Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1253 The Risk of Seeking a Tiger's Skin

Ice Storm fell into deep thought.

Meng Chao's words seemed to open a door to a new world for her.

Behind the gate, there were countless questions that she had never thought about.

Fortunately, with the dual survival and escape experience of the Land of Holy Light and Turanze, she originally had a much wider vision and a much more flexible thinking than a pure orc warrior and magician.

After careful consideration, she had to agree with Meng Chao's judgment.

"It makes sense. The foundation of the wolf king is not as good as that of the lion king and tiger king. Even if he is lucky enough to become a war priest, his control over the lion and tiger clans and even the five major clans will definitely not be as strong as the war priests in the past—at least , in the beginning it was like this.”

Ice Storm said thoughtfully, "In order to secure the throne of the War Priest, the Wolf King must be braver and more aggressive than the Lion King and Tiger King, and be tougher externally, and better meet the common wishes of all Turan orcs.

"That is to say, even if the Wolf King is willing to cooperate with you and your people, his own wishes are irrelevant, because he has already been involved in the huge wave of anger and desire of all Turan orcs. No choice!"

"That's right, that's it!"

Meng Chao was very happy that he could find such a clear-minded collaborator in Turanze.

In his opinion, "Jackal" Kanus is actually somewhat similar to the war madman who launched World War II in the Earth era.

The reason why such a madman was able to transform from an unknown person to a leader who commanded the masses in just a few years.

One's own ability, charisma and hard work are of course important.

But more importantly, they saw the tide of the times clearly, climbed to the top of the storm, and became the embodiment of desire, anger and hatred of all.

Then, after they have stolen the high position, there is no other way to go except to continue to be pushed by the tide of the times, to exhaust themselves and do everything they can to satisfy the unsatisfiable desires of the people who are constantly improving.

Therefore, if the Lion King and Tiger King still have a 20 to 30 percent chance of helping Turan Civilization, a rumbling war machine, step on the brakes temporarily.

On the side of the wolf king, there is hardly even a half chance.

What's more, Meng Chao is convinced: "For the 'Jackal' Kanus himself, he is more eager than anyone else to start a war as soon as possible. He can't wait to increase the scale and intensity of the war to the limit on the first day of the war!"

"Why is this?"

Ice Storm asked curiously.

Not to question, but to ask.

"Because, the larger the scale and the higher the intensity of the war, the more chance he has to secure the throne of war chief, and even become the 'eternal King of Turan'!"

Meng Chao said, "Did you forget what he did in the battle against the Big Horn Army?

"Before encircling and suppressing the Rat People's rebels, 'Jackal' Kanus was only the wolf king in name, and everyone knew that he was just a puppet. They didn't even look at him.

"But what now?

"Through a series of insidious and delicate operations, most of the wolf army leaders who didn't take him seriously, died or were injured. It is impossible to pose any threat to 'Jackal' Kanus.

"On the contrary, our wolf king, through a series of performances that turned the tide, has established a glorious image of stalwart in the hearts of all the wolf warriors, and I believe that his cronies have also taken the opportunity to fill in for those military leaders. After fleeing and fleeing, the power left was blank, so that the entire wolf clan was firmly in his hands.

"Once 'Jackal' Kanus really becomes the war chief.

"He will inevitably need a larger-scale war, and follow the same pattern to establish prestige and consolidate the rule. On the battlefield where the sword has no eyes, he will solve those troublemakers who cannot be used by him, and let his cronies take advantage of it. Gradually control the entire Turan army.

"With the forbearance of 'Jackal' Kanus, before he is sure to get rid of all internal opponents and troublemakers, he will definitely sweet talk and win over these rebellious patriarchs and military leaders. Make promises that can never be kept.

"Tell me, how can such a wolf king who is about to 'pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger' put on an aggressive posture, cooperate with a foreign race with black hair and black eyes, and risk angering vested interest groups, in Turanze Internally, how about making a big change?"

As the saying goes, "this time, that time".

When the Dragon City civilization and the Turan civilization came into contact in the previous life, "Jackal" Kanus had already firmly controlled the military and political power of Turanze, and established a lofty prestige through a series of dazzling victories. Moreover, all opponents and troubles The maker was also cleaned by him over and over again, and he was completely clean.

Therefore, the "Jackal" Kanus at that time was able to withstand the pressure, signed a covenant with the Dragon City civilization, and attached great importance to the suggestions of the Dragon City people on subsequent strategic and tactical issues.

But the current "Jackal" Kanus is far from being so strong.

For him, the immediate problem was to climb and secure the War Priesthood.

Rather than the victory or defeat of the Great War of Foreign Worlds.

Even though Meng Chao broke his heart to him, he was keenly aware of the value of Dragon City civilization.

He is also very likely to think—"Cooperating with Dragon City Civilization is imperative, but first, I have to completely control the entire Turanze!"

Unfortunately, by then, it will be too late!

And this, even if Meng Chao told "Jackal" Kanus face to face.

With the character of this careerist, he would never believe it.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao sighed.

"In addition, there is another reason that makes me very reluctant to cooperate with the Wolf King - he is too dangerous."

Meng Chao continued, "As you know, the wolf king got rich because he hugged the lion king's thigh. No matter whether the lion king regards him as a puppet, a pawn, or a tool, at least the lion king gave him His first pot of gold gave him the resources and opportunities to rise miraculously.

"But now, not only will the wolf king avenge his kindness, he will lure the lion king into the holy mountain, and take the opportunity to instigate a firefight between the lion and tiger clans.

"Do you think such a person can really become a trustworthy and high-quality partner?"

This was what Meng Chao was most worried about.

After all, the industrial products that Dragon City wanted to dump on Turanze were not only tobacco, spirits, carbonated drinks, and civilian machinery, but also lethal weapons with astronomical numbers.

Infused with super alloys, inlaid with crystals, and manufactured with special techniques, the anti-equipment sniper bullets can not only penetrate the brains of magicians, but also smash the hearts of superhumans.

Although the "Jackal" Kanus in his previous life did not betray the covenant with the Dragon City people until the end of his life.

But who can guarantee that it wasn't because the soldiers from the Holy Light camp were pressing down on the border, and the Chaos camp could only hold together to keep warm?

Who can guarantee that the Turan civilization will not be led by the "Jackal" Kanus after ten years in advance, after being armed with large-scale thermal weapons on the earth, and absorbing the advanced military concepts of the earth, and expanding its combat power tenfold? Next, destroy the Holy Light camp in a devastating manner, then cross the river and demolish the bridge, and turn around to deal with the Dragon City civilization?

No, more than no guarantee, it is simply inevitable.

A mere planet, with so many civilizations in a mess, is too crowded.

Any civilization, as long as it has the corresponding ability, wants to conquer all other civilizations and monopolize the entire alien world, right?

Therefore, the Dragon City civilization must arm the Turan civilization, let the high-level orcs act as human shields in front, and constantly consume the Holy Light camp to buy precious time for its own development.

However, the Turan civilization cannot be armed too strongly, lest the balance of victory slide from one extreme to the other.

If the Temple of the Holy Light is destroyed, but the Turan civilization becomes a new big boss, then it is feeding tigers and killing itself.

To grasp such a delicate measure, it was originally as difficult as walking a tightrope over a cliff.

Meng Chao really didn't want to sway and walk the tightrope, but also to intrigue and intrigue with a peerless murderer like "Jackal" Kanus.

Ice Storm suddenly realized.

If we say that the first reason Meng Chao gave is still a little hard to understand.

This one is simply too correct.

After seeing how the wolf king treats his benefactor, the lion king, who would dare to cooperate with the wolf king and even help the wolf king become stronger.

It was simply that he didn't die fast enough.

In fact, Meng Chao had a third reason.

He thinks the wolf king is too smart.

You know, in Meng Chao's overall plan, he planned to gradually turn Tulanze into a dumping market for industrial products, a place for collecting resources and raw materials, and a recruiting point for soldiers over a period of ten or twenty years.

In other words, Turan civilization should become a vassal of Dragon City civilization.

And the Dragon City civilization should become the leader of the Chaos faction.

Meng Chao believes that after Dragon City discovers Turanze, the members of the Survival Committee—whether they are from the military and want to dominate the world, or the nine super companies, those business princes who are only interested in profit, must be the same. Think so.

Although the high-level orcs have unparalleled brute force.

However, an advanced civilization that has entered the information age can never resist the blow of dimensionality reduction to a backward civilization that is still in the clan era and is still degrading.

Dragon City civilization is full of mysterious commercial contracts, intricate legal provisions, and sugar-coated shells with venom, which make high-level orcs feel all kinds of convenient and happy commodities and consumption patterns, which are enough to turn the most stalwart animal men into paralyzed people. On the computer chair, there is a senior otaku waiting to die.

If it is a traditional orc leader like "Horn of Destruction" or "Blade of Fury", it will definitely not be able to resist the infiltration, temptation and corruption of Dragon City.

But if it was "Jackal" Kanus, the "atypical orc leader"...

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