This is a typical simple residential building remodeled during the monster war.

In order to squeeze as many people in as possible, each unit is divided into extremely small, but the walls are extremely thick.

There are interlayers inside many exterior walls, and steel plates can be put down at any time to block the windows.

As a result, the indoor lighting and ventilation are very poor. It is not so much a residence as a bunker.

Meng Chao only took a few steps, and he had a panoramic view of every room and hall.

The room was very clean, except for a camp bed and a folding table for eating and working, there were almost no extra furnishings.

The kitchen is stagnated with a thick layer of sludge, which cannot be accumulated without more than ten years of effort, but there is no trace of a recent fire.

There are only three or five piles of newspapers piled up in the corner, and newspaper clippings that are being made in a mess on the table, indicating that the "Tailed Monkey" once lived here.

Meng Chao flipped through the half-cut newspapers on the table.

I found that the latest issue was yesterday's evening paper, which should have been published only yesterday afternoon.

Although Dragon City's information technology is very developed.

But because of the strong spiritual interference from the other world, monsters often gnaw on cables and network cables.

Purely relying on the network to transmit information is definitely not enough.

During the monster war, in order to allow the frontline soldiers and citizens to receive each other's news when the magnetic interference is the strongest and the monster's offensive is the craziest.

Many newspaper offices have sprung up in Dragon City, printing newspapers and leaflets 24 hours a day and night.

Many Longcheng citizens have the habit of reading physical newspapers.

Even after the victory of the war, this habit has not changed.

It is a common practice for brokers such as Tail Monkey to use newspaper clippings to collect information and analyze intelligence.

Meng Chao asked Ai Lei, and confirmed that the anal monkey did have the habit of clipping newspapers.

If this newspaper clipping hadn't been intentionally faked, the anal monkey was still here until last night.

"Last night, there was no big explosion at the Hongxigou project.

"This morning, Gao Chuang's men came here, only to find that the tailless monkey had disappeared.

"Who is it, who reacted so quickly, and precisely locked and captured the koala monkey almost at the same time as the Hongxigou explosion?"

Meng Chao continued to search.

Soon an unexpected discovery was made.

When he opened the greasy cupboard doors in the kitchen, he found a secret passage behind.

More precisely, a partition.

Remove the partition, and you will arrive at room 317 next door.

It is different from the empty 316.

317 is like a big warehouse.

Heaps of drinking water and canned meat.

Meng Chao saw several boxes of canned synthetic monster flesh produced by Chaoxing Group.

With these materials, even if the tailless monkeys stay at home for three to five months, they will not starve to death.

This is the method of the cunning rabbit and three caves.

It seems that the tailless monkey has a very clear understanding of its own situation.

Unfortunately, he still failed to escape the murderous hands.

Meng Chao closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, there were already several slowly rotating halos in the depths of his eyes.

He has elevated his extraordinary vision to the extreme.

Not to miss the slightest clue.

Soon, a large amount of shining evidence emerged from Meng Chao's field of vision in the two small apartments that seemed to be clean.

The first is the marks of a lot of grease rubbing.

Human beings secrete sweat and oil all the time.

No matter what it touches, the sweat and oil will leave subtle traces on the surface of the object.

These traces that cannot be recognized by the naked eye are not even fingerprints.

However, experts in the divine realm or the most professional trace investigators, using genetic testing tools, can use them to firmly lock in on a person who has disappeared.

Meng Chao found a large number of grease traces in 317.

Especially on the canned monster meat box.

It seems that the anal monkeys spent a lot of energy carrying these boxes.

As a result, the sweat and grease secreted on the fingers increased, leaving dozens of extremely shallow fingerprints on the box.

Following the traces of grease, Meng Chao returned to 316.

Here, he found more traces of human activity.

Meng Chao lay on the ground, put the tip of his nose on a mark, and took a deep breath.

People's physical fitness is different from person to person.

Past experience is not the same.

Their oily smell is as unique as fingerprints, which can clearly reveal the identity of the owner.

"There is a faint smell of glue and ink on the grease traces of the koala monkey, which shows that he often uses the pen and often uses glue to make newspaper clippings.

"Also, he had very deep grease marks, and in many places, fingerprints formed.

"This shows that he is not worried about leaving evidence, at least not worried about law enforcement agencies coming to him.

"But in these shallower and lighter grease traces, there is a trace of Mithril Stabilizer.

"Mithril Stabilizer is a very common storage medium for monster materials. It is widely used in reaper circles and underground black markets, and it is inevitable that it will be contaminated by practitioners.

"This shows that Gao Chuang did not lie, his people did come here.

"Then, did Gao Chuang's subordinates capture the anal monkey?"

Regardless of Gao Chuang's death without proof, Meng Chao didn't think so either.

He asked Ellie that although the koala monkey is not a powerful character, its vigilance is higher than many monsters in the deep jungle.

Now that the tailless monkey is ready for the three caves of the cunning rabbit, it will not be caught easily.

Even if he is caught, he will always struggle a few times.

Gao Chuang's men, Meng Chao also met face to face.

Although his skills are not bad, it is still not easy to quietly capture the monkey without a tail.

If there is a conflict between the two parties.

Should be indoors, leaving more and more intense traces of oil and sweat secretions.

But now, Meng Chao did not find any similar traces, as well as scratches and collision marks caused by fierce fighting.

This shows that the tailless monkey was captured by a more powerful character.

When captured, there was little room for resistance.

With such doubts, Meng Chao continued to search.

Every nook and cranny, every hair and every print is taken care of.

Soon, he found 357 hairs, 66 very fresh scratches, and three impact marks invisible to the naked eye from the seemingly empty room.

"Of the three hundred and fifty-seven hairs, three hundred and thirty-two are very thin, withered and split.

"The master's strength should not be very strong, and his nutrition has not kept up.

"It was mostly found on camp beds and behind the toilet.

"They're all the hair of a monkey.

"There are twenty-one hairs, which are obviously thick and flexible. Although they have fallen off from the human body, they still maintain a certain degree of cell activity.

"It should be Gao Chuang's men who fell off when they searched here in the morning.

"With four hairs, it's very interesting.

"Three of them are more shiny and flexible than Gao Chuang's men, and their cell activity is also stronger, so they should come from higher-level masters.

"If I'm not mistaken, the owner of at least one of the three hairs is a powerful person in the heavenly realm.

"As for the last slightly reddish hair, it's not even human hair or fine hair, but the beast hair of the hell beast 'Dreadclaw Tiger'!

"The Direclaw Tiger is huge in size, has a ferocious temperament, and roars that can be heard three or five blocks away, so it is naturally impossible to bring it here.

"So, those who came here earlier than Gao Chuang's subordinates and captured the koala monkeys often dealt with the Direclaw Tiger, so that their bodies were stained with the hair of the Direclaw Tiger?

"That's weird.

"With the victory of the monster war, many wild monsters disappeared.

"The Direclaw, as far as I know, is one of the most rebellious wild monsters that are difficult to raise and breed artificially.

"What kind of person has the opportunity to still have daily contact with Direpaw Tiger after more than a year of victory in the monster war?"

Thinking this way, Meng Chao returned to the kitchen and lay down sprawled on the ground.

Ai Lei asked in surprise: "Senior, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking."

Meng Chao stared at the glaring incandescent lamp on the ceiling, and thoughtfully said, "When the koala monkey was captured, it should have been lying on the ground like this, maybe it was going to get to 317 to get the cans, maybe it was because someone sneaked in and wanted to escape. Go to 317.

"I want to maintain the same posture and restore the situation at that time."

"How do you know?"

Ai Lei was stunned for a moment, "I see that you collected a lot of hair just now, and found some scratches and impact marks, but they are not in the kitchen!"

"It is because there are not too many hairs and traces left in the kitchen that it looks particularly weird."

Meng Chao said, "Judging from the date of the newspaper clipping, and the production date and consumption of the cans, the anal monkey should have lived here for several days, and the kitchen is the only way he must pass between 316 and 317, then , he should have left a lot of hair and traces here.

"But these days, there are far too few hairs, fingerprints, footprints and scratches in the kitchen.

"The thickness of the sludge on the ground is also obviously disproportionate to the thickness of the sludge on the stove.

"This is enough to show that someone has cleaned and disguised the kitchen in order to hide it.

"So, this is the first scene where the other party captured the koala monkey!"

Meng Chao closed his eyes.

A virtual "Room 316" suddenly emerged from his mind.

According to the existing evidence, he can easily restore the scene where Gao Chuang's subordinates carefully rummaged through the box and searched for the anal monkey after arriving here.

But it is difficult to restore the whole process of the real captor taking away the monkey.

The other party is very professional.

Although some scratches and impact marks were inevitably left behind, they were not too obvious. They were all invalid evidence, and they were even left on purpose to interfere with the investigators' sight.

The truth remains shrouded in fog.

"But, it's not right!"

Just when Meng Chao couldn't find the way to investigate, Ailei suddenly muttered.

Meng Chao opened his eyes suddenly: "What did you say?"

Ai Lei was taken aback by him: "No, it's nothing, maybe I misheard."

"What's wrong?"

Meng Chao restrained his momentum and lowered his voice, "It's okay, no matter what the problem is, just speak up and listen."

"It's not a big problem. It's just that, as you said just now, the tailless monkey is like this. It lay here and was captured."

Ai Lei said, "However, your current posture is not 'lying down', but 'lying down'!

"I'm sorry, senior, professional habits, I prefer to pick words. This should have nothing to do with the whereabouts of the anal monkey, right?"

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