Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 422: revenge

  Li Mo left the restaurant and went around a few circles before returning to Bai Xiao's home. Liu Yan was already looking forward to the door.

   "Li Mo, you are back, how did they treat you?"

  Liu Yan stepped forward and looked at Li Mo. He was relieved to see that he was not hurt.

  Li Mo told her the story without any concealment.

   "Then... will they find it here, will we involve Bai Xiao's mother and son?"

  Liu Yan expressed his worries. This is what Li Mo is worried about.

   "I'm afraid it won't be long before this home will be found here!"

  It can be seen from Li Mo's injury to Wen Feng in the restaurant that Wen's family has a lot of eyes and ears. Wen Feng's men were beaten by Li Mo. Then Wen Jiaran also knew the news of Wen Feng's being beaten. It can be seen that Wenjia's influence in Taiping Town is anything but ordinary.

   "What should I do! Blame me. If I didn't hold back to Wen Feng first, maybe it wouldn't be so troublesome."

  Liu Yan said in reproach.

"Fool, do you think you would stop there if you didn't do it? The rich children, relying on the power of the family, are arrogant and arrogant. Without giving them a lesson, they will not have the intention of repentance. It seems We can only stay here for a while now, and wait for this matter to pass completely before we plan."

  Li Mo patted Liu Yan's head gently to comfort her. She didn't want Liu Yan to feel any guilt.

   "Well, I listen to you!"


  Unexpectedly by Li Mo, there was no movement at the Wen's side, as if nothing had happened.

Li Mo is also quiet and happy. He put his mind on cultivation. With such a rich heaven and earth aura, and the magical red space of Chi Jian, Li Mo’s cultivation can be said to be thousands of miles a day, only a few days. The time strength soared to the peak of the junior warrior, and the intermediate warrior is only a few miles away. If he now confronts an opponent like Chen Peng, it will never be so difficult.

   And Liu Yan is also a lot more clever. She no longer hangs out to go out and helps Bai Xiao take care of her mother at home. From time to time, she will show her hands and make a few delicious meals for everyone. This made Bai Xiao's mother rave about Li Mo's blessing.


However, Prince Wen Jia was beaten, how could the character of Wen Family not retaliate, but at that time, none of the samurai strongmen who saw Li Mo shot at that time could penetrate his strength, which made Wen Family have to suspend retaliation against him, After carefully investigating Li Mo's background, I am afraid that it is a big denomination or a disciple of a big family. If that is the case, it is not that they can offend Wen Jia.

In a magnificent room in Wenjia’s mansion, Wen Zhong looked at a mouth in front of him with two incisors missing, and his left face was still swollen. Taiping Town was so miserable that it was bullied.

   "Rifle, can you find out who was the murderer who injured my son?"

"Master, I have checked things out. This kid is from outside, and now lives in Baijia in Zhenxi, but I haven't found out the specific background. I don't think this kid looks like a child of a big family. Otherwise, how could you live in the Bai family? The Bai family is no longer the past. Since the death of Bai Shaodong, the Bai family has been lonely. I heard that Bai Xiao’s kid made some money for his mother to see a doctor!"

   This blessing has been with Wen Zhong for a long time. He has been a housekeeper at Wenjia, but he has won the trust of Wenzhong with a bad stomach.

   "Okay, tomorrow you will bring some people to get me back the kid. I'll see if he has a few heads, I dare to hurt my son!"

   Wen Zhong has a sense of confidence in his heart, since there is no background, so long waiting for the crazy revenge of our Wen family!


   Early the next morning, Li Mo was awakened by the noise outside.

   "It seems that it is still time to come!"

  Li Mo said self-deprecatingly, he thought he had given Wen Jia a lesson, and Wen Jia would converge a little, but did not expect them to come to the door.

   walked out of his room, and Li Mo walked out of the courtyard.

At this time, the outside of the courtyard has been surrounded by the people of the Wen family. The leader of the Wen family is the blessing of the house, and the dozens of strong men brought by there are actually a strong junior martial artist. The others are not weak. It is an intermediate and advanced warrior. It seems to be prepared!

   "Brother Li!"

  Bai Xiao, who was blocking this group of people, saw Li Mo and hurried to his side.

   "Bai Xiao, there's nothing about you here, go back and tell you Sister Liu, don't come out!"

   "Brother Li, but they..."

   "Observe, go in!"

   Li Mo's words are indisputable, Bai Xiao can't help anything here, and he can only listen to his words and return to the courtyard.

   "Boy, with some guts, dare to come out. You hurt my son, our old man let us come and invite you to talk back. Come, come and take him down!"

  The blessing beater waved, and dozens of samurai strongmen swarmed up. They all knew that the young man had some skills and sacrificed his magic weapons one by one. Suddenly, the front of the Baijia door was dazzling, and all kinds of magic weapons of the sword, gun and halberd smashed towards Li Mo!

  Rifuku and the junior martial artist stood aside and looked at the scene with a treacherous smile.

  Are you very powerful? Are you strong? With so many of us, even if you have three heads and six arms, you might die under the joint attack of these dozen warriors.

  However, while Laifu was still smug about his tactics, Li Mo's strangeness disappeared.

   Boom! boom! Boom... All the attacks hit the ground in front of the Baijia door, and the old courtyard wall collapsed!

   Laifu rubbed his eyes, and indeed did not find Li Mo's figure, which made him violently thunderous.

   "Humph! Then you can all escape, I see how the Bai family mother and son and the woman escaped. You got me all the people inside!"

   A group of warriors rushed into the courtyard when they heard the order.

what! A strong warrior rushing to the front screamed and fell to the ground. A huge blood hole appeared in the heart. Li Mo's figure appeared in front of him, and blood was still dripping on the clenched fist.

   This sudden attack made other powerful people dare not step forward and used magic weapons to bombard Li Mo again, but Li Mo's figure disappeared again strangely.

  Rifle this time no longer thinks that Li Mo has escaped, and quickly called his hands to his side, fearing that Li Mo will appear beside him out of thin air!

   "Boy, don't pretend to be a ghost, you have the ability to come out!"

  Not only was Lai Fu panicked, but even the crowd of powerful men were frightened by Li Mo's methods just now. The shot is too cruel!

   "Aren't you going to catch me? Come on, I want to see what you have in Wenjia."

  Li Mo was hiding in Chijian's magical space and mocking everyone.

   Laifu and others listened to Li Mo's erratic voice, and the arrogance that had just arrived was gone, and everyone gathered in a circle and looked around with caution!

   "Boy, don't be too rampant, don't think it's okay to hide, I want to see how long you can persist!"

  He believes that Li Mo must have practiced some techniques to hide his body shape. As long as they get together and prepare for the defense, when Li Mo's internal power is exhausted, he can let himself be slaughtered when he appears.

   But what Lifu did not expect was that Li Mo would actually have this kind of space magic, even if he stayed in it for another ten or eight years, he would not lose a little internal force.



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