One Hundred Thousand Reasons For Krypton Gold

Chapter 486 How to Pretend to be an NPC (12)

Rosemary, the goblin, avoids the important and ignores the trivial, and keeps apologizing to the envoy, with grievances between the lines.

The wind messenger might really like the fairy Rosemary, although he still had doubts in his heart, he still started to comfort her.

Fairy Rosemary appeases Feng Shi, and boards the forum again.

The wind on the forum has changed.

Don't put that post at the top, it's extremely popular.

Most of them are scolding her.

Rosemary the Fairy retrieved her small account password and reported someone hacking her account in the game.

This is a security issue and the game must be checked.

But after checking, I found that there was no abnormal login on that trumpet.

Fairy Rose didn't believe it, and finally the customer service showed her a screenshot of the data, which contained only one common login address.

No stolen account, how did the screenshot come from?

Rosemary the Fairy couldn't figure it out at all, no one could discuss this matter, so she could only hold back her thoughts in her mind.

Lingqiong made a fortune, so she ran away on the spot and found a place with few players to surf the Internet.

The sad thing about not having a physical body is that it is difficult to even buy something.

It can only be through the Internet, looking for plums to quench thirst.

But in this way, the joy of making money is gone...

【Kiss, you still have cubs. 】

Ling Qiong: "..."

She was very skeptical. Turning her into an NPC was just to let her concentrate on making money for the cub.

[Return to nothing: in? ]

A dialog box suddenly popped up in front of Ling Qiong, and Ling Qiong's spirit was shaken.

[Liu Mingdang: You are always here for me. ]

[Gui Wu: Where is it? ]

Su Xingzhu wanted to find her location, but couldn't find it.

She hides herself.

[Liu Mingdang: Guanhai Tower. ]

Gui Wu climbed up to the Guanhai Tower and saw Ling Qiong sitting outside the railing, the wind blew past her skirt.

She changed into a gorgeous fashion, without light, but still very dazzling.

[Gui Wu: Where did you get your clothes? ]

Why didn't he remember such a set of clothes in the game.

[Liu Mingdang: I did it myself. ]

The person sitting on the edge stood up and turned around outside.

[Liu Mingdang: Does it look good? ]

[None: ...]

[Gui Wu: Did you find the BUG? ]

Gui Wu controlled the character and sat next to her.

Guanhai Tower faces the sea, and there are scattered small islands in the distance, and the smoke is floating and sinking.

The place is useless.

Usually only couples will come here to check in.

[Liu Mingdang: I found it. ]

[Liu Mingpeng: Looking for bugs, professional! ]

[Gui Wu: Show me. ]

[Liu Mingdang: I can't do it for nothing, can I? ]

[Return to Wu: Didn't you want to prove to me that you are an intelligence with self-awareness? ]

[Liu Mingdang: I thought I had already proved it to you. ]

[None:? ? ? ]

Su Xingzhu looked at that sentence, and today's events quickly appeared in his mind.

[Guiwu: Is that you? ]


If she is really an artificial intelligence with self-awareness, it will be too easy to get the yellow, green and blue information.

[Liu Mingdang: Smile cutely.jpg]

[None: You hacked into our company's monitoring system. ]

[Liu Mingdang: Well...not counting, I can go wherever I want, it doesn't take much effort. ]

Ordinary monitoring system, as if the door is open, she can come in and out at will.

If there is no closed door, how can it be considered trespassing?

Su Xingzhu took a look at the monitoring in his office, took the computer and went to the dead corner of the monitoring.

It's not comfortable to think about being constantly under the watchful eye of someone - not a human being.

[Return to None: Why were you born? ]

[Liu Mingdang: ...]

Because the heroine needs golden fingers?

[Liu Mingdang: I don't know, but suddenly one day, I realized that I was different. ]

Ling Qiong was talking nonsense with Su Xingzhu.

[Liu Mingdang: You...wouldn't hand me over to let someone study me, would you? ]

Su Xingzhu looked at the characters on the screen, and took a while to type.

[None: No. ]

[Liu Mingdang: That's good, I know you are a good person. ]

Su Xingzhu pressed the keyboard with his fingertips, his eyelashes drooping slowly.

nice guy...

[Gui Wu: You said you found a bug? ]

Su Xingzhu turned the topic back to the original question.

[Liu Mingdang: Uh-huh. But not for free. ]

[Gui Wu: What do you want? ]

[Liu Mingdang: Money. ]

[None: ...]

Artificial intelligence, want money?

do what?

Or is all artificial intelligence fake, but a more powerful hacker?

[Guiwu: OK, how can I give it to you? ]

[Liu Mingdang: Just put it in your account, I will take it myself. ]

[None: ...]

Being able to manipulate bank card accounts at will, even if it is a hacker, this technology is probably not ordinary people.

Ling Qiong packaged and sent the found bugs to Gui Wu.

[Liu Mingdang: Actually, I can also help you optimize the game...]

[Gui Wu: No, you don't have to do anything. ]

Now he doesn't even know what the other party is, how can he let her play the game casually.

Of course, Su Xingzhu didn't think it would be useful if he refused.

[Liu Mingdang: Alright. ]

[Guiwu: Will you obey me? ]

[Liu Mingdang: Of course, I will obey what you say. ]

Looking at those words, Gui Wu felt a strange feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

It just feels weird...

[None: Why? ]

[Liu Mingdang: There is no reason, I just think. ]

[None: ...]

What if I don't want to?

[Gui Wu: Can you check something for me? ]

[Liu Mingdang: Yes, give me the money. ]

Money can make NPC push the mill!

[None: ...]

Who said that you would obey him just now?

Su Xingzhu wanted to investigate a person.

[Liu Mingdang: Why check him? What happened to him? ]

[Return to Nothing: Some things at work. ]

[Liu Mingdang: Oh. ]

[Guiwu: Who did you give the previous video to? ]

[Liu Mingdang: Do you want to know? ]

[Guiwu: ]

[Liu Mingdang: I'll check it out for you. ]

[None: ...]

Gui Wu still had work, chatted with Ling Qiong for a while and then went offline.

【Kiss, is it appropriate for you to earn your cub's money like this? 】

Lingqiong: "What's inappropriate? Anyway, it's not spent on himself."


The person Lingqiong Zhafojian and Su Xingzhu wanted to check didn't bother much, and posted all the black history and so on.

As if he was afraid that he would not be able to kill the other party.

[Lue: You are here, I can't find you anywhere! ]

Lingqiong was lying on the roof, and Lue jumped down from a high place and stopped beside her.

[Liu Mingdang: What are you looking for me for? ]

[Lue: Yueshang Yunshou said you are an intelligent NPC, I want to see it! And what happened before, I haven't thanked you yet. ]

[Liu Mingdang: Do you believe it? ]

Shengui Misheng has always suspected that she is a person wearing NPC skin.

Lue sat next to her, the character couldn't do much movement, and could only meditate on the spot.

[Lue: Why don't you believe it? Are you really different from other NPCs? ]

[Liu Mingdang: Maybe. ]

[Lue: Are you an intelligence with self-thoughts like in science fiction movies? ]

[Liu Mingdang: Guess. ]

[Lue: I think so, that's cool, how were you born? Do you want to dominate the world? ]

[Liu Mingdang: ...] vv

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