Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1511 One-Man Army

The blue cuffs regained control of the scene.

The chaotic noise gradually subsided.

The giant screens on the surrounding glass curtain walls were suddenly divided into upper and lower parts.

The bottom half is still the live broadcast of the monster hunters searching the black market warehouse.

The upper half turned into Gu Dongcheng's face with blue veins, high masseter muscles, and anger, but it appeared calmer because of this.

Meng Chao saw several blue sleeve hoops pointing their cameras at Gu Dongcheng.

They all use shoulder-mounted professional equipment, multi-angle, multi-camera, and there are on-site post-processing and data maintenance to ensure that Gu Dongcheng's voice and picture can be synchronized with the progress of the monster hunters and transmitted to the scene in real time In front of everyone's eyes, even through the Internet, it spread throughout the entire Dragon City.

Allie was right.

These are professionals.

The Azure Alliance came prepared.

"For a long time, the mid- and low-level transcendents in Dragon City, especially those of us who were born in poverty and have no power or power, have always been troubled by the lack of cultivation resources. The cultivation resources that maintain our strength are not daily interruptions. Goods, even if the price remains high, it is unbearable to ask people to sell iron. "

Gu Dongcheng spoke slowly.

The voice suddenly changed from slightly sharp to deep and powerful, full of convincing courage.

He was completely different from the naive and stubborn engineer in Meng Chao's impression.

It seems that during the more than a year of Meng Chao's struggle in Tulanze, everyone in Dragon City has not been idle, and they have all made great strides on their respective journeys and achieved different levels of growth.

"Originally, we all accepted the explanations given by the Transcendent Tower and the genetic medicine manufacturer, and believed that there were always objective reasons for the lack of cultivation resources.

"Due to the death of the monster mastermind, a large number of wild hell beasts and doomsday beasts were all buried with them. The quality of raw materials for artificially bred monsters is not as good as wild monsters.

"The natural environment of Misty Absolute Territory is too weird, like a tropical rainforest whose plant growth rate is ten times faster than that of the earth. The development of such a 'super tropical rainforest' requires a lot of resources. During this most critical development period , can only rely on everyone to 'overcome difficulties'.

"Exploring the vast and boundless alien world outside the monster mountain range also requires astronomical resources. For the grand goal of the earthlings to conquer the alien world, many cultivation resources are temporarily out of stock, which is also a no-brainer.

"Yes, we used to believe those claims.

"Even though we are all on the black market, spending seven or eight times the normal price to purchase cultivation resources, we still don't want to think about such a question-since the cultivation resources are so tight, what is the genetic medicine that seems to be endless on the black market? Where did it come from?

"Why are the black market scalpers so powerful and able to get so many cultivation resources, but the flagship store and directly-operated store of Chaofan Tower, which are supposed to serve all transcendents and supervise the entire circle of transcendents, do not even have a cheap gene. Can't get the medicine?

"We don't want to raise such doubts, not because we are stupid, nor because we are weak, nor because we like to be taken advantage of and suffer for nothing.

"Instead, we never thought that those who control a large amount of cultivation resources would, would, would, dare to do such a thing!

"What kind of people are those?

"They are all people who have made an oath to protect Dragon City with their lives!

"They are all people who have fought alongside us, received our strong support, and even made us willing to sacrifice for them!

"They are all people who have received flowers, cheers, hugs, trust and adoration from all the citizens of Longcheng!

"They all possess extraordinary and holy power, stand at the pinnacle of evolution, and are supposed to lead the entire Dragon City civilization, ride the wind and waves, and march forward bravely!

"How much we trusted and worshiped these people, these peerless powerhouses!

"We are like children in kindergarten, naively believing that while mastering absolute force, peerless powerhouses will naturally possess lofty morality, pure personality, and selfless spirit, and automatically become perfect. saint.

"As the saying goes, 'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility', we take this sentence as a self-evident and self-evident axiom, but never thought that if the so-called 'axiom' does not exist, it is just us Self-deceiving assumptions, if the peerless powerhouses betray their old oaths and everyone who deeply trusts and supports them, how can our civilization continue to exist in this cruel world where the weak prey on the strong.

"To this day, such an astonishing picture is presented to all of us.

"Finally, we can no longer be like ostriches, burying our heads in the sand and pretending not to see the inside of Dragon City, especially the problems that have always existed in the circle of superhumans!"

Gu Dongcheng's words were like a thunderbolt born out of the sky, echoing for a long time on the crowded street.

Everyone was in deep thought.

Many people involuntarily clenched their fists.

"So many genetic medicines have secretly flowed out of pharmaceutical manufacturers and are hoarded here. The price has been increased by five or six times, seven or eight times, or even ten times, defrauding us hard-working middle and low-level transcendents, and the hard-earned money they have exchanged for their lives. ——This matter involves all aspects, dozens of upstream and downstream links, just dragging a certain 'black market leader', such as the one who fell from the sky and fell freely just now, to come out as a dead ghost, can't be fooled!"

Gu Dongcheng said categorically, "All citizens, please rest assured, our Azure Alliance will of course assist the Chaofan Tower to investigate the whole matter to the end.

"However, if the result of the investigation to the bottom is that some high-level executives of the pharmaceutical manufacturer are blinded by greed, moral corruption, internal and external collusion, and these ghost tricks, can we just let it go?

"As you can see, the shots here are clearly captured. The cultivation resources hoarded in the black market come from the major manufacturers of genetic medicines in Longcheng, and almost none of them are spared.

"If only a certain brand of genetic medicine is involved, we can still explain it by the moral corruption of the relevant managers and their insatiable desires.

"However, so many brands of genetic medicine are related to black market transactions, involving the management of almost all cultivation resource suppliers, we can't help but ask, are all these high-ranking transcendents all morally corrupt, and their desires are hard to satisfy?

"If this is the case, then what is the factor that made these strong men and heroes who fought bravely and bravely to protect Dragon City during the struggle against the Blood Alliance and the monster war, so Are you going to change beyond recognition soon?"

Gu Dongcheng's question aroused bursts of discussion.

Transcendents are always particularly sensitive to cultivation resources.

Even low-level and mid-level transcendents with poor eyesight can see that so many genetic medicines hoarded in the black market are definitely not the result of one or a few pharmaceutical factory managements cheating their superiors and taking advantage of troubled waters.

It's not about one person, or a few people.

It's just that they can't explain it clearly, the way is unclear, and it's a higher-level, "big environment" problem.

"Everyone, the problem of the underground black market, of course, needs to be investigated to find out the truth, but in my opinion, the underground black market is only a superficial symptom. The real root of the disease in Dragon City is still hidden in a deeper level, and it will not fundamentally disintegrate Dragon City. Chronic problem, even if one underground black market is destroyed today, new and more underground black markets will still emerge tomorrow. Even if all the underground black markets are destroyed, it is impossible for us middle and low-level transcendents who have no power and no power to be like those Like those with great supernatural powers, it is easy to get astronomical training resources!"

Gu Dongcheng came straight to the point and said surprisingly, "What is the chronic disease of Dragon City? In a word, some peerless powerhouses, and the forces firmly controlled by peerless powerhouses, have become too powerful, so powerful that no one can control them." Monitor, check and balance and constrain their degrees!

"Any power needs checks and balances.

"The stronger the power, the more transparent supervision and perfect constraints are needed.

"The power that loses its check and balance may lose control at any time, and in turn devour the owner of the power.

"Even the ancient kings knew that financial power, personnel power, and military power cannot be combined in the same general.

"Countless bloody history also tells us that once a certain general has the power to control finances, personnel, and the power to move troops at will and expand the territory at the same time, no matter how loyal he is to his monarch, his subordinates will not be controlled. The insanely inflated power will completely swallow him up, turning him into a vassal, even a yellow-robed warlord!

"Many peerless powerhouses in Dragon City today possess terrifying force.

"Ancient warlords still needed to win over their confidants, rectify their troops, prepare food and grass, and unite vertically and horizontally in order to exert overwhelming combat power.

"Even so, even if an ancient warlord has become so powerful that he has power, a short knife hidden in the belly of a fish, a sharp arrow covered with rust, and a bottle of colorless and odorless poison can still be easily done. Killed him.

"After all, no matter how majestic he looks when he puts on his helmet and throws off his armor, what is curled up inside the armor is still a mortal body, and there is no essential difference from the humblest soldier under his command.

"But the peerless powerhouses in Dragon City are different.

"The peerless powerhouse in Dragon City is an army in itself.

"A super army whose logistical supply pressure is far less than that of the traditional army, and whose concealment and mobility are greatly improved!

"This super army composed of one person is neither afraid of being recalled by twelve gold medals, nor is it afraid of being controlled by an overseer, nor is it afraid of being beheaded by an assassin. Therefore, compared to ancient warlords, it can use power more freely and unscrupulously, And, decide the direction to use the power!"

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