The look on his face became a little unpredictable.

It seems that there should be a plan for these things, and this is a good ending.

After all, it is much better than tearing down the east wall and making up the west wall at that time, although I don't know how to deal with all this, but the problem that should be solved is definitely an indispensable aspect.

With cooperation, the next things can be done better and better, so the answers to the corresponding questions are not a very important plot in my own way.

But it's definitely not a link to drop the chain here, so you have to keep it firmly and guard the last line of defense here, otherwise the problems that happen next are likely to become the iron plate you kick here.

The change that everyone expects is going to happen, but it doesn't mean that in this situation, everyone's pressure is also an added value, so why can't you think about doing such a thankless thing here.

I don't think it's such a harmonious atmosphere, and it may even lead to some other troublesome events, so I am now extremely eager to escape from all this, and it can be regarded as giving a special image in this process.

Some of the answers I was looking forward to had a special impression long ago, so whatever the answers that were triggered at this time may not be as difficult as I imagined.

It's always an undesirable situation, so the time they waste in the process is not as drastic as they think.

It has always been my own ability to fish for big fish with a long line, and it is also a result of continuous consideration here, and if I make an understanding based on those things before, then it is undoubtedly a better situation now.

It's just that under such a position, I don't know how to deal with all this.

You may get two iron plates kicked because of this, but it's not a big deal for you.

Although there was no turning back from the bow, he didn't encounter too many problems in this matter, and he felt that everyone was more like accommodating themselves here.

If, in such a situation, you have to look at the measurement and say something strange, it is really a bit of a headache.

But the problems that I keep thinking about here have not changed because of this, in fact, everyone's thoughts are very simple, but under such a big premise, there has been a little change.

It is estimated that no one likes such a situation, but in such an environment, he also made a consistent statement.

Thinking about it, this should be the most evasive and unwilling thing for everyone to face, and it is very likely that doing it by yourself will not attract their help, and it will cause some other trouble here.

However, the moment this device is activated, all the environments on the entire island will be encompassed, and no matter who you are and what you think in the process.

It doesn't matter what kind of idea you have, someone will take your place and intercept everything in the outermost position, which makes people a little confused, but the corresponding answer is a more headache situation.

After all, the emergence of problems is like a nightmare, and I am constantly wandering here, even in an extremely confused situation.

However, under such a problem, some of the scenarios that I can solve are like a problem that keeps following, and gradually spreads in front of me.

If you want to bypass all this, it will not be as simple as you imagined. All of this is indeed an opportunity, but such a situation must also be based on the help you want most.

"Now it's just the two of us here, if you don't want to cause too much trouble, then you can only listen to me first.

"I know all these things, but you have to think about it, and if there is any problem, then there is no turning back.

"Could it be that the two of us can't match one Qin Feng?"

These words were the straw that finally overwhelmed everyone, after all, for this white beard, he also had a little pride in his heart.

There must also be some dissatisfaction with these things here, so no matter what Qin Feng mentioned, there are some things that cannot be bypassed.

But some of the answers I was looking forward to have become an extremely desirable situation.

In all probability, this should be my previous thoughts, but because of the pressure of an added value, I was forced to fall into such a relief here.

Is this the last change in oneself?

Just thinking about it in my head, I feel that all this is extremely undesirable, not to mention the troubles that follow.

But some of the answers that I speculated on soon became the pressure on my face here, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with my ideas, but the generation of opportunities is unnecessary, and if I really want to induce all this, it will probably take some time.

In the process of his continuous guidance, the people in front of him made some other moves, encompassing all of them, and it seemed that everyone's previous thoughts were really not wrong, which was enough to become the best ending.

With these things, I didn't hesitate to go to these places, after all, there will definitely be some loopholes in the corresponding problems, but in this process, how do you have to feel to be able to surround everything here?

This is indeed a forming method, but the problems you encounter here are not as simple as you imagined, it is very likely that these guys have blocked all the possibilities in an outermost position.

So the answers exposed to yourself are also very few, and you don't know how to deal with all this, but the emergence of opportunities is often not so complicated.

At this time, he is extremely glad that such a problem has not changed in those impossible ways.

After all, if you really do this, then you have to think about the rest of the answers.

If there are some loopholes, I must turn the tide and press everything here, if it spreads out and will cause some bad results, then I am not sure if I can expect them to complete all this.

Fortunately, there are many things under the whole island that are not quite the same as I imagined. The opinion I understand here is also a very tricky angle.

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