One Piece Talent System

Chapter 377 It's Him!


"You said that two people killed this group of pirates?"

Cobra looked at Vivi in ​​surprise, he knew that Vivi would not lie, and said, "Do you know who they are?!"

Weiwei shook her head and said, "I don't know."

The man and woman left directly after killing the Jackal Pirates, without talking to her at all, and did not give her a chance to ask and thank her.

Cobra turned to look at the guard next to him.

There was a trace of cold sweat on the guard's face, and said: "All the pirates have their neck bones twisted, and from what Her Royal Highness said, it seems that it happened in an instant..."

"Did you break the neck bones of all the pirates in an instant?"

Cobra also showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He already knew the origin of this group of pirates. It was the Jackal Pirates. The captain Jackal offered a bounty as high as 42 million Baileys. Without the power to resist, like his subordinates, they were all wiped out directly.

Bell, the adjutant of the Kingdom Guard, said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, although I didn't see anything specific, but according to what Her Royal Highness described, it should be some kind of devil fruit ability."

Being able to instantly kill a ship of pirates from a distance is obviously not something that can be done with normal moves.


Cobra nodded, agreeing with Bell's statement.

This is the great route, and devil fruits are not uncommon. Bell is a devil fruit capable person, the falcon form of the bird fruit, and has the ability to fly.


Weiwei frowned slightly, thinking deeply, and said, "Among those two people, I feel like I've seen one of them somewhere."

Because from a distance, she didn't see very clearly, and she only had a glimpse, and the other party walked away after making a move, without giving her a chance to look carefully, so now she can only search by memory.

"Where did you see it?"

Hearing Weiwei's words, everyone present couldn't help showing strange expressions.

Weiwei is the princess of Alabasta. Although she is outgoing and cheerful, she often ran out of the palace to play when she was a child, but she still has much less contact with the outside world than ordinary people.

Coupled with the fact that she was only fourteen years old, she had seen even fewer people.

And having such a powerful strength makes Weiwei feel familiar. If these two conditions are combined, it seems that it is difficult to find a suitable character.

"Those two people are not navy."

After pondering, Cobra asked Vivi.

Weiwei nodded. Although she couldn't see clearly, the clothes of the two men's boats were obviously not navy uniforms, nor did they have the cloak of justice.

A group of people were thinking hard, but they still couldn't figure out who they were.

Cobra finally shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, they saved Vivi. If we have a chance to see her in the future, we must thank them face to face."

Weiwei hummed, and followed Cobra and the others back to the palace, but she kept frowning slightly and lowered her head in deep thought all the way.

This kind of feeling that feels familiar but can't be imagined is very tangled.

I don't know how long it has been.

Everyone finally returned to the palace of Alabasta. Weiwei and Cobra got off Karooduck's back, walked towards the palace together with the captain of the guard and others.

After returning to the palace, Cobra picked up a reward order on the coffee table, and said to the guards: "By the way, inform the Navy that the Jackal Pirates have been wiped out.


The guard next to him responded.

But at this moment, Wei Wei, who was standing on the left side of Cobra, was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took the "Jackal" reward order from Cobra's hand.

"What's wrong?"

Cobra looked at Vivi strangely.

Weiwei looked at the reward order in her hand, a gleam of light gradually lit up in her eyes, and said: "I remembered, I seem to have seen that person in the reward order!"

"A reward order?"

Cobra was stunned for a moment, then his face changed slightly, the people on the reward list were either pirates or heinous criminals.

Such a person would actually save Weiwei? !

He couldn't believe it.

However, Weiwei grasped the flash of light in her thoughts, and did not intend to let it go, she said to Cobra: "Father, what about the reward orders issued by the government?"

Although it was a little hard to believe, Cobra still said: "In the archives, I'll let someone get it... Well, it should be a bit much."

After ordering the guards to get the reward order, Cobra sat on the chair, showing a look of contemplation. If the person who saved Weiwei was really a pirate, what was the other party's purpose?

Do not.

No matter what, Weiwei was saved after all, no matter whether the identity of the other party is a pirate or not, he must thank the other party.

The guards quickly brought a large pile of reward orders.

Cobra hesitated for a moment, and asked the guards to separate out those with a reward of more than 50 million Baileys—they could easily destroy the Jackal Pirates, which must be much better than the Jackal Pirates.

If more than 50 million Baileys were selected, the reward orders were immediately reduced, but a large stack was still sorted out and stacked on the coffee table.

Weiwei rushed over and looked carefully one by one.

Because it is a reward order kept in the archive room, it is arranged very neatly, and the reward amount is arranged in order of high and low, which is convenient for inquiry.

The top one is a pirate with a bounty of 50 million Baileys. After taking a look, Weiwei flipped it over and looked at the second one, then the third...the fourth...

The seventh...



With Weiwei's continuous page-turning, the pile of reward orders was quickly turned over halfway, but still no reward order could be found that matched the figure in memory.

"Have you found it yet?"

Cobra sat next to her, watching Weiwei flip through the bounty order, and seeing that she had found a pirate with a bounty of more than 200 million, she couldn't help asking.

Weiwei shook her head and continued to turn backwards, only Ross's face was slightly blurred due to the distance in her mind.

When she turned to Robin's reward offer, she paused for a moment, feeling a bit like the woman she saw today, but she wanted to find the man, so she let it go first.

In the future, the amount of bounty offered by pirates will start to get higher and higher.

300 million Baileys...

400 million Baileys...

500 million Baileys...

Cobra watched from the side, and when he saw Weiwei dig out the pirate with 500 million Baileys, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"Could it be that you remember wrongly?"

The pirates that go up are all influential figures in the new world, and they all have the qualifications to serve as the king's seven martial arts, let alone go up, either they are the signature characters under the four emperors, or they are even the navy headquarters. All headaches exist.

What's more, he was wondering how the pirates could save Weiwei.

Not just Cobra.

Even Weiwei was a little suspicious at the moment, because she had found the pirate with a bounty of one billion, and there were not many left.

"Maybe I really misremembered..."

Weiwei responded, and continued to flip through the pages, only the last few were left.

Redhead Shanks...

Beast Kaido...

Ghost Hand Ross...

Weiwei was about to turn over the last few sheets subconsciously, but at this moment, she suddenly froze for a moment, turned back the one she just turned over, stared at the person on this sheet and blinked Eye.

The atmosphere came to a standstill.

Weiwei took a deep breath, a hint of shock appeared in her eyes, and she took a second look carefully in disbelief.

"I found it!"

Cobra was thinking about things with his head down, and he hadn't looked at Weiwei to turn over the reward order. Hearing Weiwei's words at this time, he couldn't help turning his head.

The moment he saw the reward order, he was also stunned.

"It's him?!"

"That's right, it's him."

Vivi took a deep breath.

Hearing Weiwei's answer, Cobra's expression changed dramatically.

The captain of the guard, the adjutant Bell, and others beside him were all dumbfounded, they looked at each other, and couldn't help but gasp in their hearts.

Four emperors?

It turned out to be the Four Emperors?

The Four Emperors actually appeared in Alabasta!

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