Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 897 Whose Victory?


Meng Chao endured the severe pain and laughed wantonly, "You have been forced by us to reveal your true colors, and you still say that all this is meaningless? Even if there is only a one-in-a-billion possibility, we will turn it into your subconscious. The two poisonous thorns at the end will destroy you in the end!"

"No, you misunderstood."

The skeleton giant said calmly, "I'm not saying that you don't even have a one-in-a-billion possibility of destroying me, but that even if you destroy me, it doesn't make any sense.

"Meng Chao, it is of course very good that you can think that 'deep in the mother's body, there is likely to be a second micro-brain'.

"But why didn't you think that since there is a second microcomputer, there may be a third, fourth, fifth... the hundredth microcomputer?

"Well, even if the vast majority of microbrains are wiped out under the bombardment of the 'ancients' space-based orbital weapons, at least some brain cells will be preserved and revived after hundreds of millions of years of dormancy. Can do it.

"Now, here comes the question—do you think that Lu Siya is the only human being chosen by me for 'integration'?"


Meng Chao and Lu Siya were stunned at the same time.

After a while, cold sweat dripped out of the forehead and spine of the two people who were in a state of mind.

"This is impossible……"

Meng Chao murmured, "You chose someone else, another parasite?"

"Everyone, I chose everyone."

The skeleton giant said calmly, "Don't you understand, I have thrown the answer in your face many times, why do you turn a blind eye?

"The so-called monster war does not exist at all. In other words, it is not a real war at all. It is just a trial, which is an indispensable part of breeding a 'perfect monster'."

"Perfect monster?"

Meng Chao's pupils shrank suddenly, "Is it those 'doomsday beast ultimate bodies' that you created in the depths of the monster's lair?"

"Of course not. How can those beasts who have no brute force, surrender to the most basic appetite and animal desires, and only know how to carry out the lowest level of destruction, qualify to be called 'perfect monsters'?"

The skeleton giant let out a deep laugh, and the searchlight-like red light shot back and forth on Meng Chao and Lu Siya, as if to clearly illuminate their bones, internal organs, nerves and even their souls.

"The unique and irreplaceable 'perfect monster' in my mind is you, humans!"

It cracked the mystery loudly.


Meng Chao and Lu Siya's eyes widened.

"There is no monster that is more perfect than humans. No, compared with humans, these animals that have no aggressiveness and desire to conquer, only need to satisfy their appetites, and have nothing else to do, are no different from poultry and livestock. What is the qualification to be called a 'monster'?"

The skeleton giant stretched out an arm hundreds of meters long, pointed at him with fingers thicker than Meng Chao's entire body, and said, "Only you humans, no matter how much food you eat, you still feel hungry; no matter how much money you have, you still feel hungry." Feeling poor; even if it is not for the purpose of reproduction, it still wants to control all the opposite sexes; even if it occupies the most fertile land, it still feels cramped; even if it has created unprecedented feats, it still cannot obtain eternal peace and happiness. Crying that there is nothing left to conquer.

"You are born bloodthirsty and easy to kill. You do whatever you can, regardless of the consequences. You just want to conquer everything you can see and beyond your sight. You claim to be the spirits of all things, and you never want to be climbed on your head by any carbon-based creature ——Even if it’s your own kind.

"In order to compete for the illusory supreme throne, you even launched a thermonuclear war and destroyed your home planet!

"If all of you like this are not considered 'perfect monsters', who else is more qualified to be called this name?"

Meng Chao was silent.

"Especially, in the Primordial War hundreds of millions of years ago, I have commanded those so-called 'monsters' that are ostentatious. I tried it once, and the result is as you know."

The skeleton giant continued, "Whether it's a huge prehistoric monster with a length of hundreds of kilometers from head to tail, or the 'Babel Tower' composed of hundreds of millions of monsters, none of them can completely break through the defense line of the 'Ancients' , rushed to the vast sea of ​​stars.

"Even if I can devour 'matrix 02' to 'matrix 99', restore the peak form during the ancient war, and concoct exactly the same prehistoric giant beast, so what?

"I will still suffer a fiasco like billions of years ago, and be sealed forever on this damned planet!

"So, this time, I changed my strategy, and in order to declare war on the starry sky again, I chose a brand new main force, that is you, 'perfect monsters', humans!

"When I first came into contact with you, I was surprised and delighted to find that there are two forces in your body at the same time - the power of the 'ancients' and the power of the 'matrix'.

"I don't know your history.

"I'm just a small fragment that was split from the nearly annihilated wreckage of the destructive and omnipotent mother body during the ancient war, after being bombarded by space-based orbital weapons.

"I have lost a lot of memory about the mother body, and I don't know what reason it or the 'ancients' created you based on and in what way.

"But I realized that a seemingly indestructible fortress can often be destroyed and collapsed from the inside. Since you have such a strange power in your body, maybe you can help me.

"That's why I awakened and created a large number of monsters - those 'low-level arms' that should have been eliminated long ago, formed an overwhelming beast tide, and launched a monster war.

"The purpose of launching the monster war is not to defeat or even destroy Dragon City.

"I know very well that in the first second when the war started, I knew better than you that it is absolutely impossible to win the monster war and destroy your civilization with only these monsters who are strong from the outside.

"I don't want to destroy your civilization at all. On the contrary, I want to shape your civilization, help you upgrade, and let your civilization accelerate along the track I laid.

"I want to help you adapt to the cruel environment of the other world as soon as possible, and use the 'monster', a 'whetstone', to sharpen you into a 'Dragon City Civilization' that is completely different from the Earth era. The seal above this planet is the sharpest sword that allows us to rush to the sea of ​​stars together.

"At the same time, I can also slowly observe and screen through the monster war to find the strongest among you.

"The weak prey on the strong, the winner is king, the more brutal the war, the easier it is for strong people like you and Lu Siya to stand out.

"As long as I choose the strong person I like, I naturally have various methods to infiltrate my power and will into the depths of their brains in a subtle way.

"No, no, the 'prime ancient germs leaked, mysterious power pollution' that happened in the ancient ruins is just the simplest and rude way to divert your attention and make you think that the ancient power can only be obtained through such a ridiculous way ——Such as turning human beings into big black bugs, just for presentation.

"No, these crazy guys who turned into bugs are not my 'chosen ones'.

"The real chosen ones are those who have fought bloody battles in overwhelming beast hordes, cultivated in untouched wilderness, and stared at the abyss in the depths of the ancient ruins for a long time.

"Through the fangs and sharp claws of monsters; the spores floating in the wind in the depths of the wilderness; the 'call of the ancients' that only he can hear in the abyss underground, I have carefully selected many 'chosen ones' '.

"This work has been going on for decades.

"Many 'chosen ones' have become war heroes because of their outstanding performance in the monster war, enjoyed a lot of war dividends, and became school mentors, gold medal instructors, corporate executives and even family leaders.

"And even they themselves may not realize that the power and will from the ancient times have already taken root in the depths of their brains, constantly stimulating their ambitions and desires, growing wildly like weeds and vines in the rainy season .

"Now, they are all gathered together, singing and drinking, celebrating the victory of the monster war.

"I'm also racking my brains to figure out how to carve up the legacy of the monster civilization, how to use the resources and prestige I accumulated during the war to keep expanding, monopolizing, and becoming stronger.

"As everyone knows, this is not only your victory, but also mine.

"It was us who joined forces to destroy the old-fashioned, stupid, and first-generation monsters that no longer adapted to the development of the times and the needs of future warfare, but created a second-generation monster that was stronger, more agile, and more ferocious.

"It's called 'win-win', right?

"So, even if you take death as your home, even if you never surrender, even if you miraculously think of a way to destroy me, and die with me, what's the point?

"Your courage will become your epitaph, but the other 'chosen ones' will still follow the journey I planned, striding forward and advancing triumphantly, upgrading the civilization of Dragon City to 'Monster Civilization 2. 0', in the end, fulfill the long-cherished wish of hundreds of millions of years ago, conquer the other world, and rush to the starry sky!"

The skeleton giant let out an earth-shattering roar.

Every pair of fragmented monster skeletons around the body, from the criss-crossed bone seams and black eye sockets, spewed out dark phosphorous fire.

Countless phosphorus fires gathered together, as if covering it with a layer of indestructible armor, adding a bit of aura of the coming of gods and demons.

And under the phosphorescent armor, hundreds of millions of monster corpses wriggled, split, and reorganized frantically. In a short while, amidst the scalp-numbing bone fragmentation and friction sound, they all changed their shapes and became Human skeletons!

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