Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 257: 1 fairy mountain

Zhou Mengxian's residence is very fairy.

It was a small island in the East China Sea, with flowers, trees, birds and beasts on it.

Before reaching the island, Li Mo saw a gate that was about 30 meters high.

Three big letters-Nantianmen!

Of course, this is the real Nantianmen, but Zhou Mengxian has always claimed himself as an "Emperor Emperor", so he called this island "Lingxiao Island".

In front of Nantianmen, there are four strong men guards, these four are not weak, and have reached the peak of the fourth level.

"This are the four kings?"

Yan Wenjing nodded: "Yes father."

Li Mo smiled, took a step, and disappeared.

The ‘Four Heavenly Kings’ guarding the Nantianmen feel nothing at all

The next second, Li Mo was already standing in front of the'Lingxiao Palace'.

"Li Daoyou came here, Zhou Mou was far away and greeted, but also hopeful!"

Zhou Mengxian walked out of Lingxiao Hall in white clothes.

His expression was natural and he smiled at Li Mo, and his attitude was like a friend he hadn't seen in years.

Of course Zhou Mengxian knew what happened at the "Queens Hotel", and everything that Yufu's avatar experienced, at the moment when the Yufu's avatar was destroyed, would transfer the memory to his body intact.

"Li Daoyou, please come to the palace to narrate."

Zhou Meng first made a please.

When Yan Wenjing came, Zhou Meng first saw her and smiled slightly.

Yan Wenjing lowered his head and stood behind Li Mo.

Li Mohe said: "Your apprentice said that I was her wild father who had been lost for many years, so I had to call my father."

Zhou Mengxian didn't change his face, and bowed his hand: "Then I would like to congratulate Li Daoyou on taking a dry daughter."

Li Mo smiled.

Zhou Mengxian politely reached out and didn't laugh, but Li Mo didn't have any reason to do it directly. He followed him into the Lingxiao Palace.

In the Hall of Ling Xiao, Li Mo saw the so-called ‘all fairies’, which were actually ordinary mortal women, but they had better appearance and were trained by Zhou Mengxian to become ‘fairies’.

However, Zhou Mengxian's "fairy" is obviously much worse than Acai's seven little birds.

"Congratulations to Master Li Xian!"

All the fairies bowed down, and white smoke rose around them. That scene was really not much different from the legendary fairy palace.

"Li Daoyou, do you think my place is good?"

Li Mo looked directly at Zhou Mengxian.

After the polite words are finished, the etiquette is enough, now it is time to cut to the point.

"Zhou Mengxian, if you want to be an immortal emperor, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to smelt chaotic bodies, it has nothing to do with me, but one thing, don't do anything that is bad for the human race."

Zhou Mengxian straightened his face: "What do you say about Li Daoyou? Don't you know that I took the initiative to meet those two alien leaders last time?"

"Do you really take credit for doing facial things?"

"I can blame the past, but only this time, not next time."

"Honestly, you will live long."

Zhou Mengxian smiled and said: "Li Daoyou, do you know who I am Zhou Mengxian?"

"I lived five hundred years old. If I count strictly, I should be an ancient person."

"I have seen the dynasty change, the emperor ascended the throne, the emperor died, and I have seen it, but from the time I remember, I have never done anything evil except smelting chaos!"

Li Mo coldly said: "Sacrifice Qi fortune-telling symbols, to win the angry luck, is this not evil?"

Zhou Mengxian's complexion changed, but only for a moment, his complexion returned to normal.

"I'm just getting a little bit of luck from all beings, and this is something that can't be done. Li Daoyou, you are not a mortal. You should know that the birth of chaotic bodies is difficult. Even if I gather all the bodies, I need luck and luck. The way, hey, I just want to witness a miracle."

"I lived for five hundred years, and I have never done any evil things, but it is a matter of demon defense. I have done a lot. You can check this."

"I said, I didn't want to mention the previous things, I said the future." Li Mo reminded Zhou Mengxian again.

"I didn't do evil before, and naturally I won't."

"That's good."

"This article has been revealed, so you can do it yourself."

Li Mo turned to leave, Yan Wenjing was anxious: "Dad!"


"I... I will go with you."

"No need, you go home now, and follow your master in the future."

"No... no, I want to follow you."

Yan Wenjing rushed up, grabbed Li Mo's arm and let go.

Zhou Mengxian looked quietly, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Li Daoyou, why not stay in Lingxiao Palace for a few days? You and I will study Taoism together, and we will be able to improve together."

"No need, I have finished talking."

Li Mo glanced at Yan Wenjing, and the girl who was able and capable was full of prayers.

Li Mo reached out and touched her head, searching for her memory before she noticed it.

The water cellar, the big flowers are tied up, and the skin is open...

In Yan Wenjing's memory, Li Mo saw a miserable scene, which was the end of the person who betrayed Zhou Mengxian.

She was worried that Zhou Meng would retaliate against her before she had to go with Li Mo.

Yan Wenjing's memory is similar to what she said. She and Zhou Mengxian really have no mentorship. The two are at best using each other.

"Li Daoyou, can the bodies of my apprentices still be in your hands? Can you give them back to me? I will have an apprenticeship with them, hey..."

Li Mo shook his hand and threw the eight bodies in the Star Ring on the ground.

"Thank you, Dao Youcheng!" Zhou Mengxian was grateful.

Li Mo took Yan Wenjing out.

Shortly after Li Mo's departure, the color of gratitude on Zhou Mengxian's face swept away, his face somber and trembling with anger.

Zhou Mengxian first had ten proselytized disciples. The master sister was Yan Wenjing. Her body can be large or small in order to rejuvenate her body. The most rare thing is that people with this physique always maintain their ‘pureness’ in childhood. ', also for this reason, the return of the body ~ ~ can also be called'congenital body'.

In addition to Yan Wenjing, the other nine disciples of Zhou Mengxian are all very special in physique.

"Huh, it doesn't matter if you are killed, Li Mo, Li Mo. Although I haven't figured out your way, but as long as I make a chaotic body, who am I afraid of looking at the universe?"

"You don't kill me this time, you will definitely regret it in the future!" Zhou Mengxian stared fiercely.

Just when Zhou Mengxian was angry, Li Mo leaned out a head in the air: "Zhou Mengxian, I don’t kill you because you are just a little ant in my eyes, don’t think too much, don’t want to As a demon, if you are smart enough, you must remember that you will not do anything to provoke me in this life."

Li Mo Yaoyao slammed out, Zhou Mengxian could not dodge, hard to take a note, suddenly nose and mouth spurting blood, covering his chest back.


Li Mo's figure disappeared from the air.

Zhou Meng trembles for a long time before he can breathe.

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