unwilling to surrender broke out of the encirclement and went all the way south, hoping to retreat back to their lair.

"As for why we saved you, well, of course we know who you are, and we know that you are also an enemy of the Bighorn Legion.

"It's just that the mortal enemy who personally destroyed the Big Horn Legion was the 'Jackal' Kanus after all, and it seems that 'Jackal' Kanus' subordinates are going to kill you again.

"I don't know why they did it, I just didn't want to please Kanus the Jackal.

"'Jackal' is our mortal enemy, and you are 'Jackal''s mortal enemy, then, the mortal enemy of the mortal enemy, maybe there is some possibility of cooperation?

"At least, before you die, can you tell us some information, let us know how to escape, and create more trouble for 'Jackal' Kanus?"

"Platinum Embrace" stared at the unconscious Saintess of Ancient Dream for a long time.

His heart was full of emotions—before today, he never dreamed that he would meet the chief culprit who started the Great Horn Rebellion under such circumstances.

"Platinum Embrace" tried its best to find the flaws and contradictions in Meng Chao's words.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the information Meng Chao told him could be perfectly matched with the shocking upheavals that had occurred in Chijin City in the past few days, and the strangeness he felt after entering the area controlled by "Jackal" Kanus.

Besides, the violent ripples continuously released from the depths of the ancient dream saint's brain are things that cannot be faked no matter what.

Apart from this witch who caused trouble in Turanze, who else could implant so many vivid hallucinations into the brain of "Platinum Embrace" in just a short moment?

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