"Crunch crunch crunch. . ."

It is 8:00 pm currently.
And the location I'm at right now is the dining room in Sarah-chan's house.
The room isn't very big but the room is dimly lit by magic lanterns hanging from the ceiling giving the place a calm and sophisticated vibe.
The table and chairs were unadorned and simple.
Since dust hides so well in crevices you'd think there would be some here but everything was spick and span.
Some flowers were arranged by the window making the dining room vibrant.
An element that was completely gone from Master's home.
Should I have put flowers near my bed?

A Baron is a rank of Nobility, right?
Since that is the case, you would definitely be expecting something gorgeous and rich.
But when I was introduced to Sarah-chan's residence, all that appeared was just a two-story building.
Despite this house's simplicity, it was still a step above the rest because the village in the surrounding land all had one-story dwellings.
Compared to a commoner's house, this one definitely has more rooms.

"Gulp gulp, munch munch munch. . . "

What I'm eating now was a feast prepared by the Baron's chefs as a reward for saving Sarah-chan and company!
All the dishes lined in front of me were fragrant and vivid.
And yes, of course, it was delicious.

The simmered vegetables in the soup were soft and fresh.
Was this Ardist's equivalent of a carrot?
It was red and sweet, and I can crush it with just my tongue.
And when I bit into it, the flavors of the soup stock1Soup stock is what gives soup flavor otherwise it;d just be water with stuff in it overflowed and filled my tastebuds.
It was incredibly different from the hard, bitter grass I usually eat.
So delicious!

And bread!
I've finally eaten bread in this world!
I had only seen the garbage man2Emmy talking about her father and villagers eating bread but this is the first I've tried it!
The garbage man didn't share any food with me and what my master made was just porridge.
All of this thinking makes me feel like my life is pretty tragic, but this is way better than eating the bark3Not sure if anyone doesn't know this but whatever, bark is just the skin of a tree of a tree.
The bark filled me up but it never felt like I was eating a meal.
When I stuff the bread into my mouth, I immediately smell Barley and the taste is slightly salty, perfectly mixing with the sweet soup.
So delicious!!

And the best part is the meat!
The chicken-like meat had a crispy grilled skin, great fragrance, and it was juicy and moist making it super delicious!
There is some stuff on it that looked like herbs so I thought it was seasoned before being grilled.
I wonder if they grilled the herbs too.
The meat is completely different from the unprocessed monster meat, this tastes civilized!
So delicious!!!

Wait but what type of meat is this?!


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