Thousands of aircraft carrier-based aircraft.

Turn into a stream of light chasing the stars and the moon.

Across the raging battlefield.

With an attitude of going forward in an indomitable manner.

Charged towards Titan.

As a super flagship after the Titan.

The main combat power of the Night God-class aircraft carrier.

The attack power of a thousand aircraft carriers.

Approximately equal to nearly two dreadnoughts combined.

And when the attack mode is turned on.

After sacrificing some defense and flexibility.

The lethality of carrier-based aircraft against energy shield types.

Become stronger.

Just starting with the Titan super flagship.

Seven seconds after the exchange of fire.

Titan's thick mountain-like shield.

Then there were weak waves.

That represents carrier-based aircraft.

Deals effective damage to Titan's shields.

"Voidfortress Laser Turret. 17"

"Missile launch platform.

"Lock all Titans."

"Overload triple shot."

On the Void Fortress.

Tens of thousands of laser turrets.

120 heavy missile launch platforms.

Start moving in the same direction at the same time.

Pour out firepower.

A dense beam of energy.

It turned into a huge and irresistible torrent.

Will try to resist along the way.

Divine Imperial Battleship.

All turned into sparks flickering in the void.

Until it hit Titan's huge body.

Only then set off a huge flame.

Void Bastion's saturation strike.

Let the Titan's shield.

Obviously dimmed.

Shield strength.

It fell directly by three percent.

But this was only a temporary victory.

According to the previous performance of Titan on the battlefield.

Every twenty-five seconds.

Its shield will undergo a major repair.

If not within a short period of time.

Do enough damage to it.

So all the previous efforts.

All will be in vain.

"Golem psionic battleship."

"Target Titan."

"Full fire."

After Void Fortress.

Luo Li immediately put in the third hole card in his hand.

Even in the main control room of the Void Fortress.

But benefit from.

The group blessing ability of the fleet commander profession.

Luo Li can still command remotely.

Golem psionic battleship.

The attack power was no less powerful than when he was driving it himself.

at the same time.

This attack.

Not only is it blessed with a basic 2.5 times increase in professional skills.

Luo Li also makes use of mythological relics.

King Power: The ability of the psionic energy sequence.

An additional 200 points of battleship psionic energy values ​​exclusive to the legacy were invested.

Let the psionic battleship's attack power increase.

On the basis of skill support.

Continue to double.

This magnification.

It has not reached the ability limit of the Throne: Psionic sequence.

But corresponding.

The consumed battleship's psionic energy value.

It's not too much.

Enough to last a long time.


The nether energy battleship erupted.

An attack equivalent to the firepower of four dreadnoughts.

Falling on Titan.

Increases its shield strength all at once.

Another 1.4% was cut off.

And this time.

Titan's recovery cycle of every twenty-five seconds has come.

A burst of light blue light.

Floating on Titan's shield.

Quickly repair its damaged strength.

Half a second later.

The halo disappears.

The shield is restored to its original state.

Only high-precision electron optical telescopes.

can be distinguished from it.

It compares to when it was originally intact.

The light that emanates.

A little weaker.

this means.

Luo Li's previous attack.

Not all have been erased.

Just keep at it.

Sooner or later, the Titan's shield will be blasted away.

Time is in this difficult see-saw.

Another ten minutes passed.

Before the eighth Titan Doomsday Judgment.

The main gun of the Void Fortress.

Scorpion Death Ray Cannon.

Finally ended its long cooling-off period.

Blooming since titan entry.

A second golden glow.

It seemed like a beam of light that could end all things.

Pierce the battlefield.

Hit the Titan hard.

Put it already in Luo Li's turn of attacks.

A broken shield.

It was blown to pieces on the spot.

Then on its hull.

Unbridled release.

It seems like endless energy.


When the 820 light beam dissipates.

On the outer layer of armor at the bow of the Titan.

A grayish-white color appeared.

That represents the material that makes up its armor.

It has lost the unique resistance of Titan.

Only the hardness of the material itself remains.

"It worked."

Luo Li took a deep breath.

He suddenly stood up.

Don't hesitate to consume limited mechanical power.

Directly use the teleportation skills of the star ring weapon.

One step away from the main control room.

Stepping onto the bridge of the golem's psionic battleship.

"Let's go."

A battleship ten kilometers long.

All lights at the front and rear are on.

Several tail ion propulsion engines.

Produces surging thrust.

In just a few seconds.

Just accelerate the warship to a speed close to that of a cruise missile.

Luo Li is on the console.

Set the destination to where the Titan is.

Then take control of the battleship.

Temporarily handed over to the ship's tactical computer for automatic control.

He himself was wearing a star ring weapon.

Standing quietly by the porthole of the bridge.

Staring at the battlefield outside. .

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