Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 601: Escape

"Yes! You **** big bird actually dare to attack the old man, I really don't know what to do!"

Nangong Yun looked at the angry face of the Dapeng bird swooping down in the air. If it were not for its obstruction, how could Li Mo get the treasure first. Since Li Mo can't be found now, he can only sprinkle all his anger on it.


Dapeng cried a long time, as an ancient beast, although he has not turned into a human form. However, he has already opened his mind and has his own thinking. He hates the Nangong Yun who hurts himself. However, the strength is not good, only to avoid the edge. But Nangong Yun wanted to destroy the cave house where he lived all the year round. How could it be forbearing.

Li Mo, who was hiding in the Xuanyuan mirror, saw the Dapeng bird that appeared suddenly and immediately frowned.

"Haha...Nangong Yun, you will feel better now."

Holding the dragon scale and red sword tightly in his hand, Nangong Yun staring at the outside is always ready to make a sneak attack.


Uh! Uh! Uh...

After a short recovery, the Dapeng bird has stopped the blood. A sharp cries of huge wings continued to fan, several wind blades struck Nangong Cloud!

"Humph! The old man doesn't pull out your feathers, he vows not to be human!"


Mo Xuejian in the hand of Nangong Yun immediately threw it, like a meteor, shooting the Dapeng bird in the air against the wind blade. Although Mo Xuejian no longer has the sword spirit, the power is greatly reduced, but it is still an extremely rare magic weapon.


The Dapeng bird knew that the other party was strong, and did not fight hard with him. The huge wings quickly turned sideways and will avoid Nangong Yun's attack.

A jingling sound, Nangong Yun used his defensive enchantment to resolve the Dapeng bird's wind blade attack.

"Is that the only way? You are a beast who knows nothing!"

Nangong Yun said he couldn't wait for Dapeng Bird to attack him again. The right hand flashed, and a huge energy ball converged in his hand. It contained terrifying energy and blasted out in the direction of Dapeng Bird's dodge.

He didn't want to delay his time. If Li Mo escaped the Emperor's Mausoleum while he was fighting with Dapeng Bird, that would be more than enough. After all, his hatred for Dapeng Bird is far less than Li Mo.


The Dapeng bird is known for its speed, and it drew a beautiful arc into the sky and flew into the sky. Once again escaped Nangong Yun's fatal blow. The huge energy sphere directly hit the wall of the main hall, after making a thunderous sound. The surface of the four dragon columns of the palace began to peel off, and huge stones fell from the top of the black paint again. The ground began to shake violently!

"Haha...I'm not going to destroy this place! Since Li Mo doesn't come out, let's bury it in this emperor's mausoleum with this **** big bird!"

Nangong Yun laughed loudly in the sky, watching the hall collapse. The figure began to move towards the entrance of the hall!


Dapeng Bird did not leave, but attacked Nangongyun again.


The huge beak suddenly opened, and there was a sudden violent wind inside the hall. Nangong Yun was caught by surprise, his body was caught in the air.

"good chance!"

Li Mo, who was hiding in the Xuanyuan mirror, snorted and appeared in the hall in a flash!

In the hand, the dragon scale red sword waved, and another fire dragon spewed out. This time, Li Mo spent all his money to gather most of the spiritual power in his body, which is bound to cause damage to Nangong Yun.

Nangong Yun apparently did not expect Li Mo to appear at this time, and his body was still unsettled in the strong wind. When I saw the fire dragon attacking, I was also shocked with cold sweat!

"Little beast, you are mean!"

After yelling, the defensive enchantment was released again. Mo Xuejian ran across his chest, and a spell was silent in his mouth. A thick ice wall appeared in front of him.

Zi Zi...

A burst of ice and fire sounded, and the ice wall began to melt a little. But it also greatly reduced the fire dragon's attack speed, giving Nangong Yun a hint of breathing.

"go with!"

Seeing such a situation, Li Mo frowned. He took out the charm that Bai Yichen gave him in his arms and threw it away!


The spell equivalent of a high-level martial artist's full blow exploded directly above the ice wall! The ice wall was torn apart in an instant, and the fire dragon did not stop the rapid shot towards Nangong Yun again by the wind.

At this time, Li Mo did not hesitate to throw the last spell left to Nangong Yun.

"I wouldn't believe it would hurt you!"

Li Mo's eyes were full of anger, and all his depressed mood was released at this moment.



Under the influence of the violent wind released by the Dapeng bird, Li Mo's fire dragon immediately wrapped Nangongyun's body in it. With a loud noise, the last spell had already exploded. Nangong Yun is like a fireball and is directly hit by a huge impact force. It hit a dragon post and then stopped.


Under the attack of Li Mo just now, the hall that was on the verge of collapse was finally unable to support it. Four dragon pillars collapsed and countless boulders rolled down from the top of the hall and the walls.

Li Mo immediately transported the strange shape of the "Dragon Strike" to constantly change this position, avoiding the boulders above his head. Finally, he pulled out a long afterimage and quickly escaped from the gate of the palace to the entrance of the cave!

And these things happen just for a moment. Dapeng Bird has been urging his energy to attack Nangong Cloud with all his strength, and he simply thought that there would be humans behind him. Knowing that his nest was about to collapse, he gave up the attack, flapped two huge wings, and chased Li Mo again!


Just after Li Mo left the cave, the opening behind him collapsed immediately, and the huge stone blocked the opening. I dare not use it again in the ‘walking dragon’s footwork’, and jumped through the narrow valley and finally rushed out of the barrier at the mouth of the valley!


Sitting paralyzed, he looked at the lush surroundings and the towering peaks. Li Mo, like another world, exhaled heavily!

"I don't know if Nangong Yun and Dapeng Bird are dead!"

Li Mo looked back and sighed at the transparent barrier behind him.


Just when Li Mo just relaxed, a huge bird head suddenly stretched out into the invisible barrier. Screamed at him with a huge beak!

"Yes! It's really a tough master!"

Seeing the Dapeng bird chased Li Mo stood up and thought about it. Ao Ying immediately turned into a real dragon and appeared between him and Dapeng Bird.


The earth-shattering roar sounded. A flame erupted in Longkou.


Dapeng Bird saw Ao Ying's real body and the burning flame, and immediately backed away with a whimper!

"Ao Ying, it's still you, you can force it back without any effort."

Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief and patted the huge body of Shenlong's true body. With Ao Ying beside him, he no longer has to worry about the **** big bird engaging in a sudden attack.

"Let's leave here as soon as possible! Finally we can go back to Zongmen!"

Li Mo sighed for a long time, recalling all the things that happened on this path, he was terrified. Now he just wanted to return to Zongmen quickly and reunite with his loved ones.

(End of this chapter)

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