Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1236 Digging Troops

This is a very reasonable question.

Even Ice Storm, who was familiar with Turan's customs, nodded repeatedly.

Although for thousands of years, adventurers who explored deep into the holy mountain and tried to grab the first pot of gold emerged in endlessly, and they were repeatedly banned.

But because the risks and opportunities of exploring the holy mountain are ridiculously high, those who are willing to explore are either those whose clan has been destroyed by the enemy and harbor blood and deep hatred, or exiled warriors who have been expelled by the clan, or those who have just emerged and are eager for success rookie.

In short, they are all guys who cannot gain power quickly through normal channels, or who are dying, and death is not a pity.

In the Earth Age, a philosopher once said: "Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

You have nothing at all, so why are you afraid of losing everything?

But that's definitely not the case with "The Doomhorn."

He has climbed up to the Lion Clan, no, he is the first person of the Golden Clan.

Even if he also has adventures, talents, and the "Blade of Destruction" who holds a peerless murderous knife, he is faintly suppressed by him.

What reason does he have to take the risk and explore the holy mountain?

Taking a step back, even if the "Horn of Destruction" really has the desire to explore the holy mountain, it should choose a more secure time point.

The current Golden Clan is fighting a war to suppress the Bighorn Legion on the surface, and the battle situation is not too favorable for the Golden Clan.

There are also the four major clans such as Bloodhoof, and the tiger and lion clans that occupy the top of the food chain are also competing.

The overall situation is like a powder keg exposed to the scorching sun.

How dare the "Clarion of Destruction", the great chief, leave everything behind and go deep into the holy mountain to find his own death?

Sure enough, not long after he left, the Tiger Clan and the Lion Clan clashed blatantly—with the wisdom of "The Horn of Destruction", there's no reason why they couldn't even foresee such a danger, right?

Both Meng Chao and Ice Storm cast suspicious eyes on "Platinum Embrace".

"Platinum Embrace" frowned closely, every hair on his face hesitated.

He knew that if he continued, he would talk about the secrets that only a very few people knew among the nobles of the Lion Clan.

There is also the possibility that the glory of the holy mountain will be tarnished by two lowly people from the Rat People's rebel army, which may provoke the wrath of the ancestors.

However, the sound of "Didi, Didi, Dididi" coming from his heart, which was getting faster and weaker, made him have no choice but to let his heart go and tell the whole truth.

The "Horn of Destruction" trip to the holy mountain was related to "Jackal" Kanus.

Before "Jackal" Kanus became the wolf king, he commanded a very secret digging troop under the command of "The Horn of Destruction".

Responsible for excavating lost temples buried throughout Turanze for the "Clarion of Doom".

The temple is a gift left by the ancestors of Turan to future generations.

It contains the superior technology and mysterious power of the ancient Turan civilization originated from the starry sky.

Around a temple, a tribe can often rise, form a town, and even gather forces from all directions to form a huge clan.

Turanze was originally dotted with large and small temples, and the total number exceeded one thousand.

However, most of the temples were built ten thousand years ago, and with the erosion of the years and the torment of the war, they gradually became dilapidated or even annihilated.

Especially the "Great Extinction Order Era" three thousand years ago.

That was the era when the Land of the Holy Light was the strongest and Turanze was the weakest.

It is said that the gods believed by the Holy Light Human Race issued a "mass extinction order" deep in the brain of each Holy Light Human Race.

The Shengguang people, whose fighting spirit is far inferior to that of the high-level orcs, have become crazy believers who are not afraid of death.

They screamed and rushed towards Turanze, claiming to exterminate all existences under the starry sky who did not believe in the Holy Light.

The army of the Holy Light attacked the city all the way, destroying everything they saw along the way, and obliterating all traces of the high-level orcs left on this land.

Even the former Baijian City was destroyed by the invasion of the Holy Light Human Race.

As for the temple, it is naturally regarded by the Holy Light people as an evil lair dedicated to evil gods. They must be thoroughly purified with holy light and holy water, or blasted into powder with war hammers or even cannons.

Although the high-level orcs relied on their perseverance, they barely stopped the attack of the Holy Light Army in the end.

However, more than three to five hundred temples were damaged or even destroyed by the army of the Holy Light, and the losses were not insignificant.

There are also a large number of temples, protected by the ancestors, hidden underground in an incredible way, and even disappeared directly into the void.

The tribes that enshrined these temples were completely killed by the Holy Light Army in fierce battles, and no one knew how to find and open these lost temples.

When the offensive of the Holy Light Army reached its limit, because the logistics supply line was stretched too long, showing flaws, and finally met with fierce counterattacks by the high-ranking orcs, and had to retreat angrily, the reconstruction of the Turan civilization for three thousand years had just begun.

During the three thousand years, of course, hundreds of lost temples were discovered again.

The resources, weapons and power in the temple are also given to those who discover them, and the rewards they deserve.

Countless unknown soldiers, because they inherited the power of the lost temple, became the leaders of the tribes, and even the founders of new tribes.

He is qualified to engrave his glorious deeds in a new heroic epic. After a vigorous sacrifice, as an "ancestral spirit", he will be sacrificed and worshiped by thousands of successors.

Even today, many Turanians still believe that the Lost Temple is far from being fully excavated.

In the depths of the earth, on the top of the mountains, in the middle of the great lake, in the mist and swamps, there are other mysterious areas that mortals cannot easily touch, and at least hundreds of lost temples are still hidden, waiting to be explored with wisdom, courage and strength Or, to inherit the huge legacy that has been dormant for three thousand years.

The five major clans are all looking for the Lost Temple.

In a sense, this is also an arms race to strengthen the clan.

And the hundreds of tribes within the five major clans, no matter the Lion Clan, Tiger Clan, Tauren, or Wild Boar, all have their own very secret "Lost Temple Exploration Troops".

Even the "Horn of Destruction" is raising an unknown digging force, and deliberately does not let the lion warriors lead it, but let "Jackal" Kanus command it.

On the one hand, this ground-digging troop does not belong to the Golden Clan, or even the Angry Lion Clan, but completely belongs to the "Destruction Horn" itself.

Even if the Lost Temple is found, most of the benefits will fall into the hands of the "Horn of Destruction", and then share it with brothers and confidantes like "Platinum Embrace".

After sharing, do you want to let the whole family share the leftovers from your fingers? The initiative is completely in the hands of the "Destruction Horn".

Another one, exploring the Lost Temple is very dangerous.

It's okay to not find the Lost Temple, but once you find it, you will have to face the many traps and ever-changing tests in the temple.

Many tests require hundreds of thousands of lives to fill.

It is obviously inappropriate to fill the bottomless pit of the Lost Temple with the life of the proud and precious lion warrior.

It would be much more appropriate for "Jackal" Kanus to come forward to deceive, coerce and lure, recruit a large number of wolf tribes and other down-and-out warriors, and use their lives to fill them.

Thirdly, and most importantly, "Jackal" Kanus seems to have a talent for finding lost temples.

Although his combat power is mediocre, he has a nose that is sharper than anyone else, able to sniff out soils of different ages and conditions, and even deduce the history of thousands of years ago based on the blood stains and rust in the soil. , What kind of fierce battle has happened on this soil.

Before the "jackal", the title of "corpse dog" came from this.

Many people laughed at Kanus and said, if he didn't like digging three feet into the ground and chewing on corpses buried deep in the ground, how could he have such a sensitive nose?

Because he was lucky enough to explore several lost temples and survived catastrophe, "Jackal" Kanus also had a very deep understanding of the defense system of the lost temples, those organs made with ancient Turan technology.

Since the secret appointment of "Jackal" Kanus as the commander of the digging force, this former "corpse dog" has helped "The Horn of Destruction" unearth no less than twenty lost temples.

Although most of the lost temples are small in scale, and have been damaged by war and eroded by the years, the power of the artifacts and secret medicines sealed inside is greatly reduced.

However, the strength of "The Horn of Destruction" was still soaring, not only firmly seated on the throne of the Lion King, but also firmly grasping the authority of the Great Chief of the Golden Clan in his own hands.

In order to reward the loyalty of "Jackal" Kanus, the title of "Lord of the Wolf Clan" fell on this former "corpse dog".

After becoming the wolf king, "Jackal" Kanus also made his position very clear.

Not only did he not take credit for his pride, but he also had other thoughts when he saw the large number of wolf cavalry under his command.

On the contrary, he is more loyal and submissive to the "Clarion of Destruction", always remembering that he is the one who does "dirty work" and "wet work".

Therefore, he took advantage of the authority of the "Wolf King" to force more wolf warriors to help the "Horn of Destruction" discover the lost temple.

Several expeditions into the barren mountains and ridges have cost people and money, and caused heavy losses.

While the wolves complained and even hated "Jackal" Kanus, "The Horn of Destruction" naturally trusted this loyal dog who was devoted to him even more.

His trust was soon rewarded even more.

While the "Big Horn Rebellion" was in full swing, "Jackal" Kanus still did not stop exploring the lost temple.

This time, his claws reached deep into the holy mountain.

During a top-secret exploration operation, he unexpectedly discovered the legendary holy mountain temple, and the wreckage of the big fireball that carried all the hopes of the ancestors of Turan, traveled through the starry sky, and fell from the sky!

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