Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1484: Dagger

Today's Zhongzhou is where the Tianting Temple is located. It is the center of the entire Kyushu. How can these wild people be allowed to go wild?

   So the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe and the Snow King of Tianshan determined the destination of the poison sect and the wild beasts, and immediately spoke on behalf of Li Mo and emperor Tian Tian. Convene all forces to form a coalition to defend Zhongzhou.

   For a time, not only the poison sect and the turbulent barbarians entered Zhongzhou. Even the forces of several other states sent their absolutes to Zhongzhou.

   The sun was scorching, and there was no cloud in the sky over Zhongzhou.

   And the frontiers of Zhongzhou, however, stood in a state of hundreds of thousands of troops!

   These troops were transferred from the remaining states. There are various races, and cultivation is different.

   at the forefront, the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestor of the Dragonhawk tribe stood at the forefront.

   The ancestors of the rest of the ethnic groups stood behind the two kings, and everyone looked ahead with tenacity.

   This kind of scene never appeared before.

   After all, the various ethnic groups in Kyushu before each fight. Something happened in Zhongzhou, and they all held a lively mood, wondering how many powerful people would be killed or injured by Zhongzhou's forces. Who would come to help?

  But today is different. The Heavenly Court established in the name of Li Mo unites all major forces of Kyushu together.

   That's why it looks like it is now, one side is in trouble, and eight parties support it.


   A dragon eagle soared in the sky, coming in a distant direction.

   "Report the ancestor! Snow King! Manzhou wild beasts are millions! We are less than thirty kilometers away from our army!"

   "Got it, let's explore again!"

  The ancestors of the Dragonhawk tribe sacredly waved.


   The dragon eagle clan responded, and his wings flew, his figure flew in the direction of coming again.

   But the wild beasts in Manzhou also have too many flying beasts, so these spies of the dragon and eagle clan are also afraid to see them at close range.

"Now our forces in Qizhou have just experienced two major disasters, and the tribesmen have all been downgraded. The millions of wild beasts... are indeed not easy to deal with. And the poison sect of that poison state is also hurrying coming."

   Longying tribe ancestors and the nightmare tribe ancestors behind Tianshan Snow King frowned, murmured to himself.

  The two big disasters, of course, refer to the disasters brought by the ancestral puppet heaven and Yinjia tribe. However, the ancestors of the Nightmare tribe were also blessed by disasters, and cultivated from the heaven to the heaven. But the forces of all parties are also mixed in casualties, and the fighting power has dropped too much.

"What are you afraid of? The barbarians who are not savvy, what is the quantity? Their cultivation behavior is not necessarily strong. Although our soldiers have experienced **** battles, their combat power has fallen to the first level. Several wars have blended in the tacit understanding between our soldiers, and everyone cooperated in one battle. What are those wild beasts?"

   The blue whale ancestor waved his hand and said nothing about it.

   "Well, as before. Tianshan Yeti soldiers are at the front. Dragon Eagle, Nightmare soldiers are responsible for fighting flying beasts and assassing higher barbarians. The remaining soldiers are on the side! Strike to kill barbarians!"

   Longying tribe ancestor nodded his head and drank his voice.

   This combat method was passed down by Li Mo. In the battle with the Puppet Puppet Heavenly Court, the marvelous results were achieved.

   So even if Li Mo is not here now, the Dragon Eagle tribe ancestors still have to use this combat method to meet the enemy.



  Various voices were rolling around, and the morale of the generals was greatly boosted. There is heaven, there is heaven. What kind of **** battle, they will not lose. Because they knew that Heavenly Emperor would take them to the final victory.


  Just as everyone was discussing meeting the enemy, the whole ground trembled.

  I just saw the opposite side, and the black beasts pressed like tide!

  On the sky, countless eagles and vultures block the sun from the sky.

   And below, wild cows, buffaloes, tigers, lions, leopards, elephants...

   countless wild beasts pressed here, there are really millions!

  Even though these millions of wild beasts have no sanity, they are a group of fierce beasts! Such a black and violent storm came over, and the coalition forces on the side of the heavens also had to suffer heavy casualties!

   And the senior officials on the side of the Allied Forces of the Heavens Court frowned when they saw these fierce beasts.

  Don't look at what they said before, but now I see the barbarians who can't see their heads at a glance. The shock in everyone's heart is beyond words.

   "Archer! Get ready!"

   Longying tribe ancestor frowned, shouted out his hand.

   "Bum, buzz..."

   Then, only heard the sound of bows and arrows being pulled apart. A large number of powerful people of the clan have filled their bows and arrows, and their eyes are turned to the ancestors of the dragon and eagle. As long as the palm raised by the dragon eagle ancestors fell, countless bows and arrows were shot at the barbarian group opposite.

   These human races are generally large tribes of human races who follow the **** and demon family. They are charged and there are no strong men and women of the **** and demon family. So they were all selected and acted as archers.

   "Put their front into one mile."

  Looking at this approaching barbarian group, Tianshan Snow King reminded him.

  Although everyone is a monk, the practice is still limited. The front of the wild beasts is within one kilometer to ensure that their heavenly bows and arrows are accurately shot into the effective range.

  At this time, if one more barbarian could be killed, one of them might have one less warrior.

   Longying tribe ancestor did not say much, and his eyes were fixed on the barbarian who stepped closer.


  The bodies of these barbarians are not light, and as they rushed all the way, the ground was still like an earthquake.

   The sight of the one million wild beasts in front of him is more thrilling than the beast tide Li Mo saw that day.

   "Three miles, two and a half miles..."

The sharp eyes of the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe gradually narrowed their muttered silently in their hearts.

   "One and a half..."

   said that the hand raised by the Dragon Eagle clan ancestors became a fist, and he wanted to fall.

   As long as this fist fell, it was all arrows.

   This group of wild beasts have not rushed, they will die a lot.


   But at this time, the million beasts roared together. The roar shook the sky, the sky was full of endless demons! This demon spirit gathered more and more in the air, and stayed together for a long time.

   "Senior, what is such a big battle?"

  In the herd, there was a voice of doubt.

   Then, a nine-headed dragon lizard flew its wings slowly into the air. Dressed in a white shirt, Li Mo stood upright on the head of the nine-headed dragon lizard.

   Apparently, the spies of the Dragonhawk and Nightmare did not dare to get too close to these wild beasts. So I didn't find Li Mo in the wild beast group before.

   "Tian Di?"

   "It is the Emperor! Look, it is the Emperor..."

  Don't say that Li Mo was puzzled, even the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe were also puzzled.

   But those young fighters of various forces are excited.

   They admire strength at a young age and admire the weak. Right now they finally saw Li Tiandi, the Kyushu co-owner!

   The intense excitement made them forget. They seem to be fighting.

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