Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 508: negotiation

In this matter, Li Mo only told Xuanyuan invincible, but did not tell Liu Yan that she was worried.

The reason why Li Mo was threatened by King Gongxian was mainly to avenge Xuanyuan's invincibility. Now that the Liu family is in crisis, he can't help but go with Li Mo!

Li Mo lied that he needed to retreat and left Yunxi City with the invincible Xuanyuan!

After all, it is a normal thing for practitioners to retreat, and Liu Yan will have no doubts.

At the speed of the two, this journey was nothing to me, and it took only half a day to come to Panyang County.

Without saying anything, Li Mo immediately unfolded his own consciousness and enveloped all the people in and out of the city.

Sure enough, as Yang Shuo said, there were troops stationed outside the city. And a large number of martial arts monks appeared in the city, and their strength was not low!

"Grandpa, it seems that Liu Ze has shot!"

Li Mo was as cold as ice.

"Well! I saw it too, but you don't have to worry about it. I'm in charge of what king he is, and annoyed the old man. His prince is finally over!"

Xuanyuan invincible domineering responded to Li Mo.


"Xiao Mo, why are you back!"

Liu Changhe was very surprised when he saw Li Mo.

"Uncle Liu, when I came, I observed that there are a lot of royal troops around us, what's going on!"

"Oh, this is the case. Recently, the prince was afraid of enemies to commit crimes. We are the gateway to Yuyang Prefecture. So he sent heavy soldiers to guard!"

Li Mo couldn't help but sneer in his heart, so he wouldn't believe Gong Xianxian's ghost words. But since Liu Changhe didn't know the inside story, Li Mo naturally wouldn't say it. Save him unnecessary troubles!

"Oh, that's right! Uncle Liu, I came back this time to report something to the prince. Passing here, so come to see you first, and we will talk about it in detail when I come back from the palace!"

"Good! Good! Official matters! Be careful on the road."

After meeting in a hurry, Li Mo and Xuanyuan Invincible did not stay. Go straight to Gongxian Wangfu!

"Xiao Mo, you go in, I will protect you in secret!"

Xuanyuan Invincible disappeared when the two came to the palace!

Li Mo was angry and did not walk through the door. After the gods identified the location of King Gongxian, they disappeared!

"Kingxian Wang is so elegant!"

At this time, King Gongxian was playing chess with an old man in a pavilion. After hearing Li Mo's voice, Bi panic did not panic. But it seems that Li Mo will come soon!

"Li Mo, do you know what kind of crime is to break into the palace?"

Gongxian Wang said lightly that he was still immersed in this game without raising his head!

"Oh, guilty? Is my guilty less? Nothing more!"

Li Mo's figure appeared behind him.

"I don't know if it means that you are brave? Or stupid. But this king loves you, this talent, let's just forget about today! Come, how about this game of chess?"

"I don't understand chess, but the lord still appreciates it myself!"

Li Mo didn't give King Gongxian a face, but he was offended anyway. You don't need to be polite with him!

"Bold! How do you talk to the prince?"

King Gongxian said nothing. Instead, the old man stood up and angered Li Mo!

Li Mo glanced at the old man, the strength of the primary martial soul! It seems that there are strong men around him.

"So what should I say? Father, you must teach me well!"

"Dare to be so arrogant, the old man will teach you how to be a man today!"

call! Click!

The old man said he would do it, and he wouldn't drag the mud at all. With a single blow, several thunderstorms flooded Li Mo!

"Let you taste the power of the old man's palm thunder!"

The power of this kind of thunder and lightning attack is far worse than the "Tian Lei Fu" of Tian Yi all the time! Li Mo just sacrificed his enchantment and blocked the opponent's attack!

Just about to return, King Gongxian finally stood up.

"Eh! It's all a family. Why did you start? Xiao Mo! You know I'm the one who likes you the most. Now you can sit in the position of this county guard, and this king pulls you out. You must not live up to this King's heart for you!"

"Your lord, Li Mo thank you for your love, but it is really not suitable for people like me on the officialdom. This time I came to ask the lord to take back his life and choose another person to take my place. I will not do it!"

King Gongxian obviously did not expect Li Mo to say such a thing.

"Don't do it? Why did you reach the position of county guard at a young age, are you still not satisfied?"

"Yeye, it's not dissatisfaction. It's still very young at the bottom, and the shallow experience is really afraid of letting down the yere's expectations of me!"

"Huh! Li Mo, if you did this, I was already very disappointed. Don't you regret it?"

King Gongxian's attitude immediately turned a 180-degree turn, and his face was blue!

"Sorry? What regrets do I have? Since you took the position of the guard, have you never believed me? You actually put your eyeliner in my house! Is this what you expect from me?"

Li Mo saw the muscles on King Gongxian's face move slightly. Even if it was just a flash, it proved his guess!

"Also, I don’t know why the prince arranged so many troops around Panyang County? Don’t tell me you are protecting against enemy invasion!"

The concubine Wang, who was asked by Li Mo's whisper, was speechless! If it weren't for Li Mo's use value for himself now, how could he be so patient.

A few days ago, he arranged a letter from the spies beside Li Mo, saying that there were two more masters beside Li Mo. I don’t know the specific strength! This makes his narrow-minded people even more afraid that Li Mo will deal with himself when his wings are full. Therefore, he set out to send the army for the first time and control the Liu family.

He knew the relationship between Li Mo and Liu's family, and he certainly would not sit idly by! You can still control Li Mo to help yourself! It's not that Li Mo wanted to build his own monastery. If it is because of this matter, then King Gongxian will definitely concentrate all his strength to eliminate Li Mo.

The establishment of the Zongmen can never be allowed on the Xuangu Continent, otherwise the invincible Xuanyuan sect will not be destroyed!

"Li Mo, I advise you to think things over and make plans. Otherwise, if there is something to let the emperor know, then it will be useless even if you regret it!"

Gongxian Wang forced his anger and continued to persuade Li Mo.

"Your lord, are you threatening me? Although you have said it, anyway, all the things I did were approved by you. The big deal is that the fish is dead. I want to see if you can have a good life in the future! "


Gongxian Wang Yusai, did not expect Li Mo to play a rogue with himself. However, if this matter is really spoken, in the character of his emperor, he might believe Li Mo's words. Suspicious nature is a common problem of all the upper class!

"Okay! Li It's just that you are ruthless and I withdraw troops. But there is one thing I'm inconvenient to take, you have to help me do it!"

"Your lord, is this an exchange of terms? Tell me, if I can do it, I will do my best!"

"It's not a try, it's a must, as long as you help me accomplish this. I don't know what happened to Yuqingzhou?"

Li Mowen Yan looked at King Gongxian with contempt. Li Mo wouldn't believe his words, but he just promised him to withdraw from the army and promised him for the time being. As for whether or not to do it is his own thing!

"Good! Lord, you say."

"In a few days, the emperor sent someone to my Yuhuazhou to investigate Liu Ze. It is said that the person here is the current Taishi. I have had some holidays with this person. I want to use this opportunity to let you help me Except. It shouldn’t be difficult for you?”

After King Gongxian finished speaking, a trace of sinister flashed across his face.

"Humph! This old king is really poisonous!"

(End of this chapter)

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