Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 911: Rat Crossing the Street

"Run, Leaf, run!"

"Listen to my mother, the leaf, the mandala is blooming, and the era of glory is about to begin. It is the glory of the clan lords, but it is the end of our rat people. We are not qualified to win any glory. The only thing we can do is to live. Even if it looks like a real mouse, live!"

"Leaf, my good brother, you are the smartest and most agile boy in the village. When the storm comes, you can climb the tallest mandala tree to pick the fruit, and then, like a real leaf, Riding the strong wind and jumping to the ground without any damage—if there is any rat people who can survive in the Glory Era, it is you, and you must carry everyone's hopes and live!"

"Leaves, look, the datura tree is blooming, all the datura trees in the whole valley are blooming, it's so fragrant and beautiful, I've never smelled such a wonderful smell, I've never seen such a gorgeous Ye Zi, you take me to the top of the datura tree, how about we go swimming in the sea of ​​flowers?"


Accompanied by the sound of calling.

In the boy's almost frozen mind, blurred lights and shadows emerged.

First, it's mom.

My mother is the best cook in the village. She bakes Datura fruit bread, fry Datura fruit sticks, stews Datura fruit with minced broth, and mixes wild datura fruit that has been fermented for several days. Goat yogurt... the dishes that my mother can cook with datura fruit, I can't finish it for three days and three nights.

Ye Zi himself is the first expert in picking Datura fruit in the village. He can pick the freshest and sweetest fruit that grows on the highest part of the cliff every day.

And my mother can cook these fruits into delicacies that the clan masters have never eaten, and the aroma can spread throughout the small mountain village!

Then, brother.

The older brother is the strongest young man in the village.

His body was twice the size of an ordinary ratman, and his bronze skin seemed to be directly covered with a layer of metal absorbed by the mandala roots. When he laughed heartily, his chest seemed to be thundering.

Once, when Ye Zi was picking mandala fruit on a cliff, she met a group of clan masters who went into the mountain to look for totem beasts.

As a rat man, of course he didn't dare to meet the gentlemen face to face, but curled up in the depths of the branches of the mandala tree in fear.

But he took a peek from a distance through the gaps in the branches, and felt that how many of those majestic Bloodhoof clan lords seemed to be not as strong as his brother!

Finally, there is An Jia.

The prettiest girl in the village.

No, the prettiest of them all.

No, perhaps the most beautiful of all the Turanians.

That day, Ye Zi and An Jia sat together in their "secret base", on the tallest mandala tree, looking far and near, hundreds of thousands of mandala trees bloomed at the same time, like a colorful and extremely gorgeous sea of ​​flowers , surged out from the crack in the void, specially opening for the two of them.

And the spores gushing out from the corolla are even more beautiful like a dream.

Ye Zi remembered that both she and An Jia seemed to be drunk.

Get drunk in a fairy tale brewed with mandala juice.

I did a lot of things that I didn't dare to do when I was sober.

—At that time, they were still too young.

It is not known exactly what it means for a datura tree to bloom.

I don't know the truth about the so-called "Glory Era".

Leaf greedily captures familiar sounds and beautiful images.

I want to sleep for a while in the warm embrace of my mother.

Or, sleep forever.

But the heart-piercing pain soon tore the lingering voices and images in his mind to pieces.

The sound of burning, shouting, screaming, wild laughter, the sound hit his ears, like iron claws deeply embedded in the bones, grabbing him back to the cruel reality.

Leaf had a splitting headache.

It felt like someone had dug a hole in his forehead and set another fire.

The entire skull was swollen, and the eyes were squeezed into two slits.

Hot, hot and viscous things kept gushing out from the corners of the eyes, nostrils, ear canals and deep in the throat, and he couldn't and didn't dare to tell whether it was blood or something else.

"Leaves! Leaves! Leaves!"

It seemed that someone was calling him.

It's not an auditory hallucination, it's real, especially harsh, An Jia's voice!

Leaf's eyes widened.

Regardless of the pain in his spine as if broken by an iron hoof, he straightened up with difficulty.

Shaking his drowsy head vigorously, he looked around through the bloody face, looking for An Jia's figure.

In a world soaked in blood, the familiar homes of the past have disappeared.

Instead, there was a scene like a sea of ​​hell.

Ye Zi saw that every cone-shaped shack built with Datura trees in the village was burning.

Hundreds of black smoke columns shot up into the sky, forming a huge cage like an iron fence, sealing everyone inside.

Their huts on the outskirts of the village were the first victims to be set on fire by the invaders.

The beams and pillars of the house had been burnt down long ago.

Even the mother who is best at making roasted datura fruit, fried datura fruit, stewed datura fruit and datura fruit mix.

All burned to black smoke and ashes.

Ye Zi saw that the old men of the Bloodhoof Clan—the tauren, giant elephant, wild boar, and centaur, all wearing helmets and armor, fighting with open fire, burning, killing, looting, and killing in the village as if they were in no one's land .

From such a close distance, Ye Zi could even smell the bullish aura unique to the bull-headed warriors, which made his chest churn and he wanted to vomit.

He only realized it later.

It turns out that the clan masters are so big, with such exaggerated muscles, and with such strong killing intent, they are completely different from what I saw from afar in the mountains.

For the weak rat people, these clan lords who are born with glorious blood are like gods and demons coming down to earth, unstoppable.

Seeing them roaming around the courtyard with ease, it seems that this is not a real massacre at all, but just a boring game.

And all the rat people in the village are not opponents in the game.

It's just a prop in the game.

Ye Zi saw countless "props" in disorder and fell to the ground.

Fell in a pool of his own blood.

Some people stared wide-eyed.

In the eyes that are gradually dimming, there is still a strong confusion, and they don't understand until death what mistake they made.

They don't always keep their own place and pay the full amount of mandala tax to the Bloodhoof clan every year. Even if they collect the highest-grade sacred fruit, countless people will fall to their deaths every year on the cliffs, and countless people will be killed. Swallowed by mountains and totem beasts—even so, in the face of rising taxes every year, have you never complained and worked hard to complete it?

Why did the Bloodhoof Clan want to exterminate this harmless and obedient little village for no reason?

"Because the 'Glory Era' is here."

When the datura bloomed, the old man in the village once said worriedly.

But this "prosperity era" lasted too long.

According to Ye Zi's mother, this era of prosperity lasted for ten palm prints, that is, a full fifty years!

The last Glory Era was fifty years ago.

Rat people have always lived a life of precarity and life and death. Few of them can survive 30 to 40 years of heavy and dangerous labor.

Even the oldest old man in the village doesn't have much memory of the last Glory Era.

He was so old that he lost all his teeth, so he could only grind the datura fruit into mud with a stone mill and lick and eat it.

A few years ago, he was stung by a poisonous bee and turned into a crazy old fool all day long.

"The era of glory is here!

"The era of glory is here!

"The lords of the clan will step on the bones of the rat people to win the supreme glory for the sacred ancestors!"

After the mandala tree bloomed, the old fool was dancing at the entrance of the village all day long, laughing, dancing, and singing songs that no one could understand, nor would he want to understand.

Ye Zi saw the old muddleheaded in the pile of corpses.

On his face that was split in two, there was still a smirk that was doomed and doomed.

And Tutu, my best friend.

It is also the strongest opponent.

No matter go down the river to catch pike, or climb to the tallest mandala tree when the storm is coming, to see who can pick the biggest mandala fruit.

Tutu is only a little bit short of leaves every time.

"I'm too weak now, I can only eat three datura fruits in one sitting.

"But wait and see, next year, I'm sure I'll eat five in one sitting.

"At that time, I will definitely become stronger than you!"

Tutu once said this to Ye Zi.

But now, his chest was deeply sunken, as if it had become the largest, deepest, and darkest cave in the "secret base" they built together.

Tutu can no longer eat Datura fruit.

Finally, Ye Zi saw An Jia.

She was carried on the shoulders by a bull-headed warrior who was so huge that she couldn't even hold the armor, and was simply bare-chested, revealing lumpy muscles and hideous tattoos.

The bull-headed warrior swaggered and walked towards the pile of captives who had been knocked out and tied up next to the raging flames, mainly composed of young and middle-aged rat people.

Compared with the tauren of the Bloodhoof Clan, An Jia, who was a rat people, really looked like a little mouse.

The other party stretched out two fingers and pinched her lightly, making her face pale, almost suffocated, unable to struggle.

Even so, she mustered the last bit of strength and let out a hoarse cry:

"Run! Leaf! Run!"

An Jia's cry made Ye Zi's mind "hum" and roar.

It was as if he had been stung by ten thousand poisonous bees, his brain was on fire, and he couldn't think at all.

Since the mandala blossoms, countless people have told him to run away.

"Run, Ye Zi, run!" Mom said.

"Run, Ye Zi, run!" My brother said.

"Run, Ye Zi, run!" said the crazy old fool.

Now, even An Jia said so.

But where could he go?

Looking around, there are seas of flames everywhere, pools of blood everywhere, the corpses of rat people and the laughing bloodhoof masters everywhere.

The era of glory has arrived.

He's like a street rat with no escape.

It's not at all, I don't want to run away anymore!

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