Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 503: Xuanyuan invincible gift

  Since Lu Fang arrived at Yunxi City, Li Mo is also based on the principle of not being suspicious or not. In addition to some precious natural materials and treasures in his hand, all other elixir was handed over to him for management, allowing him to exert his alchemy skills.

  Look at a bottle of various medicines for various purposes that have been refined by Lu Fang, Li Moke really feels that he has earned it. If these immortals are sold outside, it is definitely an astronomical figure. But Li Mo didn't do that. Instead, he included all the medicines in the Xuanyuan mirror.

  Lu Fang was even more happy and immersed in the process of refining the panacea. The number of refined elixir has gradually increased, and unconsciously his alchemy has also made significant progress. His wife, Lu Xinyue, and Li Mo also persuaded him not to use this alchemy all day and night, but this is how his interest is to listen to them. In the end everyone had no choice but to give up dissuasion. Li Mo secretly gave him the nickname ‘Alchemy Madman’! It's a veritable name.

  Liu Shizhong saw that Li Mo was already on the right track, and then he resigned to Yiyang County. After all, the long-lost man in black does not know when it will suddenly appear, and there must be strong guards there.

  Before leaving, Li Mo gave him a lot of porcelain bottles containing immortals.

   "Master, there are those who restore internal strength, also strengthen the consciousness, and some treat internal and external injuries..."

  Li Mo told Liu Shizhong the effect of the panacea one by one, and finally took out a porcelain bottle.

   "Master, here another "Dragon Soul Pill" has this very important role when you become a Wuhun Soul."

  Looking at his lover, he actually gave me so many medicines like jelly beans. Liu Shizhong was really crying and laughing, but he was very pleased.

   "Xiao Mo, there are too many immortals, you should take it back!"

   "Master, you can take it home, so many people from the Liu family can use it. What else do I have here! Remember to say hello to me and Uncle Liu and the second elder for me!"

  Liu Shizhong was completely confused by Li Mo's move.

   "Okay! I just accept it."

  Liu Shizhong is no longer polite with Li Mo, so he has watched Li Mo grow up a little bit for such a long time. He also knows Li Mo's character very well. If you do not accept these immortals, Li Mo is absolutely impossible to go by yourself.

  The master and apprentice chatted for a while, and Liu Shizhong left Yunxi City.

  Li Mo turned back to his house and suddenly saw Liu Yan not knowing when to appear behind him. His eyes also stared at the direction of Liu Shizhong's departure.

   "Yan'er, are you homesick?"

  Li Mo stepped forward and asked softly.

   "No more, it's just uncomfortable to see Grandpa walking."

   "Silly girl, I don't know what you think? You can rest assured that we won't be long before we can return to Yiyang County, and we will become married. You are giving me a bunch of fat dolls!"

   "Hate, are you my pig? There are still a bunch of fat dolls."

  Li Mo was so amused that Liu Yan's mood improved slightly.

   "Let's go back, there are more things waiting for me to do next!"

  Li Mo took Liu Yan's little hand and walked towards the Junshou Mansion.


   The current wealth and resources in Li Mo's hands are enough for him to build a medium-sized martial art. The next step is to recruit troops, especially some powerful martial art monks.

  Li Mo told his master and Bai Xiao in Taiping Town to let them secretly recruit. The staff is not many but the essence. And the identity of the other party must be strictly reviewed. So as not to have mischievous people mixed in!

  After finishing these things, Li Mo finally had time to practice well. Since the return of Yuqingzhou, he hasn't practiced it seriously.

   "Xiao Mo, you come to my place!"

   Li Mo, who was just preparing to meditate, suddenly heard the invincible voice of Xuanyuan.

   "Grandpa has something to do with me, do you already know where the enemy is?"

  Li Mo came to Xuanyuan's invincible courtyard with questions.

"Xiao Mo, when Yuqingzhou and his party came back, you have been busy preparing for sectarianism. It is rare to be idle today. I am a grandpa and I will give you something. The power should be given to you as an elder. You can’t refuse it. Oh!"

   "Grandpa, what is it? God is mysterious."

   After listening to Li Mo, he was overjoyed, could the things given by the Emperor Wudi be ordinary things!


   said Xuanyuan invincible right hand, a golden sword appeared in the palm of his hand. Li Mo was very surprised by widening his eyes.

   "Grandpa, this will not work. This sword is your magic weapon. I can't ask for it, you should take it back!"

   "Why? Didn't you listen to Grandpa's words?"

   "Grandpa, I listen to everything you say, but I can't want this sword!"

   Li Mo knows the importance of this sword for Xuanyuan Invincible. Without this sword, Xuanyuan Invincible's strength will be greatly reduced. It can be said that this sword is his ordinary magic weapon!

   "Stupid boy, I know what you are worried about, but this "Dragonscale Sword" has not belonged to me since the moment I saw you."

   With this remark, Li Mo was even more inexplicable and did not understand why Xuanyuan Invincible said so.

   "You sacrifice your red sword!"

  According to Xuanyuan's invincible meaning, Li Mo thought of a red sword hovering above Li Mo's head!

   hum! Buzz! Buzz! Swords of joy continue to be emitted.

   And the "Dragon Scale Sword" in Xuanyuan's invincible hands also uttered a sword sound as if responding to Chijian.

   "Only you understand?"

  Xuanyuan invincible looked at Li Mo who was stunned and asked.

   "Grandpa, it... are they a pair?"

"Yes! These two swords are actually a sword, they are the magic weapon of the predecessor Xianyangzi. Only when the predecessor Xianyangzi is in the ascent to benefit future generations, this leaves the basic skills and this sword in the place. Time, but if you are afraid of being caught by a mischievous person, separate this sword."

   "Ah! Do you always know Senior Xianyangzi?"

"Nonsense, otherwise how could I give you the'Dragon Scale Sword' to you. You are very good at being a kid, and you get the four skills of Senior Xianyangzi in no time. It seems that you are the most promising Two Xianyangzi's people. This sword is given to you and it is considered to be a complete return to Zhao!"

   "But grandpa..."

  Li Mo wanted to say something more and was interrupted by Xuanyuan invincible.

   "Don't be If you don't accept it, then don't blame the old man for not keeping his promise and leaving. We won't know anyone from now on!"

   Li Mo didn't expect that Xuanyuan Invincible actually used this method to force himself to stay at the'Dragon Scale Sword'.

   "Don't! Grandpa, I just accept it. You see you are all too old to be anxious. The anger hurts the body!"

   "Your boy, don't talk to me here. You haven't called your sword spirit yet!"

   Li Mo was surprised for a while. It turned out that people knew about the existence of Xiaohong long ago, but there was nothing broken.

   "Hehe, grandpa, you see I used to be afraid of guilt, so..."

   "Okay, does your kid think that I can't see it? You'd better give me honestly in the future!"

  Xuanyuan invincible pretends to be angry, but does not blame Li Mo for concealing from him, and will surely show the rivers and lakes, whoever dare not know the roots, dare to show all his cards in front of you.

   "Grandpa, thank you!"

  Li Mo's complexion suddenly became normal, and he knelt down towards Xuanyuan invincible.

  Xuanyuan is invincible at this time. Even if his elders are his own masters, he has not benefited much from Xuanyuan invincible. Today's worship can be said to be Li Mo's thanks for his support all the way!


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