Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1460: 4 gatherings

Seeing the middle-aged man, a cloud of haze appeared in Wu Huatian's eyes. I only listened to Wu Huatianpi's smile

"Ji Jie, Bai Jin. What kind of green onion are you? Patriarch, what am I doing here, do you need to manage it?"

Wu Huatian once introduced to Li Mo that Bai Jin is the ancestor of the Baiwu Poison Sect.

"If you want to bring your disciples to the holy mountain and open your eyes, you can go back now. But if you want to enter the holy mountain, then we can break our wrists!"

Another voice came from behind the Purple Feather Poison Sect, and I saw a man nine feet tall, not too far away from a gorilla, rolled up his sleeves and walked in this direction.

Behind the man, dozens of young disciples followed.

This man, Rao and Li Mo all have to look up at him. Such a burly figure is really rare. But when Li Mo looked closely, he realized that this man was not a big demon, he was also a human race.

"Okay, Wu Sandu. I want my ancestor to accompany you to play, and I will happily accompany you!"

Wu Huatian also smiled reluctantly when he saw Wu Sandu, who was going to deal with this disagreement.

Wu Yan, the ancestor of the Dayan poison ancestor Wu Wu, also told Li Mo.

"Wu Huatian, this is not where you should come."

A soft voice came, and a middle-aged woman walked slowly. Behind the middle-aged woman, the disciples who followed were mostly women.

No guess, Li Mo knows. These people should be the people of the Wind Blade Poison Sect, and the middle-aged woman of God Realm must be the ancestor of the Wind Blade Poison Sect that day.

As Wu Huatian said before, these three forces learned that he came here. The three ancestors will inevitably come here, only to see that the three ancestors are scattered.

Obviously, the three of them are also guarding against each other. Today it was only the actions of the Purple Feather Poison Sect that allowed them to jump out of the three forces temporarily, and their opinions were even more unanimous.

If the people who come here tomorrow are replaced by Windblade Poison Sect, then Purple Feather Poison Sect, White Mist Poison Sect and Dayan Poison Sect will also join hands like today.

When dealing with Bai Jin and Wu Sandu, Wu Huatian is more casual.

But seeing this ancestor of the Fengshen Duzong, Wu Huatian's eyes were tight. Talking to Li Mo

"Brother Li Mo, Feng Shuang is the highest among the four of us. He is also the strongest in poison, so you must be careful of her."

"Don't worry."

Li Mo responded to Wu Huatian's voice, and then took a step forward. The three ancestors looked around and smiled.

"Boy Li Mo, want to enter this holy mountain. I wonder if it is convenient for a few of you?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, the three ancestors of Fengshuang's eyes suddenly tightened. Li Mo can clearly feel the killing intention in the eyes of these ancestors.

Who can enter the Holy Mountain? Only their ancestors of poison ancestors in the past can enter!

Attention, it is a poison case! Rather than the splitting of the Purple Feather Poison Sect, Dayan Poison Sect.

Therefore, all four ancestors wanted to unify the poison sect and become the ancestor of the poison sect before they were eligible to enter the Holy Mountain.

As a result, they did not enter the Holy Mountain by themselves now. A young boy wanted to enter the Holy Mountain with one mouth. Can these people not be angry?

"Wu Huatian! What does it mean to find an outsider to enter the Holy Mountain?"

Bai Jin frowned and asked Wu Huatian first.

Even ordinary disciples of Ziyu Duzong can see that Li Mo is a person outside of Duzhou, and these ancestors can't see it.

"A few more meanings! It must be the cartilage of the Purple Feather Poison Sect who have turned to outside forces!"

The grumpy Wu Sandu waved his fists and scolded.

And that hoarfrost was also questioned and looked at Wu Huatian. If Wu Huatian really relied on the forces outside the poisonous state, then Wu Huatian would be the enemy of the remaining three drug sect. Don't want to leave here today.

"Bah! Bah! Your grandma turned to the outside forces! Your family turned to the outside forces!"

The experienced Wu Huatian also knows that he can't be buckled with such a big hat. So the madness of the anger was like thunder, and he scolded the five big and three thick Wu Sandu.

Then, Wu Huatian patted Li Mo's shoulder. Laugh

"Don't look at this little brother as an outsider, but the talents are different! The talent on the poison road completely crushes you! Now that the family has joined the Purple Feather Poison Sect, do you still say that they are not the people of the poison clan?"

"I understand the rules. I am here to challenge you today."

Li Mo also responded to Wu Huatian's words.

"Where is the doll with no hair?" Although you are a cultivation practice in the middle of Tianshen Realm, which is taller than the ancestor, I want to poison you, the ancestor, which is to move your fingers!"

Wu Sandu faced with disbelief, held out his thick little finger and provoked Li Mo.

Bai Jin and Feng Shuang are also disgruntled, but they are both ancestors in the sect. A body of poison has long been fascinated, and Wu Huatian said that this jumped out of a kid. Talent is higher than their ancestors, who can believe it? Who is angry?

"How do you want to compare?"

Bai Jin's eyes showed a murderous asked Li Mo.

"Simple, just compare our poison. How?"

Li Mo grinned and responded.

"How many years have you joined the Purple Feather Poison Sect?"

Finally, Feng Shuang asked the key question.

After all, everyone finds that Li Mo is a cultivation practice in the midst of the heaven and **** realm, so don't care about Li Mo's talent on the poison road. But in practice, this young humanoid is really strong.

"Uh... ten days?"

Li Mo made a rough calculation and responded awkwardly.

"Hahaha, ten days? What a lifeless boy!"

"Where's the stunned head! Wu Huatian, your Purple Feather Poison Sect will follow this silly kid blindly?"

Hearing Li Mo's response, Wu Sandu and Bai Jin mocked. Looking at Li Mo's eyes was like looking at an idiot.

The wind and frost is also a sneer of anger.

I have just joined the Purple Feather Poison Sect for ten days, that is to say, it seems that even the types of poisons have not been recognized yet, right?

Such a stunned youth and they compared with the poison test, the fate is longer, can not find death?

Facing everyone's sarcasm, Wu Huatian's complexion was sullen.

But I don't know what to say to fight back, because Li Mo joined the Purple Feather Poison Sect for ten days, it is indeed not a fake.

"Stinky boy! Let me compare with you!"

Wu Sandu came first and said to Li Mo.

The playful and monstrous eyes seemed to kill Li Mo.

"Three poisonous brother, let this brother come. This is just a new poison developed by my brother. The body will rot quickly after taking it. And people will not die the first time, they can only stare at themselves. 'S body rotted away from his own body. Eventually, even his head would rot and become a group of carrion. Hahaha..."

Bai Jin also took a step forward, grinning grimly.

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