Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1543: Tough King

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Not only is Li Mo's Jindan covered with cracks, but Li Mo's body is also covered with cracks!

You know, how strong is Li Mo's body? But at the moment, he could not bear the impact of those pure auras in his body, and he began to split slowly.

"Go! Find a place to consolidate your cultivation. Otherwise, you will be boosted by these violent auras in your body!"

The anxious voice of origin came from Li Mo's ear, and the origin knew the condition of Li Mo's body.


Li Mo gritted his teeth and his figure appeared in the universe in an instant. Running towards the depths of the universe.

Li Mo's cultivation was to climb, to the Jinjia tribe ancestors who resisted the Great Emperor Realm. It's slow, but everything happened in a flash. The actions of the great emperor realm are enough to do a lot of things in one breath.

Looking at the golden light of Li Mo's body, the ancestors of the Golden Armor clenched.

"Staff of Origin!"

After all, the Jinjia tribe ancestor took a step. This step went directly to the outer space of the Golden Armor Planet, watching Li Mo's figure. The ancestor of the Jinjia tribe wants to take another step to catch up with Li Mo.

But this foot just lifted up, the Jinjia clan ancestor hesitated.

In the presence of the Universe Convention, the powerful in the Great Emperor Realm must not leave their own planet for World War I.

After all, the powerful fight in the Great Emperor Realm is too scary. If you can't destroy another planet, you will destroy hundreds of millions of creatures. Therefore, the convention signed between the top ten races in the universe is also to restrict other forces.

No one wants those affiliated planets that have taken refuge in themselves to suffer indiscriminately.

If one of the forces violates the cosmic convention, the other nine forces have the right to encircle and suppress him!

Thinking of the cosmic convention, there was a trace of fear in the eyes of the Golden Ancestral Ancestors.

But soon, this trace of fear was replaced by greed!

"That's the rod of origin, kill the kid. When I get the rod of origin, I'm the invincible existence of the universe! Those old guys, what restrains me?"

The voice fell, and the Jinjia clan ancestors no longer hesitated. Taking a big step, he rushed in the direction of Li Mo, and now Li Mo has escaped for a long time.

However, there were more and more cracks in Li Mo's body. Like a tree branch, they scattered in all directions on Li Mo's body. It looks even more terrifying.

Li Mo seemed to be unable to persevere and was boosted by the huge aura in his body!

These times, the origin is not idle. Origin has been suppressing the violent aura in Li Mo's body with the force of origin, making them less harm to Li Mo's body.

"No! Can't hold on!"

The voice of origin came again from Li Mo's ear, and the power of origin could not suppress Li Mo's violent spirit.

Suppressed by the power of origin, Li Mo's body was still torn apart.

If there is no power of origin to suppress it, don't guess, Li Mo will be torn apart by that violent aura!

"Since it can't be suppressed, find a way to release these terrible auras!"

Li Mo's eyes were ruthless, showing a look of madness.

Immediately Li Mo stopped and stopped running. Looking wildly behind him, Lingran was fighting.


In front of Li Mo, a golden light came from the dark universe. This golden light is so powerful that it seems to be swept by stars!

This momentum is not who the Golden Ancestral Ancestor of the Great Emperor Realm can be?

"Hand over the rod and mantra of origin, and spare you not to die!"

In Jinguang, the voice of the ancestors of the Jinjia tribe drank majesticly.


Facing the threat of the Jinjia tribe ancestor, Li Mo smiled with his head up. The voice is endlessly domineering.

"Let me see, the fighting power of your great emperor realm. How strong is it!"

When the voice fell, Li Mo even fisted with his bare hands and attacked the Jinjia clan ancestor madly.

Only while attacking, Li Mo's flesh covered with cracks appeared bursts of runes.

"court death!"

Seeing Li Mo dare to attack himself, the ancestors of the Jinjia tribe showed a sense of killing in their eyes, and immediately disapproved.

Then, the fist of the Jinjia clan ancestor wrapped in the gold armor also blasted in the direction of Li Mo.


An amazing wave of air came between the fists of the two and dispersed around.

The deserted planets on both sides of Li Mo and the Jinjia clan ancestors were suddenly shuddered by the shock of this blast.

This is just a swell, if it really makes those abandoned planets confront the attacks of the two great emperors. At this moment, it may have exploded.


Li Mo and the Jinjia clan ancestors made a hard blow, but the two figures remained immobile. This made the Jinjia clan ancestors frown.

The ancestors of the Jinjia tribe can see that Li Mo was far-fetched to enter the realm of the great emperor. Otherwise, the body will not split into that state.

Therefore, in the eyes of the ancestors of the Jinjia tribe, he should have blown Li Mo with a punch. But how did the punch just made a tie?

"Hahaha, happy! Come again!"

In the universe, Li Mochang's loud shouts were full.

The voice fell, Li Mo killed again. Every time Li Mo attacks, his fist carries an amazingly pure aura!

This aura makes Li Mo's offensive power even more domineering, while consuming these auras. So that the spirits that could not be suppressed in Li Mo's body were finally released by Li Mo!

"Coax! Coax! Coax..."

The universe is full of heavy impact sounds.

The more battles, the more angry face of the Jinjia tribe ancestors.

Although the ancestors of the Jinjia tribe were also good at physical strength, they could not do such a lifeless battle as Li Mo.

Moreover, Li Mo's flesh has that mysterious rune, and the power of the flesh is very powerful. Coupled with the violent aura brought by Li Mo's every punch, this made the Jinjia clan ancestors fall into a disadvantage after eating Li Mo a few punches.

Not only that, but which great emperor has no means to suppress the bottom of the box?

But every time when the ancestors of the Jinjia tribe did not want to entangle with Li Mo in their physical strength, they made themselves out of school.

This Li Mo immediately accelerated the speed of the attack as soon as to the attack of the flesh. The ancestors of the Jinjia tribe can't ignore it, they can only take it passively. This made the Jinjia clan ancestors interrupted by Li Mo several times when they wanted to get out of school.

Of course, these are all under the control of Li Mo, who is experienced in combat.

The ancestors of the Jinjia tribe had a tremendous mastership in the realm of the emperor, but Li Moke did not. Moreover, Li Mo himself just wanted to use the Jinjia clan ancestors to consume the aura in his body, how could he be given the opportunity to make him out of school?

The rumbling air waves are still constantly generated, the abandoned planet around. Finally it broke apart because it couldn't stand the waves here.

On the one hand, it's a hand-to-hand fight, on the other, it's a deadly offensive attack.

The result can be expected, after not knowing how many rounds of attack.

Li Mo finally took advantage of the lack of defense of the Jinjia clan ancestors and punched him in the chest of the gold a clan ancestor.


Rao is the Golden Ancestral Ancestor of the Great Emperor Realm, who suddenly coughed up a big mouthful of blood, and flew to the rear weakly.

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