Remember for a second【】

If the previous calculation method of human beings is used, the normal weight of a person may reach about 1,300 pounds!

A girl who weighs one hundred pounds will become one thousand pounds.

A fat man of two hundred pounds will become two thousand pounds.

In the same way, people's actions will be inconvenient.

I used to be able to jump one meter high, but now I can only jump ten centimeters!

What's more, gravity may change the air pressure. When the air pressure inside the human body cannot reach the balance of the air pressure outside, the human body will explode!

All creatures on earth will not adapt!

If you want to adapt, you have to evolve again.

So, absolutely can't do it!

However, a satellite with the same size as the moon is composed of elements that are not the same as the moon. It is also not suitable to be used as a satellite of the earth!

So this problem is very difficult!

After thinking about it, Song Haotian could only rebuild a satellite.

But his current ability is not enough!

Ahead... is a dead end!

After listening to Song Haotian's words, some scientists asked questions one after another.

"Then Mr. Song, can you build a satellite?"

"Now that the earth has become like this, it is impossible to build a satellite? Even if the economy of the earth is not destroyed, it is impossible for humans to build a satellite that is exactly the same as the moon!"

"Mr. Song, I want to know, do you have any solution?"

Everyone was looking forward to Song Haotian's answer, but they were afraid of Song Haotian's answer!

They expect Song Haotian to give them hope!

But they were afraid that Song Haotian would disappoint them!

After all, it is too difficult to create a satellite that is exactly the same as the moon!

What minerals are there on the moon, so far people on earth have not been able to fully discover it!

How to make it?

In the eyes of everyone looking forward and worried, Song Haotian chose to shake his head!

His shaking of his head made the hearts of everyone in the world go cold!

in my expectation!

Sure enough, Song Haotian couldn't do it either!

"Alas! It's too difficult! It's impossible to achieve!"

"Is it really that God wants to destroy the earth? I thought that the earth had already passed this crisis, but I didn't expect that there is a more difficult crisis waiting!"

"Oh, let's go with the flow! How long can you live! Look at it!"

"Mr. Song is already amazing. Whether Mr. Song can or not, Mr. Song is the **** in our hearts!"

Just when the leaders of various countries and scientists were collectively silent, when all netizens expressed their desperate comments.

Song Haotian's words gave everyone hope again!

"However, I have a way to temporarily restore the Earth's previous state of gravity!"

The barrage disappeared instantly.


"Am I right?"

"What do you mean? Let the earth recover? Or can the moon be built?"

Scientist Luther asked in confusion: "Mr. Song, what do you mean by that? Didn't you just say that there is no way to create the moon?"

"Yes! The moon cannot be created! However, the gravity of the earth and the moon can become unrelated events and become two independent entities! Understand?"

Luther shook his head, "I...Sorry, I don't understand what you mean! The gravitational force of the earth and the gravitational force of the moon correspond to each other. Without the gravitational force of the moon, there would be no gravitational force of the earth. ...independence, what does this mean?"

Song Haotian said: "It's a good match, but I have a way to separate the two! I can restore the Earth's previous gravitational state, but it won't last long, only a year at most! A year later, the Earth will It will be back to what it is today!"

Everyone was dumbfounded!

"So, Mr. Song, what do you mean, within this year, we... build the moon? Or... how? What are we going to do?"

"Mr. Song, don't go around the corners and speak straight!"

Song Haotian in the picture took a step back, and behind Song Haotian, a blackboard appeared.

At the same time, Song Haotian's video picture on the national station was enlarged, covering all the pictures of the great rulers!

Song Haotian pointed to the blackboard behind him, which had already been drawn!

Song Haotian didn't show up for three hours, what was he doing?

Still not thinking about the way out for the earth!

He kept exploring and meditating in these three hours, and finally, he found a solution!

Otherwise, he would not have appeared on the national station.

Song Haotian pointed to the black zebra behind him. There were several spheres drawn on it, which could be clearly identified. One of them was the earth, and the earth was surrounded by the solar system, and the largest circle should be the Milky Way!

Outside the Milky Way, there is a sphere!

Song Haotian pointed to the pictures on the blackboard and explained them one by one.

"As shown in the picture, this one is the Earth, this one is the solar system, and this one is the Milky Way. I have all the labels and the drawings are clear enough! I found that there is a Milky Way in a very distant place outside the Milky Way! That Milky Way is very similar to the Milky Way we have here! In that Milky Way, there are also solar systems, and there are still many solar systems!"

"I found a star very, very similar to Earth in one of the solar systems

^0^ One second to remember【】

Ball, the similarity rate is as high as 99.9%, and this planet is bigger and more suitable for human survival! The same goes for the moon! So, my idea is simple, within a year, we're moving to this planet! "

It's a fantasy!

No boundaries, just open your mouth!

Some even laughed out loud!

"I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else. I didn't mean to offend Mr. Song! But I think what Mr. Song said is just a dream! It's completely irrelevant. We can't even build the moon, and we can't even get out of the solar system. Mr. Song said that he would leave the Milky Way and enter another galaxy, another solar system... I, I, I... I don't know what to say, I just think, it's funny, it's funny!"

If Song Haotian hadn't said this, it is estimated that this netizen would have already started spraying!

Now Song Haotian's respect on Earth is unparalleled!

Therefore, he dare not scold!

He was afraid that he would be stabbed to death by the surrounding Song Haotian fanatics!

But there is more than one person who thinks like!

More than 90% of people think this way.

There are ten percent of people, did not respond!

If Song Haotian didn't say it wrong, then they heard it wrong!

Fly out of the galaxy?

A year's time?

How is this possible!

"Song...Mr. Song, you...haha, you are really joking! Let's think about how to rebuild the moon!"

"Mr. Song, I've been troubled. With our current technology, we can't fly into the Milky Way at all."

"This is the funniest joke I've heard today! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend Mr. Song!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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