Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 783: Refining Yaodan

It was another morning, and the fifty or so people who saw the evaluation had only 20 people left, including Yang Mu and Xi Xiangnan.

However, Han Tianyu did not disappoint too much. Among the remaining 20 people, some of them have relatively good qualifications and their own attributes are relatively good. But Han Tianyu still has a test waiting for them, and that is to assess their character. He did not dare to accept the students enrolled by Gan Peng at random. What kind of apprentice is taught by the master is an ancient lesson.

Han Tianyu prefers not to stay, or to have scum like Gan Peng mixed in his guild. As for the evaluation of the character, Han Tianyu prepared to hand it over to Lan Jingyuan in two days. After all, he is a veteran of the rivers and lakes. It is his specialty to test one's character.

"Master President, can I continue to be a tutor after I keep the guild?"

Yang Mu came to Han Tianyu diligently and asked with great respect.

"Of course, but only if you have real talent and learn!"

"Oh! That's great, I still know a lot about this aspect of the monster."

"Oh? You know a lot about monster beasts? How much do you know about Yaodan?"

Li Mo saw this person's self-confidence and couldn't help but wonder. It happened that I didn't know how to refine this tenth-level demon pill in my hands, so I asked him first. If Han Tianyu agrees with his statement, it proves that the person did not exaggerate.

Hearing what Li Mo said, Han Tianyu naturally understood his thoughts and looked at Yang Mu with great interest.

"Hehe... this is the case, after the monster has advanced to the eighth level, it will generate a crystal nucleus in the body, which is what we call the demon. The reason why the crystal nucleus is generated is because the monster follows the level. The growth body can no longer store more energy, so the energy is stored in the demon pill. After its death, the energy will not benefit the body, but will all enter the demon pill. So its energy It will not be scattered like low-level monsters, but can be kept for a long time!"

"Well! It seems quite reasonable, then do you know how to distinguish between the demon pill of several monsters and how to refine the demon pill?"

Li Mojian said that what he said was exactly the same as that of Lan Jingyuan, but also more detailed, and that his interest was more intense.

"Oh! This is simple. As far as I know, the colors of the demon are divided into four types. White represents the demon of the eighth-level monster, gold represents the demon of the nine-level monster, and red is the The demon representing the tenth-level monster, the black demon is the eleven-level monster, but I have only seen the nine-level or above demon in the book. As for how to refine the demon, it is even more It’s simple, as long as the demon swallows the energy in the guide and runs through the whole body!"

Li Mo could not help but glance at Han Tianyu, and when he nodded with satisfaction, Li Mo said to Yang Mu again.

"Mr. Yang really is well-informed and knowledgeable! If I still have problems in this area, I will inevitably disturb you!"

"Dare...Dare not..."

When Li Mo killed Hou Bo yesterday, Yang Mu was present. Although Li Mo kept Yinxinyu on his body, Yang Mu could not see his grade clearly. But he can kill a fifty-level warlock in one blow. He believes that Li Mo's strength should definitely be above Hou Bo. Today Li Mo asked him questions so politely, but kept him in a state of tension. I was afraid that my question would not be answered well, and I would be killed.

"That's good! I'll leave if I have anything else!"

After talking, Li Mo walked directly to his temporary residence.

Looking at Li Mo's back, Han Tianyu shook his head helplessly, of course he knew what Li Mo was doing. So he called Land Rover to his side and told him to check Li Mo and let no one disturb him!

Li Mo, who returned to the room, immediately sat cross-legged and took the demon out. Seeing the size of an egg, the red demon Li Mo swallowed it in one bite.

Suddenly there was a feeling of heat in the body, strong energy began to chaos in the body, and severe pain followed. Li Moqiang endured the pain, guarding the trace of clarity in his mind, and began to slowly smooth the violent energy in his body a little bit, guiding them to swim in his own strange meridians.

This sitting is a day's time, until the night came when Li Mo's pain was relieved. However, the energy contained in this tenth level demon pill is too huge, and he only refined one-fifth of the time in a day.

"Yes, this **** Yang Mu dare to lie to me, why didn't he tell me that the refining process is so painful!"


With the passage of time, three days have passed in the blink of an eye, Li Mo still has a small half of his energy unrefined. But at this time, I don't know if the pain has alleviated, or whether he has adapted to the heartache and numbness. It is much better than the first two, anymore.

But he only cares about absorbing the energy of Yaodan, and has no idea of ​​time at all.

"Mr. President, this little desert has not been out for three days. Will there be any danger, shall I go in and see?"

Land Rover guarded Li Mo for three days and saw that there was still no movement and he began to worry.

"No, he absorbs the demon pill of the tenth level beast, even if I change it, I have to take two or three days. Don't worry about it. In at most three days, he must come out safely, just don't know if he can do it this time. What a surprise to us!"

"Hey! Okay."

After speaking, Land Rover walked towards Li Mo's residence again. Except for the time when he just asked Han Tianyu to leave for a while, he even stayed at Li Mo's door even eating and sleeping, for fear of any accidents when Li Mo was disturbed.

On the night of the fourth day, Li Mozhong saw the dawn of hope! There is not much energy left in the demon pill, and it only takes a few more hours to be fully refined. At the same time these days without Li Mo's knowledge, his level is also increasing rapidly, so far he has reached the forty-fifth strength.

As the moon rises, Li Mo finally refines the energy of the last demon pill in his body in the early morning of the fifth day, and his level is again raised to level 46.


Li Mo pressed his lazy waist hard and moved his legs that were numb and unconscious. Then he stumbled towards the door.


Opening the door of the house, the Land Rover leaning against the door and taking a nap did not pay attention and fell to the ground!

"Ah! What's going on? Hmm..."

A clever alert from Land Rover stood up and glanced around. When he saw Li Mozheng looking at him suspiciously, he felt relieved.

"Xiao Mo, you are awake! Frightened me, I thought someone would attack you.

"Land Rover tutor, how long have I been in the room?"

"Five days."

"Five days? You have been watching me for these five days?"

"Of course, the chairman is afraid that you will be disturbed, so that makes me look at you."

Li Mo looked upright, and the tired Land Rover suddenly felt warm in his heart.

"Land Rover mentor, I'm fine. You go to rest!"

"Oh... It doesn't matter, I'm not tired either. I didn't delay eating or sleeping, but felt that it was cooler to sleep outside than in the room. Eh! What's wrong with your feet?"

"Sitting for five days, numb!"


Knowing that Li Mo had refined Yaodan, Han Tianyu and Leng Yihan hurriedly moved Li Mo's room.

" really have a kid, a tenth-level monster beast and demon, even let you break through six levels in a row! It seems that your refining is very thorough, there is no waste."

"Isn't it wasted yet? The vice-chairman has said that I can reach the highest level forty-seventh. It is now one level behind, but I really don't know where that level of energy is wasted."

Li Mo said to Han Tianyu with regret.

"I said your kid is okay, are you still not satisfied with the increase of six levels?"

"Adult President, how can I be satisfied? Obviously you can add seven levels, you don't know, the more difficult it is to upgrade. The energy of this level I have to kill how many monsters to make up for! "

It's not that Li Mo is too real, but it is in desperate need of energy now. Now even a trace of energy is very important to him, not to mention this whole level of energy.

" I will go to Yang Mu and ask!"

He did not care about Han Tianyu and walked out staggeringly.


"Mr. Yang Mu! Ms. Yang Mu..."

"Oh? It's Li Mo. I haven't seen you for a few days. Where did you come back? And your face is not good-looking. Have you had such heavy dark circles that you haven't taken a rest recently?"

"I am not looking for you to let me see a doctor. I ask you, if the forty-level strength refines a tenth-level monster beast, how many levels will increase?"

"This...this should be about five to seven levels."

"Can you be more specific!"

"I really don't know about this, I have all seen it in the books. I haven't seen what the demon pill of the tenth level beast looks like, how do you let me answer you? If you have to ask me to answer, Then compromise on level 6!"

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