Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 720: Nightmare

Those lower-ranking students were also complacent for their martial arts, and the sudden disappearance of the old surnamed Zhang's voice also made them stunned. Because the student Zhang surnamed turned their backs on them, they did not see exactly what happened!

"Brother Zhang! What's wrong?"

"Brother Zhang!"



A student walked behind him and patted him on the shoulder. Unexpectedly, he fell to the ground, and the dead can no longer die!

"Ah... be careful, there are monsters attacking!"

With a scream, ten students immediately formed a circle, and took out their weapons one after another, looking tremblingly and alertly. This student surnamed is the backbone of these people. After they were killed, they began to panic!

"Did you see clearly what attacked him? But he is the strength of the 28th level, what level of monsters can kill him in one blow! I think we should run, stay in He can only be buried here!"

The panic-stricken people heard that someone had proposed a retreat, but there was no disagreement.


With a shout, give yourself the courage, and then everyone will run wild!

Li Mo, who was lurking behind a big tree, couldn't help but pouting when he saw such a situation.

"A group of garbage!"

After that, the figure began to become illusory and disappeared. When it appeared again, it had already reached the group of students.


Drink lightly, when they haven't responded yet. The red golden light of Dragon Scale Red Sword has flashed in the crowd! Their levels are only a dozen or so, and they can't avoid Li Mo's attack. Within a few breathing time, they all died under the dragon scale red sword.

Li Mo did not delay burying all the corpses, and quickly left the place to find his next target!


It was getting dark, and Li Mo took Zi Lingwei back to his temporary residence. In a day, he had wiped out two groups of men and women from the Liulicheng Guild, but he still had some intentions. If he wasn’t worried about the dangers that Zi Lingwei would encounter at night, he was prepared to continue to kill the **** while the darkness fell.

"Li Mo, can you tell me what level you are now!"

Looking at Li Mo, who looked silent, Zi Ling could not help but asked. Because when Li Mo killed the Liulicheng Guild cadets, she was hiding in secret, all in the eyes. The sharp attack and amazing speed were completely the same as when they were in the guild.

"Level 35!"

Li Mo's unusually plain answer did not take any pride in being able to upgrade so many levels in a short period of time. However, listening to Zi Lingwei's ears is different. When Li Mo left the guild, he was only at the level of twenty-two. How can he be able to break through to thirty-fifth in just one month? Not shocked yet.

"Li Mo, aren't you kidding me? Are you level 35? This is impossible!"

Zi Ling shook his head slightly, staring at Li Mo's eyes incredulously. Seems to see if he is lying in his eyes.

"What are you looking at? Don't I have shit!"

Li Mo smiled slightly, and of course he knew why Zi Lingwei looked at himself with such eyes, but he just wanted to tease her deliberately.

"Are you really at level 35?"

"Hey! Don't talk, you have to ask. Tell me, you don't believe it. It's really troublesome!"

"No... I don't believe you, just... it's just hard to accept!"

Zi Lingwei finally believed Li Mo's words, but he didn't show how happy he was, but instead some lonely emotions appeared.

"Zi Lingwei, what's wrong with you?"

Li Mo didn't know why she used such a reaction and asked doubtfully.

"I... I... nothing! You take a break early. You must be tired today. I will be the vigil at night!"

Li Mo didn't bother to sit aside. Because he was facing away from him, Li Mo couldn't see her expression at this moment.

"Uh! Well, it's true that the killing of so many people today is a bit tiring. I'll sleep for a while, and I will pick up your shift later."

Seeing that Zi Lingwei didn't answer, Li Mo didn't want to fall to the ground and fell asleep.

After a moment, a slight snoring sounded, and Zi Ling looked back to Li Mo, who was asleep, with tears on his face!

"You guys, don't know how you upgraded. The time you came to the guild was only two months, from a second-level martial artist to an assassin with a level 35 strength. And I have only now Eighteenth-level strength. Will you look down upon me more in the future?"

Zi Ling looked at Li Mojunlang's face in tears and murmured.

It turned out that the reason she looked lonely after hearing Li Mo's grades was because she was afraid that the gap between Li Mo and her was getting farther and farther away. Originally Li Mo did not promise her to show love, fearing that if she continued this way, she would completely lose Li Mo. After all, people walk high and water flows low. Would Li Mo have such a qualification and it would be a thing in the pool, maybe there would be a better guild that would pick him up, and they might never see him by then.

"Li Mo, if you go to a better guild in the future, even if you enter the royal family, will you still remember me? Ha ha... But whether you remember me or not, I will never forget you. Even if you don’t Accept my love and I will silently bless you."

The tears that spoke of Zi Lingwei were used again, and she didn't know what was wrong with her. Why has he always been so cold that he would be so infatuated with a man who has only known for two months.

"Zi Lingwei, what are you muttering there? Why are you crying?"

Just as Zi Ling wiped her tears slightly, Li Mo's voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah... no... no! I... I'm obsessed with eyes!"

Zi Ling glanced at Li Mo, who slept loose, and got up awkwardly and walked aside. The heartbeat started to accelerate, and my face was already red like a ripe apple.

"Mysterious? It's not windy! Forget it, I can't figure out what's going on with You go to rest!"

Seeing that Li Mo was not forcing himself, Zi Lingwei hurriedly closed his eyes and rested as if relieved, trying to hide the embarrassment in his heart. But she also wanted to let Li Mo know what she was thinking. Now she is extremely contradictory.


The sky is getting brighter and the new day begins. This also means that the rest of the Liulicheng Guild will start their nightmare again!

Li Mo and Zi Lingwei had good luck today, and even discovered the colorful wild horses of the fourth-level monsters in the community. These guys are a very rare fourth-level monster that does not actively attack humans. They look at the colorful wild horses Li Mo with nearly ten horses in their eyes. Although the energy is negligible for him, it is a rare opportunity for Zi Lingwei to upgrade his level.

Li Mo, like Dasheng brought himself to upgrade himself, all these colorful wild horses were seriously injured, let Zi Lingwei complete the final kill!

After one morning, Zi Lingwei awoke in refining. The level actually jumped as much as four levels, breaking through to the level of twenty-two.

"Li Mo! Thank you!"

"Okay! Come on less, we are the five fallen tigers! Are you too polite to say this? Since you have already awakened, then we should also look for the **** of the Liulicheng Guild, otherwise I will always It feels like something has not been done!"

"Hehe... I think you are already killing addiction!"

Zi Ling smiled slightly, and did not oppose Li Mo's proposal.


The students of the Liulicheng Guild were out of luck, and a group of people were killed by Li Mo in half a day. More than 70 people have lost nearly half of the number in just two days!


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