Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1498: Offend Xianwei

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At this time, what you used to change Zhou Liang's hot soup, Zhou Liang will not change.

With a sip, Zhou Liang grunted and drank most of the bowl of hot soup.

Then, Zhou Liang saw the mutton in another bowl.

Without saying anything, Zhou Liang seemed like a hungry wolf. Grabbed the mutton and gnawed the jujube.

So hungry, a bowl of lamb soup plus a large piece of lamb. It's really the biggest food in the world.

"Eat slowly, not enough."

Looking at Zhou Liang, Ah Shui couldn't bear to speak.

"The storage bag contains water and some dry food, as well as clothing."

He took out another storage bag and handed it to Zhou Liang.

Before Zhou Liang was just a casual repairer, he had just entered the Spiritual Realm, so he didn't have a storage bag.

Swallowed a bite of meat and stared at the storage bag that Ah Shui handed.

Zhou Liang's eyes gradually turned red, and his whole body was shaking.

Ashui can feel it, Zhou Liang is very excited at the moment.

"Oh, I'll put it here for you."

Looking at Zhou Liang's appearance, Ah Shui's heart was a bit unbearable. Then the storage bag was placed on the open space beside Zhou Liang.

As Ah Shui bent down, he whispered into Zhou Liang's ear

"hold onto!"

As the voice fell, A Shui hurriedly walked back.

And these people in front of the carriage have also eaten up.

"Come back, Connaught, the soup is left for you. Brother Meat will eat it for you, young man, eating too much meat and not digesting it..."

Looking at Ah Shui who came back, the fat ball said with a satisfied belly. Looking into the bowl of fat balls, it was two large pieces of meat. Obviously, there is a piece of Ashui.

"Second Brother, be careful that you will get fatter as you eat!"

Ah Shui cursed the fat ball in a low voice. Then he sat next to the fat ball and began to eat.

Although these two brothers often quarrel, everyone knows. Among Li Mo's four apprentices, Chi You is the closest to Fat Ball. And this water is the closest to the fat ball.

"As soon as you finish eating, Ah Shui, go wash the dishes. You should be punished."

Li Mo took a bite of barbecue and drank a soup, and said lightly.

Hearing Li Mo's words, everyone looked blankly at A Shui. Obviously I don't know what Ah Shui did wrong.

But A Shui did not quibble and responded

"Yes, Master."

Obviously, he was punished for the three words he secretly said to Zhou Liang. Although the punishment is very light, Li Mo rarely punishes them.

At night, everyone sleeps in this jungle. Li Mo and Jin Qiaoxin lived in the carriage, but this luxurious carriage was omnipotent.

However, Li Mo's apprentices also came from poverty, and of course they will not be picky about anything. Jin Qiaoxin saw that Zhou Liang was too thin, and ordered Chiyou to give him a blanket.

It took five days for everyone to shake out before going out of this mountain range.

If you change to the previous speed, this jungle can only spend a day with Li Mo and they can go out in a limited amount of time.

But in order to make Zhou Liang keep up, so the speed has really slowed down a lot.

No, just five days later. Jin Qiaoxin hurriedly asked Zhou Liang to worship Chi You as a teacher.

Seeing that no one had any extra mounts, Chi You asked Zhou Liang to rush the carriage for Li Mo and Jin Qiaoxin.

"Master, what kind of horse is this? It's so pretty?"

Sitting in the carriage and looking at the beautiful muscle lines of Tsing Ma Wang, Zhou Liang asked innocently.

"This king is the Qingma family!"

It is useless for Chi You to answer Zhou Liang, and the Tsing Ma King couldn't wait to show off. The proud look seemed to be very satisfied with his origin.

I thought this was just a normal horse, but Shui Cheng thought the horse could speak?

So Zhou Liang was so scared that he almost jumped off the carriage, and even muttered in disbelief.

"Horse, horse...the horse can talk!"

"Master! Ma can talk!"

"Tsing Ma Wang is a strong player in Heavenly Wonderland. Of course it is normal to speak."

Chi You, who was riding a horse slowly, grinned and explained to Zhou Liang.

"Tianxian Realm? What is that realm?"

Startled, Zhou Liang sat down cautiously and asked.

"Your cultivation practice now only needs to know that there is a level of fairyland. Knowing too much is not good for your cultivation, but don't worry. If you teach you, you can become a fairy."

Chi is like a strict teacher, explaining to Zhou Liang.

I have to say that Zhou Liang's child joined their camp. It makes the journey a lot more enjoyable...

Under the mountains, smoke curled up. There is a small mountain village under the mountain. If you want to get out of this mountain range, you have to enter this small mountain village. So Li Mo and his party rushed all the way to the direction of the small mountain village.

"Look! There is a fairy!"

"I heard that Tengyun came from the fog!"

"Cut, what you know is outdated. I heard that the fairy was here to choose virgins and virgins as disciples. What are you still doing! You haven't hurried home and brought the children to show the fairy. If so Let the immortals be fancy, which one of you has a child who can repair immortals, but then our village ancestors have smoked green! We will wait to eat spicy and spicy in the future!"


Li Mo and his party, the luxurious carriage and the extraordinary momentum. Coming to this village did not cause any disturbance. Seeing this pedestrian in the village seemed to have never seen it.

There is really another shocking news at this moment, which keeps them busy, before they pay attention to Li Mo's idle time here.

"Fairy? Where is the fairy?"

Hearing what everyone was talking about, Fat Ball's ears moved, and could not help murmuring to himself.

"Afraid where are the scammers, to deceive these simple villagers?"

Chiyou frowned, too.

"Bold! Where did the child Huangkou come from, he dare to say that the fairy is a liar!"

"That's it! Where are you from? Hurry to leave our village, the province angered the immortals and affected our village!"


However, hearing Chiyou's seemed to have made a lot of anger. I saw that those villagers who had hurriedly hurried back to lead their children came to a halt and ``bombed'' Chi Chi.

Seeing that someone dared to disrespect his teacher, Zhou Liang jumped on the carriage to learn from these people.

"you guys……"

However, Zhou Liang was interrupted by Li Mo in the carriage before he could say anything.

"Oh, it was my apprentice who had never seen the world and accidentally said the wrong thing. I hope you guys don't mind. We came to your village to borrow a road, so we left."

"Hurry up! You are not welcome here!"

After glaring at Li Mo and Chiyou, a villager scolded. He hurried back home to find his child.

Although Chiyou offended "Xianwei", these villagers were very angry.

But now they have more urgent things, plus Li Mo has a good attitude. So after a group of villagers glared at Li Mo, they retreated one after another.

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