Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1635 Blood debt paid in blood!

Meng Chao took a deep breath and clicked on the largest news forums in Dragon City.

Sure enough, the news of the Mingguang explosion, like a hurricane sweeping away thousands of troops, set off everyone's emotions.

"This is a conspiracy! This is a trap! This is a massacre!"

Someone yelled hysterically, "I knew that Huanyu Group was not sincere at all. On the surface, it promised to open everything to the expert investigation team, but in fact, it had already installed spar bombs on the armored airship! The Shen family is a murderer, and they directed it." This appalling tragedy!"

"Not only that, this tragedy is definitely not just a simple act of the Shen family jumping over the wall in order to cover up the crime!"

Some people also speculated, "This is a deliberate move by the Shen family, the purpose is to gather all the ordinary people and elites in Dragon City together and wipe them all out!

"Ordinary elites like Su Yidong don't know how much sweat they sweated, how much they paid, and how many hairs they lost before they could barely keep up with the extraordinary.

"They were originally the best hope for ordinary people.

"But because of this despicable conspiracy, he was smashed to pieces in mid-air.

"As for the ordinary people in Dragon City, it will take at least ten years for dozens of elites like Su Yidong to emerge, and even, it will never be possible!"

"Citizens, give up your illusions, open your eyes wide, and see clearly the city in front of you that has changed beyond recognition!"

Some people took the opportunity to instigate, "Those Transcendents who came from a wealthy family have torn off the mask of tenderness, and cast all the lies of the so-called 'compatriots' to the sky, revealing their wolfish ambitions of wanting to rule Dragon City forever!

"Today, the tragedy that happened over the airport was the demonstration of this group of so-called 'peerless powerhouses' to all the citizens of Dragon City. They tried to tell us in the most cruel way, who dares to investigate the shady scenes of peerless powerhouses and super companies, Whoever will end up in the same fate as Su Yidong and the others!

"Be sober, citizens, the painful lessons in countless bloody histories have told us countless times that not all human beings are of the same kind, and the struggle between the same kind to oppress each other, enslave each other, and devour each other is often more important than the struggle between the same kind and alien races." The struggle between them is even more cruel, a hundred times crueler!

"If you don't want your children to live in a world where the superheroes of the wealthy family are high above and rule everything forever, if you don't want your children to always be attached to the superhumans of the wealthy family, to be oppressed and ravaged in every possible way, and they have to fight for you." If the other party paints and smears and shouts, then stand up and let out your roars, and everything may change now!"

"The murderer must pay the price!"

Someone even called, "Let's go to the headquarters of the Huanyu Group and let these butchers pay their blood!"

These blazing remarks made Meng Chao's temples throbbing continuously, and the blood almost broke through the blood vessels and skin, and spurted out from both sides of the temples.

He knew that something really happened this time.

If it is not handled properly, tens of thousands of angry citizens will storm the headquarters building of Huanyu Group, and what will happen afterwards will make what happened in Xinhui Commercial Building a few days ago look like children Play house game.

"No, no, no.

"It can't be that the Shen family and Huanyu Group did it.

"Shen Yuanbao is definitely not a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. He proposed to invite the investigation team to enter the Hongxigou project. He has no motive at all. He killed the investigation team and worked hard all his life to build a business empire. , into the abyss of eternal doom!

"Similarly, regardless of Shen Yuanbiao or the other successors, no matter how much they fight for power and profit, a complete, stable, and powerful Huanyu Group is always their core interest. No one will be so stupid!

"What about the other eight super companies?

"It's possible.

"After all, the expert investigation team is not only rushing to the Hongxigou project of the Huanyu Group, but Shen Yuanbao is secretly fueling the flames. The authority and scope of investigation of the investigation team may continue to expand at any time, and burn the fire to other companies.

"However, as long as there is one brain cell at the helm of the other eight super companies that still maintains a normal working state, they should be able to think that killing an investigation team under the watchful eyes of the public will not only fail to solve the problem fundamentally. On the contrary, it will arouse the anger of all the citizens, and even set off a fierce rebound from the Transcendent Tower, which will damage the interests of all Transcendents.

"After all, the expert investigation team was sent out by the Chaofan Tower in name, and the murderer did this, which is tantamount to slapping the Chaofan Tower severely - I really thought that the 'War God' Lei Zongchao and other masters who sat in the Chaofan Tower were all vegetarians. Good men and women who chant Buddha's name, can they be allowed to do whatever they want?

"Therefore, the possibility of risking the world's disgrace for the remaining eight super companies is also very small.

"That's, that's...

Meng Chao's eyes flashed like lightning.

He had deduced the motive of the murderer.

It is not at all to cover up the inside story of the big explosion in the spar warehouse of the Hongxigou project.

On the contrary, the murderer wanted to arouse the anger of all the citizens through this appalling means in broad daylight, and then let the so-called inside story ferment, burn, and explode.

In the end, the contradictions between ordinary people and superhumans, poor families and wealthy families, Azure Alliance and the nine super companies were thoroughly intensified, and Dragon City once again fell into chaos of broken order and bloody storm!

Who is most motivated to do such a thing?

Of course it is the remnant of the monster, the tenth demon god!

The monster civilization has suffered a crushing defeat on the frontal battlefield.

Now, only when Dragon City falls into chaos, will the remnants of monsters have a chance to fish in troubled waters and revive!

When Meng Chao thought of this, he heard an overwhelming roar from outside.

He found the binoculars in front of the window and looked out into the street.

In order to facilitate the monitoring of Shen Yuanbao, his safe house was set up in an office building not far from the Huanyu Group headquarters building.

From this angle, without activating the extraordinary vision, he can clearly see the scene in front of the Huanyu Group headquarters building, as well as the three or four surrounding streets.

At this moment, the entire street was crowded with angry crowds.

Countless ordinary people whose individual strength is not worth mentioning in front of the extraordinary, formed a boiling wave, bursting out with a destructive momentum, rushing towards the headquarters building of the Huanyu Group.

Perhaps it was an illusion, Meng Chao even felt that the 99-story headquarters building of Huanyu Group looked like a giant wearing silver helmets and silver armor. shivering.

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