Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 925 Holy Light and Chaos

Fortunately, Meng Chao's talent as a reaper did not disappear because of the injury.

This is because the delicate touch and precise control required by harvesting mainly rely on 1024 branches to complete.

No matter how fierce the battle with "Lv Siya" was, all the main veins were sluggish and there was nothing left.

But the branches are like capillaries, more or less, there are always a few intact.

Using the skills of the reaper, Meng Chao's fingers oscillated at high frequency in the depths of the sewage, and quickly engraved the next line of mysterious and complicated shorthand symbols on the ground.

"Mission complete.

"I have found a suitable guide, I can try it, and start contact with the desperate and strong among the high-level orcs.

"In the process of modulating the guide, I reconfirmed that the carbon-based intelligent creatures that can survive in the ecological circle of another world and develop civilization have similar physiological structures and the operation mode of the magnetic field of life. Follow the same set of rules to practice.

"Like people on Earth, high-level orcs also have spiritual veins, and they are even divided into 'main veins' and 'branch veins'.

"However, their main veins seem to be more than the 108 of the earthlings, while their branch veins are less than the 1024 of the earthlings.

"This means that, compared to Earthlings, high-level orcs have stronger explosive power.

"In terms of stamina, concentration and fine operation, it is far inferior.

"Perhaps, this is the reason why the high-level orcs did not develop superior technology, but stayed in the clan era where the strong are respected.

"Having said that, the physical fitness of the high-ranking orcs is indeed astonishing.

"Even among the 'rat people' who have the lowest social status and are theoretically enslaved and excluded by everyone, the teenagers who have not received formal training have the speed and strength comparable to the veterans of Dragon City.

"If you are a warrior of the clan, with a little training, it is easy to have a combat power comparable to that of a star spirit.

"In addition, there are overwhelming numbers, like a beast tide.

"This is a force capable of subverting Dragon City, or changing the trend of the Great War, and preventing Dragon City from being destroyed.

"In addition, I found traces of cultivation in the guide's body.

"His way of exerting force has many similarities with "Ripple Strength", but it is more ingenious and profound than "Ripple Strength".

"Dragon City's three basic power-generating methods are all derived from the mysterious runes we found in the depths of the No. 1 ruins and engraved on the cave wall.

"The guide said that his strength also came from a mural deep in a cave.

"Does this mean that the earthlings and the high-level orcs have the same inheritance, and we are all the product of the game between the 'matrix' and the 'ancients' after the ancient war?"

Meng Chao recorded today's new discovery.

Nodding in satisfaction, he turned his head and groped carefully for the densely packed information engraved a few days ago.

Because the injury was too heavy, and the blood-streaked flower spores and the mysterious green tide invaded the body.

His brain is often drowsy, as if there are countless burning thorns growing in it, tearing the memory pictures of the past and present lives to pieces.

Therefore, he must record all the crystallization of his thinking, ponder over and over again, and keep it in his heart.

Only then can he remember who he is, what he wants to do next, and what his ultimate mission is.

"Prevent the destruction of Dragon City."

This is the first line of words he engraved when he just woke up in the depths of the dungeon.

It is also the line with the largest size and the deepest imprint.

The following is the specific method.

From coarse to fine.

After constant deletion and smearing, it has been deliberated many times.

"Is it possible to prevent the outbreak of the alien war?"

This was the first method Meng Chao thought of.

If there was no foreign world war, Dragon City would not be involved in the flames of war, and naturally it would not be destroyed.

But this question has already been marked with a big cross by himself.

And below, a few lines of small characters were engraved as an answer:

"The Great War is inevitable.

"The outbreak of any world war is the result of the accumulation of structural contradictions in the world to the limit, from quantitative change to qualitative change, regardless of the will of any ruler or the most powerful.

"I haven't thought of the situation of other alien civilizations yet.

"But just looking at and recalling the situation of Turan civilization during this period of time, we know that the drums of the Great War of Foreign Worlds have already sounded.

"The Turanians - high-ranking orcs, have a very special ecological environment and social system.

"Their civilization is closely related to a plant called Datura, and it can even be said that it is completely controlled by Datura.

"Datura is a wonderful plant, its root system can penetrate hundreds of meters underground, absorbing the spiritual energy in the spar veins.

"And use the abundant spiritual energy to continuously grow plump and nutritious fruits.

"The taste of datura fruit is between avocado and durian, but it contains a hundred times more calories and spiritual energy, which is comparable to Dragon City's high-energy nutrient, and even contains a large amount of minerals and trace elements.

"It can be said that only one crop, Datura, is needed to meet the survival needs of high-level orcs.

"Datura trees can grow in any environment, even if the surface is barren, their roots can go deep into the ground, absorbing spiritual energy and heat, and continuously growing large and sweet fruits.

"This allowed the Turanites to have no problem of food scarcity at all.

"In a medieval society where the strong are respected, there is no nightlife, school district housing, and mobile games, and there is no problem of food shortage, the only consequence is a population explosion.

"All high-level orcs are desperate to eat and survive.

"The child born, stimulated by the rich spiritual energy contained in the mandala fruit, develops faster than the people on Earth.

"Usually, when they reach the age of twelve or thirteen, they have the ability to reproduce in a new round.

"Such a special ecological environment enables the high-level orcs to have the strongest violence ability in other worlds.

"But 'successful mandala, failure is also mandala', the mandala tree seems to be full of treasures, a single crop can support the entire civilization, but it has a fatal flaw-every few years to decades It doesn't wait, it will bloom once, and the flowering period also lasts for several years to decades.

"During the flowering period, the mandala tree will no longer bear fruit, not even a single one.

"In other words, the high-level orcs who rely on Datura fruit as their main source of food and whose population has exploded far beyond the carrying capacity of the land will experience a devastating famine every few years.

"Whether it is ancient or modern, the earth or another world, there are only two ways to survive famine.

"Or, expand outward and plunder more food.

"Or, internal competition to weed out the excess population.

"In practice, the Turanians like to have a two-pronged approach, by launching wars to plunder more food and resources, and weed out the excess population.

"It doesn't matter whether you win or lose the war, as long as you can survive until the flowering period is over, the next round of mandala flowers will bloom.

"Thus, the history of Turan civilization is divided into two distinct stages by Datura flowers.

"The flowering period is over and the fruit is abundant, which is the 'prosperous era'.

"The Turan people are recuperating at this stage, multiplying in large numbers, until every inch of space in Turanze is packed to the brim.

"The flowering period is coming, and the famine is coming, which is the 'Glory Era'.

"The Turanites will wage a holy war for supreme glory and, by the way, consume their surplus population.

"For thousands of years, the era of prosperity and the era of glory have alternated, making reproduction and war intertwined into the eternal theme of Turan civilization."

But this time the situation is very special.

Meng Chao didn't know if the crossing of Dragon City caused the magnetic field of the planet near the Monster Mountain to change.

Still, as "Matrix 01" said, the ultimate carbon-based biological "matrix" in the age of ancient wars was bombarded indiscriminately by space-based orbital weapons and was blown into countless fragments.

The fragment dormant in the depths of Turanze, "Matrix 02" also gradually woke up.

In short, almost at the same time that Dragon City crossed, the Turan civilization also ushered in the longest era of prosperity in history.

The era of prosperity for half a century has caused the Turan civilization to explode with an unprecedented population.

In the vast and boundless Turanze, you can smell the breath of high orcs everywhere, and hear their wild roars.

Even the mountains and valleys that used to be uninhabited have become overcrowded.

This means that once the Datura flowers bloom and the grains are not harvested, the Turan civilization will usher in the largest famine in history.

It also means that the Turan civilization has the ability to burst out the largest army in history and launch the largest war.

Turanze is destined to be the source of the Great War of Foreign Worlds.

Even if Meng Chao is eloquent and even possesses the ability of teleportation and mind control, he can teleport to the rulers of Turan civilization now, and convince these warlike and fearless guys to believe in "love and peace".

As long as he can't solve the problem of hundreds of millions of high-level orcs starving.

He couldn't stop the war.

"If the alien war is inevitable, then, is it possible to make a completely different choice from the previous life and find a way to let the Dragon City civilization jump on the victor's chariot?"

This was the second method Meng Chao thought of.

But in this approach, a big cross was also marked.

Now he has awakened a lot of past life memories.

It roughly reminds me of the development process of the former World War.

The alien races in the previous life were mainly divided into two camps: "Holy Light" and "Chaos".

The high-level orcs, abyssal demons, tomb princes, gray dwarves, and blood elves living in the outer reaches of the main continent belong to the chaotic race.

Fight against the Holy Light Alliance formed by aliens, elves, dwarves, dragons... living in the center of the main continent, occupying the most fertile land and the most powerful spiritual power.

You can tell by the name.

No matter how fierce the "Chaos" camp's offensive was at the beginning of the war, and no matter how many partial victories it achieved, it would be arrogant and arrogant for a while.

In the end, it was inevitable that they would be pushed back by the "Holy Light" camp with sufficient resources and profound background, and they would be killed without leaving any traces.

The Dragon City civilization, which was in a state of residual blood in the previous life, joined the "Chaos" camp in a daze under the coercion and lure of the hungry and murderous high-level orcs.

From then on, he was coerced by these pig teammates and embarked on the road of destruction.

So, in this world, as long as we change course and jump from "chaos" to "holy light", will we be able to survive and even enjoy the dividends of war?

It's not that simple.

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