Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 173: Body protection

"Do you know how powerful I am this time? Fortunately, you're acquainted and didn't mess with me, otherwise he will be your end."

Birthmark big man Zhang Qi came off the court successfully, walked to Li Mo's side, and started the outfit mode.

Li Mo ignored him, and Zhang Qi's interest was still unabated, pointing at Li Mo education with the tone of the reprimand.

After Zhang Qi's triumphant departure, Bai Wudi couldn't help it: "You can't shoot him?"


"Then go on, this stuff is too ignorant."

"How to shoot him? I hit him directly? Isn't it against the rules?"

"Also..." Bai Wudi thought for a while, and thought Li Mo really made sense.

"If an ant yells at you and we heads-up, what will you do?"

"Reasonable..." Bai Wudi nodded again and again.

While the two were talking, the third pair of players on the court scored the victory and defeat. The host announced that Sheng Jing and Li Mo played against Yang Fan in northern Shaanxi.

Who is Li Mo, not many people know the headquarters of the stranger alliance, who is Yang Fan, also not many people know the headquarters of the stranger alliance.

These two are newcomers to the league who have not joined the club for more than half a year.

"Yang Fan in Northern Shaanxi, the mentor of the Lord!" Far apart, Yang Fan arched his hand to Li Mo.

Yang Fan is a little older than Li Mo, and he looks extraordinary and heroic. If he is described in one sentence, he looks like a hero in a martial arts novel.

Great martial arts!

Yang Fan looked directly at Li Mo's eyes. Until the host announced the start of the game, he still had no action.

"I surrender."

Yang Fan raised his hand.


The masses were embarrassed. I thought that the handsome guy's performance would make everyone'amazing'. As a result, he didn't make a move and admitted directly.

What are you doing?

Everyone was ignorant.

"Fortunately, I will meet, the green mountains will not change, the green water will flow for a long time, and I will see you in the future."

Yang Fan once again arched his hand to Li Mo, walked off the court with ease.

In the first battle, Li Mo won without fighting!

Behind Yang Fan, there was laughter.

"What to expect, isn't this normal? After Northern Shaanxi, it was Shengjing. These two clubs were originally the penultimate existence. It is normal to do such a thing."

"It was an accident, not a disappointment. You don't know. I have some friendships with the president of the Northern Shaanxi Branch. The dude said more than once that he received a great genius and a stranger Yang Fan. He also said that the ranking of the Northern Shaanxi Branch in the future, It will be completely changed because of the existence of Yang Fan."

"Also told me that as long as Yang Fan is here, it will be possible for the Northern Shaanxi branch to squeeze into the four branches."

"Hahaha, laugh at me."

"This Yang Fan, really is a Wizard of Heaven."

"Admit defeat if you don't fight, it's awesome."

Until the fifth pair, the sixth pair, and the seventh pair of players finished, the audience there still talked about Yang Fan's retreat without a fight.

Obviously, from now on, Yang Fan in northern Shaanxi will become a big laughing stock in the league.

Yang Fan was sitting under the stage, his face relaxed, he heard all the mockery around him, but his emotions were not affected at all.

Luo Lie, the president of the Northern Shaanxi Branch, sat down calmly. The person he valued very much retreated without a fight, but he was not angry at all.

Yang Fan did not turn back and said: "Chairman, this time luck is really good, forgive me."

"No need to explain, you act, I believe." Luo Lie, the chairman of the Northern Shaanxi branch, laughed.

Yang Fan nodded and gave Li Mo a deep look.

"Tiannan Living King Kong Charity Fights against Mobei, the Great Saint Zhang Lu!"

After several rounds of not-so-fantastic matchups, we finally ushered in a highlight, Tiannan Living King Kong Sianji vs. Mobei Tianzhang Zhanglu!

"Living King Kong is nothing extraordinary in my eyes tearing the heavenly saint, see me tearing him!"

Zhang Lu, the tearing god, jumped on the court. His figure was very thin, short and small. It was the opposite of the tall and tall figure generally found in Mobei. It is most appropriate to describe him as a monkey.


Zhang Lu grabbed in vain and traces appeared in the air.

"Living King Kong, my eagle claw skills can even crush diamonds, you have to be careful."

Shan Ji didn't bring a zen stick, and his hands fit together.


"Be careful, I'm coming!"

Zhang Lulian rushed forward to Shan Ji and waved his paws down.


Sian Ji Kou recites the Buddha, the golden light of the body is released, and Zhang Lu's eagle claws touch the golden light of the body, and cannot enter immediately.



The golden light of Shan Ji’s bodyguard continued to skyrocket, and the range was expanded to five meters. Zhang Lulian even pulled out his claws and was still forced to retreat again and again.

"My God, the five-meter body protection golden light!"

" this the genius strength known as Shaolin Temple's rare once in a thousand years?"

"I heard people say that this body protection golden light can be defended against artillery shells by one inch, so such a wide range of body protection golden light, I am afraid that even nuclear bombs can defend it?"

"Good job..."




Just when everyone was amazed by Sian Chay's body protection golden light, Sian Chay's body protection golden light continued to expand...

Six meters, seven meters, eight meters... ten meters...

Shan Ji's body protection Jinguang continued to expand until Zhang Lu was pushed out of the field.

"Amitabha." Sian Ji chants the chant.

The audience applauded thunderously.

Zhang Lu's face was green, and he didn't want to leave for a long time.

He felt that he had lost too much.

"Silverfaced Women vs. Luo Fangfang in Northern Shaanxi!"

Xian Ji came off, the host announced the next list of players.


The host had just announced the start, Lin Qingrou flew a kick and kicked up the adorable Meng Luo Fangfang.

Her foot was fast and accurate, and many people did not see her footing, Luo Fangfang flew out.

"None of the four ruthless men is bad."

"This foot, too ruthless, too fast..."

"What's so cruel, people have put a lot of effort, you see Luo Fangfang has nothing to do."

"Grasp this effort, absolutely!"

Lin Qingrou ended.

"It's okay, it's common to win or lose, just as an exercise."

Under the audience, Luo Lie, the chairman of the Northern Shaanxi Branch, comforted Luo Fangfang, who was Luo Lie's daughter.

Luo Fangfang had tears in his eyes and cried.

After a round of fighting, half of the players were eliminated, and when the second round started, the fight between players and players became particularly exciting.

Sheng Jingqiang, Shi Zhenqiang and Zheng Wufang, both advanced after Li Mo. Shi Zhenqiang’s performance impressed everyone present. On the contrary, Zheng Wufang’s performance was mediocre, but this person can get it right every time. victory.

At the beginning of the second round, Li Mo won the first pick and played first, and his opponent was Wang Yan of the Sichuan Branch.

The host announced the start of the competition. Wang Yan's hand ignited flames. Before he could throw the flames out, he fell to his knees with a thud, and covered his abdomen with both hands.

Wang Yan's injury relapsed...

In the last round of fighting, Wang Yan encountered a stranger from the Xixiang branch. Although he was lucky enough to win, his body was seriously injured.

In this battle, Li Mo once again won without a fight!

"He who is chosen by heaven, who is chosen by heaven." Bai Wudi applauded warmly.

Li Mo spread his hands and looked helpless.

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