Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1417 Thousands of Futures

"If it's just this level of prediction, I can certainly understand it."

Wolf King said, "But the future we see and experience in Doomsday Nightmare is not just about 'exploring a mine vein, predicting the population size of a satellite town', or 'discovering someone's irregular schedule, unhealthy diet, and family inheritance According to the medical history, it is as simple as predicting that he cannot live a long life.

"How much information or initial data do you need to have in order to predict the future so...so detailed and lifelike?"

"That's why I said, it's some 'existence above us'."

Meng Chao said, "This is true of any deduction, the more detailed and reliable the initial data input into the computing system, the more refined and accurate the output results will be.

"A certain super company from Dragon City only has the rough data of a certain spar vein, so it can only predict the future development of the industrial chain around this vein and the satellite city.

"You only have the initial data about Turanze, and all you can see is the future and the end of Turanze.

"However, if this 'existence above us' can grasp all the information of a city, a region, a continent, a civilization, or even the entire planet—if not all, at least 50%, or even 10% % information, it is possible for this existence to carry out a lot of deduction, calculation and prediction on the fate of a civilization or even the entire planet, and draw conclusions that may not be accurate, but at least reasonable and in line with the law of development of things.”

"Have all the information on the entire planet?"

The wolf king frowned and said, "What kind of powerful existence can possess such a terrifying ability? Does such an existence really exist?"

"At first, I thought there was no such thing, so I didn't think about it, but after absorbing the original mother's life source and memory fragments, I suddenly realized that such an existence existed, at least hundreds of millions of years ago, It used to exist."

Meng Chao said, "During the few months covered, wrapped, and conceived by the spirit magnet that burst out from the original mother, I seemed to have had an extremely long, magnificent, and thrilling dream from ancient times to today.

"I don't know, did you, like me, dream about that incredible giant?"

"You mean, that thing that seems to have the whole planet as its body, its brain is dormant deep in the earth's core, but it grows countless tentacles from the surface, waving wildly, that end is called 'demon' and' Chaos' prehistoric creature?"

When the wolf king said this, he seemed to understand something, his eyes shone with incredible light, and he murmured, "Yes, suppose, assuming that the ancient memory images transmitted to us by the 'Original Mother' are real, a long, long time ago , There really was a super life on this planet that could unify all living things, use the entire planet as its body, and have tentacles that could spread from the ground all the way to the outer space.

"Then, this super life can naturally grasp all the information on this planet hundreds of millions of years ago, at least 10% of all the information, and use this as the initial data, after a series of mysterious and complicated Calculate and deduce the changing situation of the entire planet, the ebb and flow, the rise and fall of civilizations in the hundreds of millions of years after that!"

"Not only that."

Meng Chao added, "Assuming that this prehistoric super life known as 'Chaos' can really grasp 10% of the planet's information on a certain level, then what about its opponent?

"You know, its opponents used space-based orbital weapons to output far more destructive energy than 'ten thousand suns', almost killing it, at least severely suppressing it for hundreds of millions of years. Even today, it is still He can only hide and flee in the form of the 'egg of chaos', lingering on his last breath.

"If the defeated 'chaos' can grasp a large amount of initial data and use it to predict the future, there is no reason why the winner of the ancient war, at least the temporary winner, the group of 'holy light' that envelops the entire planet ', the same cannot be done.

"Look, so far, we have found at least two 'suspects' - 'Chaos' and 'Holy Light'."

"Wait, there's a loophole here."

Wolf King said, "You must know that we have not only 'dreamed about the future', but also absorbed a lot of knowledge and martial arts from the future from the dream. , a miracle rises.

"If it is not rebirth, how can these future martial arts be explained?"

"Excellent explanation."

Meng Chao asked back, "Did you have the power you have today since you were just 'reborn as a boy'?"

"How can it be?"

The wolf king couldn't help laughing, "If I had the power I have today, I would have directly found the yet-to-be-famous 'Horn of Destruction' and 'Blade of Fury', and wiped them out. Wouldn't it be a one-and-done thing? Why bother to lurk as minions and endure humiliation for so many years!"

"now it's right."

Meng Chao said, "Have you noticed that when we just woke up from that incomparably real nightmare, there were a lot of messy things in the depths of our brains, including a lot of information about future martial arts, but our bodies are no more How much stronger he was before going to sleep—at least, the increase in strength is within the range that a flesh and blood body can bear.

"Our rise is certainly inseparable from the guidance of the future martial arts, but the spiritual power needed to cultivate the future martial arts, and the experience needed to polish the future martial arts are all relying on ourselves, fighting bloody battles with narrow escapes.

"It can be said that if we think of the future martial art we have mastered now, it can be imagined as a skyscraper piercing into the sky.

"What first came to our minds was just the blueprint for the skyscraper.

"The human and material resources, construction materials, and energy needed to maintain the normal operation of the skyscrapers are all accumulated and pieced together bit by bit by ourselves.

"I'm not saying that blueprints aren't important.

"In other words, even if they are as strong as 'Chaos' or 'Holy Light', they don't have the ability to turn stones into gold in an instant. At most, they can only send a piece of information to the depths of our brains. As for whether this piece of information is To turn it into reality, we need our own efforts step by step!"

The wolf king nodded slightly, looking at his hands.

Even though the palm had been perfectly repaired by the spiritual magnet, it had also been strengthened to an incomparably tough level, and there were no traces of scars.

But he still clearly remembers, in order to change from "corpse dog" to "jackal", and then from "jackal" to "doomsday magic wolf", how many times he risked on this journey full of thorns and flames? How many risks, how much effort has been put in, how many criss-crossing scars have been left on these hands alone, and the scars on the bones are deeply visible!


The wolf king said hoarsely, "Whether it is 'Chaos' or 'Holy Light', why do you do this? Why do you want to input it into the brains of us—from their perspective, like weeds and ants? Two 'messages from the future'?"

"That's something you have to ask yourself."

Meng Chao said, "Why do you want to input so many "oracles from the horned mouse god" into the brain of the rat girl who has not yet become the saint of ancient dreams, who looks like weeds and ants? "

The wolf king was stunned.

Stared at Meng Chao for a long time.

Shaking his head slowly, he said word by word: "Although I admit that what you said is not unreasonable, I still don't like this theory very much, and I don't believe anyone—even if it is called 'Chaos' or 'Holy Light' The existence of bullshit can control all information about everything on an entire planet, and based on this information, deduce the future of the entire nation and the entire civilization.

"Even if these bullshits exist and can control all external information, they can't control my thoughts, and I will never allow them to completely control my thoughts, no matter whether it is 'Chaos' or 'Holy Light'! "

"Indeed, I don't want to believe, and will never allow, that any existence above us can completely control our thoughts."

Meng Chao said, "Even if this existence can grasp most of the information about the entire planet, it cannot grasp all the thinking activities of all carbon-based intelligent life, because the complexity of the latter is at least several orders of magnitude higher than the former— — I firmly believe in that.”

"Then your theory doesn't hold water."

The wolf king said, "Whether we are Earthlings or Turanians, we all have the ability to move mountains and seas, transform the environment, and change the future—at least partially.

"Even if 'Chaos' or 'Holy Light' can really grasp most of the information about the planet under our feet, but as long as it cannot perfectly control our thoughts, how can it accurately predict the future?"

"It is indeed impossible. Even if it is as strong as 'Chaos' or 'Holy Light', it can only 'predict the future' at most, but it cannot 'predict the future accurately', at least not with a 100% accuracy rate."

Meng Chao smiled slightly, "That's why we saw two paths to the future with completely different processes but the same result.

"On the first road to the future, you are the all-powerful doomsday demon wolf, and I am the unknown person who has been fighting at the forefront from the beginning to the end.

"When it came to the second road to the future, I became the earth-shattering Doomsday Blade, but you became the 'Blood Blade Assassin' who fought side by side with me.

"One life is two, two is three, and three is all things. Now that we have seen these two completely different future possibilities, who can guarantee that there will be no third, fourth, hundredth, or 10,000th , ever-changing, infinitely exciting future road?"

Meng Chao thought again of the tens of thousands of himself wrapped in crystal balls he saw when he broke through to the divine realm.

In other words, there are tens of thousands of possible futures.

I faintly feel that I have touched the key point.

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