Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 290: The Wisdom of the Giant Sandworm

It's not that Meng Chao doesn't believe in "spiritually created creatures".

After all, he couldn't see why it was necessary for "spiritual creatures" to inject viruses into the biochemical beasts he had prepared, and let the beasts go berserk and turn into monsters.

However, the demon god who was suspected to be a giant sandworm in the memory fragments of his previous life still made him brood.

Wild sandworms are unlikely to evolve intelligence comparable to humans.

"White Ghost" also has traces of human modulation.

Could it be that this giant sandworm of demon god level is the product of a certain human biochemical laboratory?

"Spiritual Creation Creatures" have the best giant sandworm modulation technology in Dragon City.

One of the founders of the company, Gao Ye, the technical director, is also an expert in the study of giant sandworms.

Otherwise, they would not be qualified to deal with a quarter of the garbage in Dragon City, and would be able to participate in the bidding for the No. 20 underground transportation track line.

Meng Chao hoped to get some clues from Gao Ye, the technical director of "Lingchuangbiology".

At least consult him about the possibility of the giant sandworm producing intelligence.

Using the corpse of this super giant sandworm as a "stepping stone" is the best opportunity.


Lu Siya pondered for a moment, then nodded readily, "I'll take some of the materials back for testing, and by the way check Jin Yongqiang's whereabouts half a month ago, and his capital flow - something as dangerous as the mutant rabies virus can't be Jin Yongqiang's own It was made at home. He must have got the virus and the special syringe from someone somewhere.

"You can take the remaining materials to the Agricultural University and the 'Spiritual Creation' for testing, and we will meet later."

The two left the No. 4 garbage dump quietly without being noticed by anyone.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya parted ways and called Ning Shewo only after returning to the Agricultural University.

Ning She, the voices around me are very noisy, and there are bursts of slogans, as if I am participating in some large rally.

"Old Ning, I found a giant sandworm that was missing from the 'Spirit Creation Creature'." Meng Chao cut to the chase on the phone.


Ning She and I were obviously taken aback, and moved to a quieter place, "Meng Chao, what are you talking about, what's going on!"

"The killing of pet beasts in Sega Tiancheng caused an uproar on the Internet. Many students were filled with righteous indignation and went to discuss and discuss with students from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Technology."

Meng Chao said, "I thought about it, debates and discussions won't solve the problem, and we still need to find out the truth in order to defend the interests of all monster industry practitioners and the Agricultural University.

"Exactly, didn't you hear from Mr. Xie yesterday that half a month ago, they had a few giant sandworms out of control in the No. 4 garbage dump, and they escaped without a trace. I have nothing to do, so I went to have a look.

"Coincidentally, I was at the entrance of a sewage pipe and found the remaining traces of giant sandworms crawling through it. After drilling a short distance along the sewage pipe, I encountered a crack in the ground..."

Ning Shewo said nervously: "You won't get in, it's very dangerous!"

"Uh, during the northern offensive, I stayed in the underground rock formation for several days. After that, I couldn't control myself when I saw these pipelines and ground fissures. I really wanted to go in and find out. .”

Meng Chao said, "That's not the point. The point is that I was attacked by a giant sandworm underground. It looked like it was infected with some kind of virus. It was ten times more aggressive than usual. Of course, I finally killed it." up.

"By the way, there are many ordinary rats in the garbage dump No. 4. After eating the corpse of the giant sandworm, they seem to be infected with the mutant rabies virus. I brought back a lot of materials, and I should be able to detect an accurate conclusion."

"You, you are too courageous!"

Ning She didn't know what to say, so she paused and said, "Where are you now, garbage dump No. 4?"

"I've already returned to Jiusha University City. The corpse of the giant sandworm is still under the sewage pipe of the biochemical treatment center of the garbage dump, but I harvested all the organs that are prone to corruption and brought them back in a race against time—— If these things are detected one second earlier, more information can be extracted."

Meng Chao said, "Mr. Ning, some of the materials I brought back will be sent to the relevant laboratory of our Agricultural University for testing, and the other part will be sent back to 'Lingchuang Biology' for testing. Do you think it is okay?"

"Of course, I'll help you contact the laboratory of the Resources Department."

Ning She and I said, "It just so happens that Xie Xiaolei is with me. The revelation in the middle of the night made the 'spiritual creature' very passive. Today Xie Xiaolei organized a large-scale press conference to clarify the facts, investigate the black hand, and criticize the Internet. Violence and false reporting.

"Later, there will be a large gathering of practitioners of the monster industry. Many harvesters, spirit planters, modulators, and beast masters will gather to show all citizens that biochemical modulation technology is the future of Dragon City.

"Xie Xiaolei is giving a speech on the stage, and he can't get out for a while.

"However, Takano is still in charge of 'Lingchuang Biology'. He is the technical director. You can go to him directly."


Meng Chao said bluntly, thought for a while, and then asked, "However, this senior director seems to have a weird temper..."

"Don't worry, you have helped the 'spiritual creature' by finding the missing giant sandworm. Gao Ye is just a little withdrawn, and he is not ignorant of good and evil. I will call him and let him get ready, Xie Xiaofeng Here, when the rally is over, we will come back as soon as possible.”

Ning She said to me: "Besides, Gao Ye has a good impression of you. It was also his intention to take you to observe the test of the three biochemical beasts yesterday."

Meng Chao was slightly startled: "Really?"

"The night before yesterday, when Xie Xiaofeng and I had a video conference, Gao Ye was also there. When they asked me to observe the test of biochemical pets, I didn't think of taking you there."

Ning She said to me, "Later, after we chatted for a while, Gao Ye asked me if I had a disciple named 'Meng Chao', and said that he had seen some of your harvesting videos, and the techniques were very interesting.

"After being reminded by him like this, I thought, taking you together to broaden your horizons and expand your network will not be harmful to your future development.

"I didn't expect it. You accidentally guessed that there was a problem deep in the ear canals of the two biochemical beasts. Last night, Sun Yufeng kept asking for news about you."

Ning She, I am very happy for Meng Chao.

Meng Chao also believed in Ning Shewo, after all, he was a "quasi-heroic citizen"!

"Lingchuangbiology" is not far from the Agricultural University, both in Jiusha University Town.

At the speed of Meng Chao's two-star spiritual transformation, ten minutes later, he appeared beside the hatching pond where giant sandworms were raised.

Perhaps because Xie Xiaolei brought a large number of company employees to hold a press conference, today's "Lingchuang Bio" is particularly deserted.

Gao Ye was already sitting in a wheelchair, waiting alone at the door of the company.

"Student Meng Chao, thank you. You have really helped Lingchuang creatures, no, you have helped the entire monster industry chain and biochemical modulation technology."

After receiving the sealed material from Meng Chao, Takano smiled on his ugly face with distorted features.

The two came to the laboratory.

Through a large screen, you can see how they remotely control the No. 4 garbage dump.

The staff is excavating the soil near the sewage pipes, trying to expand the cracks in the rock, and using a soft cloth made of polymer materials to wrap up the corpse of the super giant sandworm and move it out little by little.

The researchers in the laboratory also carefully took the materials harvested by Meng Chao and tested them for the virus.

Gao Ye asked Meng Chao how he found the super giant sandworm, and the whole process of his fierce battle with the super giant sandworm.

Meng Chao omitted the existence of Lu Siya, and revealed all the other details.

"Do you suspect that the giant sandworm prepared by our company was injected with a virus, so it went out of control?" Takano looked serious.

"Anyway, after gnawing on the corpse of the giant sandworm, the ordinary mouse did produce symptoms similar to the onset of a mutant rabies virus."

Meng Chao said, "However, whether the giant sandworm will be infected with the mutant rabies virus is up to you."

"Theoretically, it is impossible for wild giant sandworms to be infected with rabies virus."

Takano slowly shook his head and said, "The most significant pathological change of rabies virus is acute diffuse encephalomyelitis. The hippocampus, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and pons of the brain will all mutate, affecting the central nervous system. The "brain" of worms and the "brain" of mammals are not the same concept at all, and their neural information transmission methods are also completely different. How can they be infected with rabies virus?

"However, if the virus is not a natural mutation, but someone deliberately developed it for our company's products, it is hard to say.

"After all, in order to improve the giant sandworm's intelligence, digestion ability and motor function, we have inserted many gene fragments of other monsters into its gene chain. It is not a pure annelid, and its central nervous system is also related to There is an essential difference between wild sandworms and earthworm monsters."

"Improve...the wisdom of the giant sandworm?" Meng Chao's heart skipped a beat.

"it is necessary."

Takano explained, "Annelids are quite primitive, they don't even feel pain, they only respond to external stimuli, but they cannot be deterred and domesticated by conventional methods.

"If there is no way to improve its intelligence, it is impossible for it to obediently obey human orders, to devour garbage in a specific area, or to drill straight tunnels, but it will make the soil and rock formations riddled with holes."

"Makes sense."

Meng Chao nodded, with a curious look on his face, "Director Senior, I'm just asking casually. If it doesn't involve commercial secrets, can you tell me how to improve the wisdom of the giant sandworm?"

Gao Ye pondered for a moment.

He's obviously not a very patient guy.

But Meng Chao just discovered the missing giant sandworm, and he is also an alumnus of the Agricultural University, and has a close relationship with Ning Shewo, so it is inconvenient for Takano to refuse people thousands of miles away.

"There are, of course, countless definitions of what 'wisdom' is."

Takano Michi, "But no matter what kind of definition, the 'neural information transmission speed' is regarded as the basis for generating wisdom. The faster the neural information transmission speed, the smarter the creature is, and the more likely it is to produce wisdom."

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