Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 840 Mysterious Event

Many people can't stand the flood of ancient information pouring into their brains. After having nightmares for several days and nights in a row, their mental index plummets, their spirits collapse, and they become obsessed.

There were people whose eyes were glazed, haggard, and trembling, screaming and fainting at the slightest change in light or sound.

There are also people who go crazy and attack others indiscriminately. They don't know pain and fatigue. Even if they are locked by spiritual shackles, they will use the method of breaking their own limbs to break free and continue to attack. It has become a "zombie strengthened Version".

Some people completely lost themselves in the nightmare, and regarded themselves as real monsters, using human skin to show the habits of various monsters—some reversed their joints like arthropods, crawling around on the ground; They hang upside down from the ceiling like bats, and come out at night; some people hibernate in a dark and humid environment, without eating or drinking, without moving for days and nights.

Including the Institute of Relics, all forces are helpless against this mysterious phenomenon.

According to expert analysis, it is possible that human beings inadvertently stimulated the active tissues of the "matrix" that were still in a deep dormant state when they were experimenting with the "giant brain", causing the "matrix" to release a few more spiritual ripples, which spread in the human brain. Set off a stormy sea.

However, even if humans suspend the experiment on the "giant brain", and even inject a large amount of Mithril stabilization solution and hibernation potion into the "giant brain", all the huge "giant brain" with a diameter of hundreds of meters will be frozen.

The nightmares that randomly appeared in the depths of the brains of the extraordinary people still did not subside, but intensified instead.

This is a world where spirit can interfere with matter.

Later, many superhumans who were recruited, not only mentally, regarded themselves as prehistoric monsters.

Their spirits affect the brain tissue, nervous system and organs of the whole body, and even physically, they show various strange symptoms.

Some people wake up and find that there are a lot of colorful patterns on their bodies.

There are also hidden parts of human beings that grow hair, scales and carapaces that are definitely not human.

Some even had secondary development, growing fangs and tails.

If these small deformities were considered "innocuous", what happened to a senior researcher at the Institute of Relics made everyone, including Meng Chao, feel horrified.

This senior researcher has an introverted personality, usually taciturn, and does not have a strong sense of presence.

He has been diligently researching, and the research content is not very popular, and it is related to combat.

Every day when he went in and out of the monster's lair, and did mental tests and various virus and bacterial tests, he didn't find anything unusual about him.

However, he turned into a huge chrysalis overnight.

That's right, in the literal sense, it is dark and shiny, with a hard carapace, and there are pupae with ring patterns on it.

Using the most cutting-edge psionic scanner to peek into the internal structure of the chrysalis, it can be vaguely seen that the researcher is curled up in the chrysalis in a fetus-like posture, sleeping quietly.

His limbs and even his spine were folded together in a very weird way, and his shoulder blades were raised high, turning into two huge bulges, as if there were brand new, huge organs inside.

However, scanning his facial bones showed that his eye sockets had become three to four times larger than normal, and half of his face had been swallowed up by the eye sockets.

No one can guess how he turned from a decent human into a huge chrysalis.

No one wants to imagine how he would emerge from the cocoon.

The other researchers can only properly and safely monitor this huge cocoon, install the most powerful power grid and spiritual shield around it, and quietly wait for the awakening of the person in the cocoon.

The senior researcher is not the only one who has suffered such misfortune.

Two days later, the second "cocooner" appeared.

Fortunately, this is an extraordinary person from the Huanyu Group. He lives in a room for two, and there is a companion in the room. He discovered his abnormality in time and quickly called for help.

Unfortunately, no one knows how to wake up this poor Transcendent and stop him He continues to cocoon.

They only had time to film the whole process of his cocooning.

From the video, it can be seen that the spirit marks all over the body of this extraordinary person appear and disappear, and the muscles twitch crazily. After a while, a lot of sweat seeped out from the pores.

The sweat gradually turned black, became as viscous as tar, and condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, like layers of carapace, spreading continuously on his limbs and torso until it completely swallowed him.

During the whole process, this extraordinary person kept his eyes wide open, but his eyes lost their spirit and focus. His empty gaze was fixed on a corner of the ceiling. His lips were still trembling rapidly, but what he emitted was a "buzzing buzzing sound" like an insect dancing wildly. "Voice.

Various methods were tried to wake him up.

The injection of genetic medicine, the input of a large amount of spiritual energy from the peak of the heavenly realm, the violent shaking of his body, and even the strong electrical stimulation were of no avail.

In the end, the companion who was about to go crazy even boldly cut a deep bone wound on his arm, trying to use the pain to stimulate his awakening.

But his wound wriggled crazily, secreting black mucus at an accelerated rate, forming a thick layer of black cocoon at a faster speed.

In the end, surrounded by hundreds of masters and dozens of cutting-edge medical instruments, this unfortunate Transcendent turned into a huge cocoon.

Originally, for the convenience of research and cultivation, human beings placed temporary accommodation directly around and above the monster's lair.

The vast majority of Transcendents are cultivators and research lunatics. When they encounter skills and projects they are interested in, they spend thirty to fifty hours of non-stop research on them, which is commonplace. The closer the accommodation area is to the practice room and research point, the better.

Many people don't even have the concept of "accommodation area", so they carry their bedrolls and live directly in the monster's lair. When they are tired, they sit cross-legged, meditate deeply, squint for a while, and open their eyes, they can continue to study and practice at any time.

One after another, some people were haunted by nightmares and even turned into huge cocoons. Most of the supernatural beings were timid and moved their accommodation to the ruins of Taoyuan Town, far away from the monster's lair, or even to the edge of the tiankeng.

It is also stipulated that every twelve hours of cultivation and research in the monster's lair, one must evacuate in time, return to the dormitory area to meditate deeply, recharge your batteries, and undergo the most stringent mental and physical double checks.

Only a very small number of ruthless people, such as Meng Chao, who can obtain more than 24 hours of spiritual connection with the "micro-brain", read a large amount of ancient information, and still get out of the monster, can not be restricted by this rule.

Such caution does greatly reduce the chances of cultivators and researchers being haunted by nightmares and turning into cocoons.

However, as human beings penetrated deeper and deeper into the lair of monsters, and especially opened up many areas that have been dusty for thousands of years, and even the civilization of monsters has not been opened, new mysterious events occurred.

That is "The Call of the Ancients".

Many people have heard faint voices coming from the unfathomable underground gaps.

It is like the wind from the center of the earth.

It is also like the sigh of the undead who has been sleeping for thousands of years.

It is also like the sound of some kind of giant beast or giant plant dormant deep in the ground, silently gestating, splitting, sprouting, growing, and expanding.

For a transcendent with a relatively weak mental defense, this voice is more fatally attractive than the whisper of a girl in her dream at midnight.

Many people were ignorant and confused, followed the sound, disappeared deep underground, and never appeared again.

For this reason, the Institute of Relics had to announce that anyone who entered the monster lair for training and research had to form groups of at least three to protect each other and ensure that the other two could never leave their sight.

At the same time, everyone should wear a positioning bracelet, report their location and current tasks every five minutes, and conduct a simple mental test to ensure that their consciousness is clear and that they are not bewitched by the "call of the ancient times".

But even with such strict precautions, something happened.

Three practitioners belonging to the same group heard the "call of the ancient times" at the same time, and their brain waves interacted with each other, and they stumbled towards the depths of the ground together.

When they didn't send the latest coordinates for the first time in five minutes and conducted a remote psychic test, the nearby research and cultivation team rushed over immediately.

However, because the environment deep in the monster's lair is complex, there are ruins and fault zones caused by space-based orbital weapon strikes hundreds of millions of years ago everywhere, and it may collapse again at any time.

The search and rescue efforts were proceeding very slowly and unevenly.

When people finally found one of the "summoned".

He has squeezed his way into a zigzagging gap that leads directly to the ground.

The length of this gap is about five meters.

The widest point is no more than one palm.

At the narrowest point, even the little finger can't fit in.

The summoned man was a burly man with a thick back and waist, over two meters tall and weighing close to three hundred catties.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that he could forcefully squeeze his burly figure into such a small gap.

It was like stuffing a sword and halberd demon pig into a stationary meat grinder.

When people found out, his bones had been shattered, and his skin was completely worn out. Not to mention the blood was almost drained, even the bone marrow and brain were squeezed out.

He is long gone.

However, it was shaped by the gap into a five-meter-long, palm-width monster with bloody flesh.

The psionic energy gushing out from the ground kept his life magnetic field still pulsating vigorously.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he was still alive. While making inhuman howls, he wriggled his deformed limbs and continued to drill into the deeper, narrower, and more tortuous gaps!

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