Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1534: 0-faced Emperor Fox

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Looking at Li Mo, who was swaying into the imperial capital, Mohan and others could not help but scold.

At this moment, can they still know that they are being played by Li Mo?

"Kill in!"

Hearing the sudden roar of Mohan's despair, he took the lead in scoring into the Imperial City. The strong men of the five thousand-faced fox clan followed closely behind.

But just when the six demon clan strongmen entered the imperial capital in more than ten steps, they saw the horizon golden light twine. Soon a huge thousand-faced fox was born again!

This thousand-faced fox, and the thousand-faced fox that Mohan extinguished with the ancestral power borrowed by the blood sacrifice just now. The breath is just as powerful, so obviously. Unless Mohan borrows the power of the demon clan ancestors again for blood sacrifice, otherwise they can't break this thousand-faced fox with their power!

"Damn! You are waiting!"

In the end, Mohan had to gritt his teeth. Throw a harsh word and lead his subordinates to fly out.

Mohan's Devil Race bloodline has not been awakened, and he has given too much blood. Is awakening more difficult? Therefore, Mohaning is willing to attack again, and is not willing to give up his blood.


"we won?"

Looking at the back of the powerful five-headed demon clan, all the creatures in the imperial capital said in amazement.

Immediately thanking each other, kneeling to the thousand-faced Emperor Fox and Li Mo in the air

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you Master!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you Master!"


"All, let's go."

The thousand-faced fox emperor's pale face was even more frightening, and he waved weakly and said.

Then, the thousand-faced fox emperor came to Li Mo. Ask politely

"The little brother should not be one of our thousand-faced fox stars? How do I call it?"

Thousand-faced fox star is as mixed as life, with the thousand-faced fox tribe as the main body, supplemented by other races. So there are human races in the thousand-faced fox race. But if there is a half-step quasi-imperial realm, as the emperor of a thousand-faced fox star. I don't know it.

"Just call me Li Mo, I am indeed not a creature of a thousand-faced fox star."

Li Mo smiled lightly and responded.

"If the little brother doesn't dislike it, can we come to the palace?"

Thousand-faced Emperor Fox nodded and smiled. There is no slightest way to treat Li Mo. Of course, there is also a relationship in which Li Mo helped him a lot.

"Okay." Li Mo responded, and then followed the direction of the Emperor Fox to the palace.

The imperial capital is vast, and the imperial palace is not small.

But when he came here, Li Mo found that there were three steps and one post, and five steps and one post. Presumably because of the devil's things, it makes a big enemy here.

Inside the palace, the thousand-faced fox emperor Gao Gao, who was screened back and forth, sat on the throne, and Li Mo sat below.

"Brother Li Mo knows the origin of these people?"

Thousand-faced Emperor Fox lying weakly on the dragon chair and asked Li Mo. Li Mo could obviously feel that the breath of Qianmian Fox Emperor's body became weaker and weaker.

"Devil Clan."

Li Mo did not conceal, Li Mo knew. This thousand-faced fox emperor has long known the origin of these people.

"Well... The demon clan is too powerful. Not at all, not a thousand-faced fox star can contend. I don't know, I don't know what Brother Li Mo can do?"

Thousand-faced Emperor Fox's voice intermittently, asked weakly.

Looking at the appearance of the Emperor Fox, Li Mo shook his head. Li Mo could obviously feel that the vitality of the thousand-faced fox emperor gradually disappeared. If there is no real treasure of heaven and earth, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive the disaster.

But Li Mo and Qianmian Fox Emperor had just met, so Li Mo couldn't say anything else. I had to answer the thousand face fox emperor.

"Thousand-faced Fox Star is indeed not as good as the Demon Clan, but the blind concession can only allow more and more Thousand-faced Fox Star creatures killed by Mohan and others. So the immediate task now is to destroy Mohan and then dismiss the Thousand-faced Fox Star Creatures.

At that time, the powerful of the demon clan was killed, wanting to avenge Mohan and others. But thousands of fox stars are already empty, a huge universe, billions of creatures. Where are they looking? It is a pity that if I step into the realm of the gods now, I will definitely kill Mohan..."

With that, Li Mo shook his head, his voice increasingly helpless.

His own strength is already the strongest in Kyushu mainland.

But looking at it in this universe, it is only self-preserving. Right now I just want to protect others, and I can't do it.

"I... got it. I'm a little tired, Li Moxiao, little brother..."

Thousand-faced Emperor Fox waved to Li Mo, and he had not finished speaking. He slept weakly.

Looking at the appearance of Emperor Fox, Li Mo said no more. He arched his hand to the thousand-faced fox emperor and walked out.

In the palace, there are thousands of fox emperor's guards graciously arranged a superior room for Li Mo.

Right now the fish and dragons in the imperial capital are mixed, and Li Mo is not at ease with the mother and son of fox sister-in-law. Therefore, the guards in the palace were arranged, and the mother and son of Fox sister-in-law were taken to live in the palace.

Anyway, this huge palace has many houses.

At night, Li Mo heard crying inside and outside the palace.

As Li Mo walked out of his room, he saw the bright night in the palace. White cloth was hung everywhere, even the guards inside and outside the palace, also in white robes.

These bodyguards are men who have stood the battlefield. But at the moment, they even knelt on the ground and wept silently.

Li Mo looked up and looked at the bright moon over the palace. Mumbling to

"Thousand-faced Emperor Fox, go well."

Although I only met once with this thousand-faced fox emperor, this thousand-faced fox emperor dared to work hard for the life of the thousand-faced fox star. This is where Li Mo admires.

"grown ups."

Beside him, the minister of the thousand-faced fox clan in an imperial palace came behind Li Mo and bowed.

The minister had a tray in his hand, and there seemed to be a round thing on the tray. But these were all wrapped in a golden cloth, so Li Mo did not see what the round thing was.

"this is?"

Li Mo frowned slightly and asked puzzled.

"Go back, Master. This is... Your Majesty's Nedan..."

The thousand-faced fox minister's voice trembled, his eyes flushed.

"Your Majesty said... This Nedan can help adults enter the realm of Your Majesty hopes that the adult will enter the realm of God and defeat the demon head of the Demon Race. Save the people of the thousand-faced Fox Star!

After all, the minister of the thousand-faced fox clan fell on his knees.

Their emperor, even to death, is still thinking about the lives of thousands of fox stars.

However, they, the tribes of the thousand-faced fox tribe, still have to give Nedan of the thousand-faced fox emperor to others. If it were not for the death of the thousand-faced fox emperor, he would definitely not do it!

Hearing the words of the thousand-faced fox minister, Li Mo also narrowed his eyes.

Immediately Li Mo's palm lifted, and Huang Bu flew. A bright and shiny Nedan appeared in front of Li Mo's eyes. Like a bright moon, illuminating the sky!

"Mohan has recovered the essence blood, and can use the blood sacrifice to draw on the power of the ancestors. It is bound to come back again! Well, I promise you! Enter God Realm, I am, and the souls of the thousand-faced Fox Star are here!"

Li Mo's face was solemn, and Nedan, who faced the thousand faced fox emperor, seemed to face the thousand faced fox emperor himself, promised.

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