[Congratulations to the host for completing the task.] [

Quest completion progress: 3/4, currently remaining: South China Sea. 【

Come on, host!There is only one last small step away from the dragon's supernatural power!Take this step, you are the most dazzling cub on the sea!】

Qin Feng always felt that the system was becoming more and more vivid and flexible now, and now he finally knew how to encourage himself as a host to complete the task, instead of only threatening to deduct rewards as before.

[Of course, if you don't complete the task within the time limit, the punishment will be very miserable~]

Qin Feng: When I didn't say it just now.

Isn't this still a threat?

And if memory serves, the previous mission punishment will never make it to the second phase.

"Lao Tzu has already been in the second stage, can you still mess with me now?"

[Detecting that the host is dissatisfied with the system, the first warning.] The quest penalty is absolute, and even if the host has entered the second phase, the system can lock the ability of the dragon fruit. Okay

, you're an uncle, listen to you.

Qin Feng had to admit that he could only kneel when facing this thing.

Bick looked at Qin Feng, who had been talking to himself for a long time, with a wonderful expression on his face, and he didn't know what to do,

in case this guy was actually a madman... It really looks like, who is this person talking

to? Is it a madman? Or is there some kind of schizophrenia? A person treats himself as two people, where does he communicate with himself?

When Qin Feng finally gave up reasoning with the system, arguing with reason had no effect on the system, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that Bick was still playing with the blind box.

"What's wrong? Don't plan to open it now? Or won't it open?" "

This thing has such a simple structure, it can't really be that it can't open the box.

Give the key to a monkey, and the monkey will be able to open it after a few more experiments.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay, I'll open it, I'll open it!" Vic

hurriedly opened the blind box, a burst of light flashed, and an antique-looking book appeared in front of Vic: "Qianyuan Gongfa" "

Well, it's not bad, it's much stronger than giving you a weapon casually, this is an artifact refining technique from another world, as long as you practice it, you will definitely grow over time."

Seeing that the task had been completed, Qin Feng went back to his room and fell asleep, leaving Bick alone, holding this strange-looking exercise, tangled and hesitating.

The things written in this book look good... But can you really practice like this? Or, can this kind of thing really be trusted

? Why have I never seen anything like this before? I haven't heard of other people practicing this kind of secret book exercise?"

"Forget it, that person doesn't need to lie to me, and it's better than nothing, if someone finds out that I have been lying to people all along, and the test on the ship is also deceiving people, then I will be completely finished


Bick gritted his teeth, just fell asleep, and now he was disturbed by Qin Feng like this, he was so excited and uneasy, he couldn't sleep on the bed over and over, he simply didn't sleep anymore, and began to practice this "Qianyuan Gongfa" overnight.

When he woke up the next day, Vic's eyes were red, and the dark circles under his eyes were extremely obvious, but his spirit seemed to be very good, and he had a wonderful temperament and full of confidence.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I? You kid is also lucky, otherwise many other people would have opened it would have been rubbish, or simply thank you for your patronage. "

Well, thank you, uncle, I practiced all night last night, and now I feel refreshed, and I can feel that wonderful feeling.

Vic whispered to Qin Feng.

"Don't call me uncle, just call me Qin Feng, I'm just an ordinary blind box merchant. You spend money on blind boxes, and everything you open is all because of your own luck, don't thank me. "

Okay, Brother Qin Feng. The

next day passed in a hurry, and the number of people on board the ship only increased to a dozen, and then the fleet set off in a hurry, heading in an unknown direction.

And these newcomers who have just boarded the ship are not allowed to run around, and can only be in a limited space every day, in addition to eating, drinking, and sleeping, they are exercising with all kinds of equipment.

Well, this is actually the daily life of most sea voyages, confined to a small environment for a long time, and boring to the extreme.

On other ships, whether it's a pirate ship or a merchant ship, at least you can go out fishing, bask in the sun or something, blow the sea breeze, and have a little bit of fun in life.

But now that they are on someone's territory, they are not allowed to even go out of their rooms, and this group of people has the illusion that they are like prisoners in custody - except for Qin Feng.

How could Qin Feng bear to be nested here? He did come to the boat to have fun, but he wasn't locked here and called it fun.

Qin Feng directly manipulated the airflow into the lock cylinder, hit the lock pin to physically unlock the lock, and ran out every day to wander around, stealing two bottles of wine to drink, or going to the restaurant to steal some food for other upper-class people.

For the sake of Robin's physical and mental health, Qin Feng didn't forget to bring the little Robin, and the two of them picked and chose in the unmanned warehouse, eating and drinking in the kitchen:

"This sea snake meat stew is really rotten, and the soup tastes great, I have to taste it." "

What we eat is dog food, and what this group of people eat is called food~" "

Eh, there's still cider here? Take a few bottles back and taste it, I don't know which one is better than the ones I drank before." "

In addition to these places, Qin Feng is actually interested in the Vince Mock family's various laboratories, science and technology centers, and the production of combat uniforms.

If it weren't for the fact that they had their own secrecy system and anti-intrusion alarm, Qin Feng wouldn't have fully figured out the operation of those things by now, otherwise he would have already gone in and stolen them clean.

"Speaking of which, where have you been going these days..."

Qin Feng had to go up to the top of the mast every day to take a look, confirm the surrounding environment,

and calculate where he had gone now.

"Today, the reef area that just passed by looks like the Masolina Reef Group, so we're going all the way south, and we're going straight across the South China Sea? Qin

Feng didn't know what Gazhi was thinking in his head, maybe it was the plot of the killer organizing a thousand-mile hunt, and there was no need to delve too deep, just follow the mess and be done.

However, a few days later, a strange order made Qin Feng feel that something was not quite right.

"Blood collection and physical examination?Then why do you smoke so much? This is enough to drink..."Qin

Feng looked at the big needle, and his face turned green.

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