Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1600 The Future of Super Enterprises

Shen Yuanbao was silent for a moment, and went straight to the showdown.

"Meng Chao, what exactly do you want?"

Shen Yuanbao asked, "Like Lu Siya, do you have to drive out the nine super companies?"

"No, I never thought of killing all the nine super companies."

Meng Chao shook his head slowly, "I'm just thinking about one question often - if the nine super companies with double-digit god-level powerhouses continue to develop as they are now, and the deformity expands to the limit, what will happen to Dragon City at that time? What will become of it?

"As the saying goes, 'thinking by day, dreaming by night', maybe I think too hard about this problem during the day, and many nights, I will dream about the future of Dragon City.

"Senior Shen, do you want to know what the future nine super corporations and Dragon City civilization will look like in my dream?"

Shen Yuanbao was slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Meng Chao would be inexplicable and talk about his dream.

However, Shen Yuanbao knew that Meng Chao's dream must be related to his choice.

And the choice of a strong man in the divine realm who is less than thirty years old is destined to determine many things, and even the fate of countless people.

Therefore, Shen Yuanbao asked patiently: "What did you dream about?"

"In my dream, the size of the nine super companies was three to five times larger than today. At that time, they had completely controlled the economic lifeline and strategic resources of Dragon City civilization."

Meng Chao said, "Not only cultivation resources such as monocrystalline stones and monster materials, but also the necessities that ordinary citizens depend on for survival such as water, electricity, public transportation, and even public safety are all decided by the nine super companies. How do you want to price them? No matter how the price is set, ordinary citizens have no room to resist.

"The pursuit of profit is the instinct of an enterprise, and it is the instinct of a super enterprise to pursue profits regardless of everything and by any means. After occupying an absolute monopoly position, of course you have drained the last drop of ordinary citizens by sucking the bones and sucking the marrow. Blood and sweat, and turn all these blood and sweat into cultivation resources, so that the top management of the company, that is, the core members of the nine major cultivation families, that is, your children and grandchildren, will become stronger and stronger, and ordinary citizens will be less able to compete with you. You contend.

"At that time, the Red Dragon Army was also reduced to your vassal because of a heavy blow in a certain battle. The warriors who were once extremely proud can only follow the peerless powerhouse, acting as servants or even cannon fodder. The same role—such a servant army is destined to be unable to fulfill its sacred mission, which is to protect every ordinary individual in this civilization, regardless of high or low.”

Shen Yuanbao fell into deep thought.

For a long time, he has used the instinct of survival to expand the strength of his family and business as much as possible, and he does not think there is any problem in doing so.

But when Meng Chao said his goal, it sounded awkward no matter how he heard it.

"After draining the blood and sweat of ordinary citizens, the peerless powerhouses headed by corporate executives, of course, also want to expand abroad."

Meng Chao continued, "In the beginning, your expansion was very smooth. The 'Nine Greats' attacked from all directions, and established a large number of advance bases and colonization points in different places, and expanded these colonization points into brand new cities.

"Dragon City's civilization was magnificent for a while, and it became an upstart in the entire foreign world and all the forces looked at it.

"The problem is that these cities are not bound by the Transcendent Tower, nor are they led by the Survival Committee. In name, they are the arms of the Dragon City civilization extending to other worlds. In fact, they are not controlled by the brain of Dragon City at all. , but an independent kingdom of the nine super companies.

"In these cities, the laws promulgated by the Survival Committee are basically a dead letter, and the internal rules of the nine super companies, in other words, the will of you peerless powerhouses are the real laws and regulations.

"Ordinary citizens can only come to these brand-new cities as employees of enterprises. They can't enjoy the benefits of conquering other worlds at all. They can only spend day and night for high living expenses and a little bit of hope for cultivation. Working for you, often throughout the year, the overtime hours are more than half of the normal working hours, and I can't save half a dime of salary. Instead, I owe the company twenty or thirty years of debt for the cultivation of myself or my children, and I am completely reduced to a slave to the company.

"In the process of the nine super corporations expanding their territories, of course conflicts and even protracted wars will break out with the natives of other worlds.

"If you win, you will put all the credit on the head of the peerless leader who is the leader of the company, and you will brag about how powerful, intelligent, romantic, and unrestrained you, and your descendants, are. You have saved civilization time and time again, and protected all mankind. You are the only savior, and it is logical that you are entitled to enjoy 99% of the war dividends.

"If unfortunately, you lose, you will start the propaganda machine that is firmly controlled by the company, and preach to the employees of the company - compatriots, our civilization is at a critical juncture, and everyone must work together to advance and sacrifice themselves !

"As a result, those employees of the company who did not enjoy any benefits in the process of conquering the alien world, but were constantly squeezed by you, will inexplicably rush to the battlefield to face a group of unmasked, vicious alien natives .

"All in all, when the company is booming, everything is because of your leadership, and you deserve the biggest piece of the pie.

"But when the company encounters difficulties, you will not hesitate to drag all the employees and even the entire civilization to blame you and even be buried with you.

"It is conceivable that this kind of Dragon City civilization has no real unity and fighting power at all.

"Because all the employees eat the pie you drew and get used to vomiting, they will gradually realize that everything in this world is fake, especially what you high-level executives say, they are all fucking farts.

"It's only true if you're strong.

"Only if you are strong, can you keep changing jobs among the nine super companies, get promoted and raise your salary, and even get a place in the cracks between the 'nine big companies', so that you can breathe a little bit.

"Only if you are strong, can you get more cultivation resources, let your children wake up early, have a little bit of hope, and don't have to be your children's slaves in the next life.

"Therefore, no one has fought for civilization with all his heart and soul, as he has done in the past half century.

"No one will be so stupid again, stimulated by a high-sounding slogan, so that the blood boils.

"No one will go forward and die for everyone.

"As a peerless powerhouse at the top of the company, of course he only fights for his own shares in the company and the status of his family.

"Ordinary employees are also lazy if they can, and take advantage if they can take advantage. Even if they only have power the size of a mung bean fly in their hands, they must use this power in exchange for a little bit of cultivation resources. In exchange for a little bit, it will only be used on themselves. fighting power.


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