"That's right, that's it. Later, my mother saw my father's coveted heart for this memory crystal copy, and wanted to use this crystal as a bait to ask my father to help her go to the depths of the Holy Mountain of Turan to restart it." The preliminary preparations for the temple, so she fiddled with the engram copy."

Ice Storm said, "My mother first used witchcraft to transfer all the sounds and pictures in the copy of the memory crystal to her mind, and then erased the most critical parts of the sound and pictures in the copy of the memory crystal, and then Put the copy of the Engram in a seemingly secret place, but with my father's ability, there must be a way to steal it.

"After my father stole a copy of the memory crystal and left without saying goodbye, my mother raised me alone. While teaching me all kinds of weird witchcraft, she also passed on the memory crystal in her own brain. The sound and picture of the copy were instilled into my mind.

"For those who have not experienced it personally, it is difficult to deeply understand what it is like.

"It's as if... every night that feels like a year, I will become a soldier of the Holy Light Human Race three thousand years ago in my nightmare, and follow the large army, pouring into the depths of the Holy Mountain of Turan like a tide, and then, Like foam on the tide, lost in the ever-changing gaps and whirlpools of space.

"Although after three thousand years of erosion, the pictures and sounds stored in the memory crystal have become mottled and blurred.

"However, when these soldiers were squeezed into meatloaf by the space gap, or torn apart bit by bit by the space vortex, until they were shattered and turned into bone powder and blood mist, the piercing pain was preserved as it was, and, a brain It poured on me as a little girl!"

The voice of the ice storm gradually became lower and lower.

The corners of her mouth and eyes twitched in pain.

From the seemingly transparent pupils, a cold air of a hundred degrees below zero blew out.

Not only did the surrounding shrubs and the ground be covered with frost, even Meng Chao couldn't help shivering.

Icestorm was wrong.

If there is only one person in this world who can understand her feelings.

Then it must be Meng Chao.

Although Meng Chao hadn't tried it before, what it felt like to be forced by witchcraft to compress the information in the memory crystal into the depths of his brain.

But in a sense, "Tinder" has the same effect as the memory crystal, and it is even an upgraded version of the memory crystal.

When he unlocked the power of the fire seed, he also clearly experienced the feeling of thousands of people in Longcheng who had nowhere to escape when the doomsday came, and could only despair and usher in destruction.

It was as if he died a thousand times in a short moment.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of mother would make her child suffer such inhuman torture.

No wonder the ice storm was like a statue pulled out from the depths of an iceberg. Even the scorching sun at noon in summer could not melt even a tiny bit of her heart that had been frozen for many years.

Meng Chao also thought that the reason why Ice Storm's parents, the pair of ruthless witches and orc adventurers, wanted to give birth to such a double-cursed hybrid was probably not just to challenge the authority of the Holy Light Temple.

Perhaps, the ice storm is the "secret weapon" they use to explore the holy mountain temple.

It's just that Ice Storm's mother didn't expect that she would die so early.

As for Ice Storm's father, it seemed that after hugging the thigh of "Jackal" Kanus, he revised his plan and completely abandoned her.

In her previous life, she just disappeared in the long river of history.

Like waves lapping on the shore, foam rising and disappearing.

What about this world?

Ice Storm realized his gaffe.

Taking a deep breath, he hid his expression behind the hard ice shell again, and said coldly: "Forget it, these are all things in the past, maybe I should thank my parents—no matter what their original intentions are, they will never die. The nightmarish nightmare, on the contrary, opened up my brain and tempered my spiritual power, allowing me to use the power of the holy light and the power of the totem at the same time as a half-blood, so that I can be alone in this cruel world survive.

"In short, I know how to walk in the depths of the holy mountain, so as not to be involved in space gaps and space vortexes.

"But that's not enough.

"In all the pictures in the memory crystal dungeon, there is no mention of the next step after climbing to the top of the holy mountain.

"The holy mountain temple is not on the top of the holy mountain.

"When the Holy Light Army 3,000 years ago, consumed countless lives and resources, and finally climbed to the top of the holy mountain, all they saw was an empty mountaintop. There was neither a temple nor a large fireball wreckage, and there was no hint of a temple. and the marker where the wreckage of the large fireball is located.

"They even dug three feet into the ground, vertically descending from the top of the holy mountain, digging dozens of holes as deep as a hundred arms, until they dug the entire floating mountain range up and down, they still failed to dig any hidden holes. rise up in mysterious space.

"The army of the Holy Light lost its soldiers, ran out of ammunition and food, and had no choice but to retreat back to the Land of Holy Light in disgrace.

"So, relying on the clues I know, we can only reach the highest point of the holy mountain of Turan at most-there is reason to believe that there is no real 'sacred mountain top' described in countless ancient war epics. '.

"Having said that, my father, 'Jackal' Kanus, as well as 'Horn of Destruction' and 'Blade of Fury' should be very clear about this problem—it is useless to find the highest point of the Holy Mountain of Turan .

"However, knowing this, they are still willing to spend so many resources and even gamble everything. This is enough to show that Kanus the 'Jackal' has found new clues and knows how to complete the process from the 'Holy Mountain. The thrilling leap from the highest point to the top of the holy mountain!

"Then, it's up to you next!"

Ice Storm's gaze moved from Meng Chao's face to the ugly face of the ancient dream saint behind him, who fell into a deep sleep and was still twitching constantly.

Meng Chao nodded, hugged the ancient dream saint, and sat down under a mandala tree.

He first let the ice storm create a few ice cubes, wrap them in a cloth bag, wrap them around the forehead and neck of the ancient dream saint, and cool down the ancient dream saint's brain and the blood injected into the brain.

Afterwards, he fed some secret medicine with honey to the ancient dream saint.

And with his hands trembling at super high speed, he gently massaged the temples of the Saintess of Ancient Dream, and injected several mild spiritual energy into the depths of her brain.

Until Gu Meng Shengnv's frown, which was always tightly locked, was slightly smoothed by him.

And the burning erythema on his face also subsided a bit.

Only then did Meng Chao listen to him, and whispered: "Listen, Saintess of Ancient Dream, I know you are working very hard now, but for the future of the Big Horn Legion and all the Rat People, we may have to do it again.

"You have done very well in the past few times, successfully helped us see the eyes of the 'Jackal' Kanus, and everything he saw, thus helping us grab his tail.

"Now, we are only half a step away from 'Jackal' Kanus, take another look, as long as we can see his vision, we will know where he is and what kind of conspiracy he is planning. How to stop him!"

Although the ancient dream saint is still sleeping.

But her eyeballs quivered and twirled rapidly under her eyelids.

The speed of rotation was so fast that one couldn't help but suspect that it was not the eyeball, but the core rotor of some kind of signal amplification device.

Accompanied by the ultra-high-speed rotation of the eyeballs, the brain of the ancient dream saint began to heat up again.

The ice cubes that had just been applied to her head and neck melted into ice water at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The ice water turned into misty water vapor in just a few breaths, as if hiding the deformed and swollen head of the ancient dream saint in the mist.

Meng Chao wanted to reach out to test the temperature of the ancient dream saint.

But the ancient dream saint suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Compared with Meng Chao's steel and iron bones, Gu Meng's arms and ten fingers seemed to be as skinny as wood.

But the strength she held was so strong that Meng Chao even frowned subconsciously, unable to break free for a while.

At this moment, the ancient dream saint slowly opened her eyes.

Gray eyeballs without pupils were revealed.

No, it's not that the eye rolls, turning the pupils to the inside of the eyelids.

It was as if the pupils and even the eyeballs had all disappeared, and what was embedded in her eye sockets at this moment were two bottomless white whirlpools.

Meng Chao's consciousness was drawn into the deepest part of the white vortex.

It was like walking through a long forest path in a dense fog. After an unknown period of time, mottled and shining lights appeared in front of him.

This is what the Saintess of Ancient Dream tried her best to present to him, what "Jackal" Kanus saw at this moment.

In the past twelve quarters, they have used this method many times to spy on the field of vision of "Jackal" Kanus, determine the positions of the wolf king and the tiger king, and thus try to find the location before the wolf king and the tiger king. lion king.

In the beginning, snooping was relatively easy.

"Jackal" Kanus didn't seem to expect that the ancient dream saint not only did not die, but also retained a spiritual link with him, and could even invade his brain port in reverse through a greatly improved ability.

But after the first snooping was discovered, "Jackal" Kanus seemed to be prepared.

Several times, Meng Chao's consciousness had just been augmented by the brain of the Saintess of Ancient Dream, and sneaked into the wolf king's brain.

Before seeing and hearing anything, it was pushed out by a powerful force and shut away.

There was even one time when "Jackal" Kanus deliberately set a trap, pretending not to notice that Meng Chao was spying on him, but he did not know what kind of secret technique was activated, trying to cut off the connection between Meng Chao's consciousness and brain, and make Meng Chao's consciousness " Seizure" in his head.

If it weren't for the fact that Meng Chao's soul had been baptized by the flames of doomsday, and the long-sleeping fire had gradually awakened.

Maybe, Meng Chao's soul is really going to become the slave of "Jackal" Kanus, and when he cultivates to a body as strong as iron, he will become a muddled, walking dead existence!

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